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Appointment setting and callback program: Log phone calls and set appointment dates and times for leads

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Appointment setting and callback program

A request is featured when there is no good recommended package on the site when it is posted. Edit

Picture of Jim Smith by Jim Smith - 3 days ago (2016-04-27)

Log phone calls and set appointment dates and times for leads

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CRMs are too bloated, so I am looking for simple appointment setting and follow-up script/program that I can use locally using XAMMP on Windows 7.

  • 1 Clarification request
  • 1. Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos - Yesterday (2016-04-29) Reply

    There are some packages that let you set dates in calendars but things like log phone calls and record customer is something for a more complete CRM package.

    Maybe some developer already has some thing ready to do that.

    • 2. Picture of Jim Smith by Jim Smith - Less than 1 hour ago (2016-04-30) in reply to comment 1 by Manuel Lemos Comment

      Hello Manuel

      Thanks for replying.

      Yes it is going to be challenge.

Ask clarification

1 Recommendation

Jquery Calendar Render: Render a date picker using jQuery calendar plugin

This recommendation solves the problem.
This recommendation does not solve the problem.


Picture of Anthony Amolochitis by Anthony Amolochitis package author package author Reputation 380 - 14 hours ago (2016-04-29) Comment

Here is a calendar render class.

I have created something that you are wanting, but not in a self contained package. It is more complex than a simple class. You will need a method to: 1. Set and store the appointments. I would say a database is good for that, but there are other methods too. I'd suggest a database with the appropriate tables. 2. A scheduled script to check and see if appointment notifications need to go out. 3. An email delivery system to send those appointments out. Make sure your emails follow best practices.

Hope this helps. Enjoy

  • 1 Comment
  • 1. Picture of Jim Smith by Jim Smith - Less than 1 hour ago (2016-04-30) Reply

    Thank you Anthony

    Have downloaded your calendar render class. I am sure that it will help.

    It's the db design and relationships that I am concentrating on to begin with.

    For the coding to make to do what I want it to do is what will present a massive challenge.


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