PHP Classes

GIF images into animated GIF with native PHP class: Generate GIF animations from a set of GIF images

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  Author Author  
Picture of László Zsidi
Name: László Zsidi <contact>
Classes: 13 packages by
Country: Hungary Hungary
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 10x

Winner: 1x

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This class can be used to generate a GIF animation from a set of individual frames in GIF image format.

The class takes as input parameters the list of GIF frame image files, the animation delay between each frame, the horizontal and vertical offset of each frame image.

It combines all image frames and generates a single animated GIF file using only PHP code without using the GD library or other image extensions or external programs .

The animation background may be set to a given color or be made transparent.

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Name: GIF images into animated GIF with native PHP class
Base name: gifmerge
Description: Generate GIF animations from a set of GIF images
Version: 1.0.0
PHP version: -
License: Freeware
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Group folder image Graphics Colors, images, charts and picture formats View top rated classes
Group folder image Video Movies and video data generation and manipulation View top rated classes

  Files folder image Screenshots  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Image file screenshot.gif Screen Simple generated animated gif by this class

  Innovation Award  
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2006
Number 5
One of the greatest features of PHP is the integration with the GD library, making possible to dynamically generate images in several formats.

However, PHP GD functions do not implement animated GIF image generation, despite the GD library supports GIF animations since 2004.

This class provides an alternative solution for GIF animations from individual images without using the PHP GD library functions.

Manuel Lemos

  Other classes that need this package  
Class Why it is needed Dependency
Animated Simple CAPTCHA Required to merge gifs Required
Another CAPTCHA project Generating single animation Required
Convex 3D Generating single animation Optional
FXLake effect Generating single animation Required
Image Flag Effect Generating single animation Required
Text 3D Generating single animation Required
Texture Background Effect Generating single animation Required

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  Applications that use this package  
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  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageframes (13 files)
Image file example.gif Photo example animated gif
Plain text file Example.php Example Example
Plain text file GIFEncoder.class.php Class GIFEncoder class

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