PHP Classes

PHP Neural Net Library: Build, train, evaluate, and use neural networks

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This package can build, train, evaluate, and use neural networks.

It provides classes that allow developers to compose neural network layers.

The package classes also allow the training of a neural network with given parameters.

It can also evaluate the neural network model by computing the predicted output.

The data of a neural network can also be saved and loaded from given files.

Picture of Cuthbert Martin Lwinga
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Neural-Net-PHP Class

The Neural-Net-PHP class serves as the core component of the Neural-Net-PHP library, providing a robust framework for implementing neural networks using PHP. This class encapsulates key functionalities for building, training, evaluating, and utilizing neural networks in various machine-learning tasks.

This package is adept at building, training, evaluating, and utilizing neural networks across various domains. Its capabilities are further extended with the following features:

  1. Proven Performance on Fashion-MNIST: The package has been successfully trained on the Fashion-MNIST dataset, a benchmark in neural network training for fashion article classification, achieving an impressive accuracy of 88%. This demonstrates its efficacy in handling real-world, image-based datasets.
  2. Diverse Optimizers: It supports multiple optimizers catering to different training requirements: - `Optimizer_SGD` (Stochastic Gradient Descent) for traditional, effective optimization. - `Optimizer_Adam` (Adaptive Moment Estimation) for faster convergence. - `Optimizer_Adagrad` for an adaptive learning rate approach. - `Optimizer_RMSprop` for handling non-stationary objectives and noisy gradients.
  3. Comprehensive Loss Functions: The package includes a variety of loss functions to cater to different neural network tasks: - `Loss_CategoricalCrossentropy` for multi-class classification problems. - `Loss_BinaryCrossentropy` for binary classification tasks. - `Loss_MeanSquaredError` for regression models. - `Loss_MeanAbsoluteError` for models where the mean absolute errors are more relevant.
  4. Versatile Activation Functions: It offers a range of activation functions to add non-linearity to the neural network models: - `Activation_Relu` (Rectified Linear Unit) for general purposes. - `Activation_Softmax` for multi-class classification output layers. - `Activation_Linear` for output layers of regression models. - `Activation_Sigmoid` for binary classification tasks.
  5. Layer Composition: Developers can compose various neural network layers, including convolutional, recurrent, and fully connected layers, along with advanced options for complex architectures.
  6. Training Flexibility, Performance Evaluation, and Data Management: The package allows for versatile training, robust model evaluation, and efficient model data management, supporting various file formats.
  7. Advanced Customization, Visualization Tools, and Integration: Users benefit from advanced customization options, visualization tools for monitoring and analysis, and seamless integration with data processing libraries.
  8. Cross-Platform Compatibility and Community Support: Designed for cross-platform compatibility and backed by comprehensive documentation and community support.
  9. Regular Updates: The package is updated to stay abreast of advancements in neural networks and machine learning.

Initialization and Layer Management:

The __construct() method initializes a new instance of the Neural-Net-PHP class. The add($layer) method facilitates the addition of layers to the neural network model, allowing users to define the architecture of their networks.

Parameter and Training Management:

  • `set_parameters($parameters)`: Sets the parameters for the trainable layers.
  • `get_parameters()`: Retrieves the parameters from the trainable layers.
  • `finalize()`: Prepares the model for training by connecting layers and setting up necessary configurations.
  • `train($X, $y, $epochs, $batch_size, $print_every, $validation_data)`: Trains the model on the provided dataset with specified training parameters.

Evaluation and Prediction:

  • `evaluate($X_val, $y_val, $batch_size)`: Evaluate the model's performance on a validation dataset.
  • `predict($X, $batch_size)`: Predicts output for the given input data.

Saving and Loading:

  • `save_parameters($path, $override)`: Saves the model's parameters to a file.
  • `load_parameters($path)`: Loads the model's parameters from a file.
  • `save($path)`: Saves the entire model to a file.
  • `load($path)`: Static method to load a saved model from a file.

Utility Methods:

  • `regularization_loss()`: Computes the regularization loss for the layers, reducing overfitting.
  • `calculate($output, $y, $include_regularization = false)`: Calculates the data loss and optionally includes the regularization loss.
  • `new_pass()`: Resets accumulated values, helpful in starting a new pass of loss calculation.
  • `calculate_accumulated($include_regularization = false)`: Calculates the accumulated mean loss over a period, including regularization loss if specified.

Acknowledgments and Technical Considerations:

The class acknowledges the inspiration drawn from the work of Harrison Kinsley and Daniel Kukiela, authors of "Neural Networks from Scratch in Python." It provides insights into technical considerations, such as potential threading, memory management, data preprocessing, and hardware considerations.

To test the Neural-Net-PHP leading directory, navigate to the directory and run the "composer test." This test compares outputs from Python functions such as dot, argmax, and many others. It's crucial to ensure that all tests pass before continuing, as a failed test indicates a key component is not working.

I've already trained a model to identify the fashion-mnist dataset at ''. To run it on your system, navigate to /TEST/TrainingTest/ and unzip "" Then, from the leading directory of Neural-Net-PHP, run 'PHP /TEST/TrainingTest/p615.php' in the terminal. This will run an already trained modal that outputs the model's performance and visual representations of what it got right and wrong.

Building the model requires some knowledge of the data structure. You can stack the model using the following code:

$Model = new Model(); $Model->add(new Layer_Dense(NumpyLight::shape($X)[1], 64)); $Model->add(new Activation_Relu()); $Model->add(new Layer_Dense(64, 64)); $Model->add(new Activation_Relu()); $Model->add(new Layer_Dense(64, 64)); $Model->add(new Activation_Softmax());

This neuron has one input layer, two hidden layers (with ReLU activations), and one output layer (with Softmax activation). You can also set loss functions, optimizers, and accuracy using the following code:


$loss_function = new Loss_CategoricalCrossentropy(),
$optimizer = new Optimizer_Adam($learning_rate = 0.001, $decay = 1e-3),
$accuracy = new Accuracy_Categorical()


For a more detailed explanation, please check out my GitHub repository at ''


('memory_limit', '20480M'); // Increase the memory limit to 20480MB (20GB)

load_mnist_dataset($dataset, $path) {
$labels = [];
$dir = $path . '/' . $dataset;
// Check if the main directory exists and is readable
if (is_readable($dir) && ($dir_content = scandir($dir))) {
        foreach (
$dir_content as $item) {
            if (
$item !== '.' && $item !== '..' && is_dir($dir . '/' . $item)) {
$labels[] = $item;

$X = [];
$y = [];

    foreach (
$labels as $label) {
$label_path = $dir . '/' . $label;
        if (
is_readable($label_path) && ($files = scandir($label_path))) {
            foreach (
$files as $file) {
                if (
$file !== '.' && $file !== '..') {
$filePath = $label_path . '/' . $file;
                    if (
is_readable($filePath) && !is_dir($filePath)) {
$imageProcessor = new ImageProcessor($filePath);
$imageData = $imageProcessor->getImageGrayscaleArray(["rows" => 28, "cols" => 28]);
$X[] = $imageData;
$y[] = $label;

    return [
"X" => $X, "y" => $y];

create_data_mnist($path) {

$testData = load_mnist_dataset('test', $path);
$X_test = $testData['X'];
$y_test = $testData['y'];

// And return all the data
return [$X_test,$y_test];

$mnist_data = create_data_mnist("fashion_mnist_images");

$X_test, $y_test) = $mnist_data;

// $keys = range(0, NumpyLight::shape($X_test)[0] - 1);


$X_test = NumpyLight::divide(

$validation = [$X_test, $y_test];

"\n\nModel Init\n\n";

$Model = Model::load('fashion_mnist_model');

// $Model->evaluate($X_test, $y_test);

$confidences = $Model->predict($X_test);
$predictions = $Model->output_layer_activation->predictions($confidences);

$fashion_mnist_labels = [
0 => 'T-shirt/top',
1 => 'Trouser',
2 => 'Pullover',
3 => 'Dress',
4 => 'Coat',
5 => 'Sandal',
6 => 'Shirt',
7 => 'Sneaker',
8 => 'Bag',
9 => 'Ankle boot'

for (
$i = 0; $i < count($predictions); $i++) {
// Prepare the label text
$labelText = $fashion_mnist_labels[$predictions[$i]] . " actual label " . $fashion_mnist_labels[$y_test[$i]];

// Pad the label text to a fixed length, e.g., 50 characters
$paddedLabelText = str_pad($labelText, 50);

// Echo the padded label text
echo $paddedLabelText . " ";

// Check condition and echo the symbol
if ($fashion_mnist_labels[$predictions[$i]] == $fashion_mnist_labels[$y_test[$i]]) {
"?"; // Green check mark for true
} else {
"?"; // Red cross for false




Neural-Net-PHP ??

Build Status PHP Version

Neural Network GIF

Introduction ?

Welcome to Neural-Net-PHP, a comprehensive library designed for implementing neural networks using PHP. This library expertly bridges the gap between the dynamic capabilities of neural networks and the robustness of PHP, offering PHP developers a seamless entry into the realm of artificial intelligence. With Neural-Net-PHP, you can effortlessly explore and harness the power of AI! ?

Special acknowledgment and heartfelt gratitude go to Harrison Kinsley & Daniel Kukie?a, the authors of Neural Networks from Scratch in Python, whose work has been a significant source of inspiration in the creation of this library.

Table of Contents ?

Installation ??

Follow these detailed instructions to install and set up Neural-Net-PHP in your environment.

Cloning the Repository

Start by cloning the repository from GitHub:

git clone
cd Neural-Net-PHP

Installing Dependencies ?

Neural-Net-PHP is built entirely from scratch, so no external libraries are required except for PHPUnit to run tests. If you don't have PHPUnit installed, you can easily install it via Composer:

composer require --dev phpunit/phpunit

Running Tests ?

It's crucial to run tests after installation to ensure everything is set up correctly. Execute the PHPUnit tests with:


You should see an output similar to the following, indicating all tests have passed successfully: Test Output

Usage ?

Loading Data ?

To begin using Neural-Net-PHP, load your dataset. Here's an example using the Fashion-MNIST dataset:

$mnist_data = create_data_mnist("fashion_mnist_images");
list($X, $y, $X_test, $y_test) = $mnist_data;

Building the Model ???

Start crafting your neural network by layering the building blocks ? neurons and synapses come to life with each line of code! Choose from a variety of activation functions, optimizers, and layers to create a network that fits your unique dataset. Here's a sample setup with a single hidden layer to kickstart your model architecture:

echo "? Initializing model...\n\n";
$Model = new Model();

// Input layer with as many neurons as features in your dataset
$Model->add(new Layer_Dense(NumpyLight::shape($X)[1], 64));

// Hidden layer using the ReLU activation function for non-linearity
$Model->add(new Activation_Relu());

// Output layer with softmax activation for probability distribution
$Model->add(new Layer_Dense(64, 10)); // Assuming 10 classes for output
$Model->add(new Activation_Softmax());

echo "? Model architecture is now built and ready for training!\n";

Training Your Neural Network ???

Time to whip your model into shape! Just like a personal trainer sets a workout regimen, you'll set up a loss function to measure progress, an optimizer to improve with each iteration, and an accuracy metric to keep track of your gains. Once everything is in place, it's time to put your model to the test:

echo "? Configuring the neural workout...\n";
    new Loss_CategoricalCrossentropy(),
    new Optimizer_Adam(0.001, 1e-3),
    new Accuracy_Categorical()

echo "? Finalizing the model structure...\n";

echo "???? Ready, set, train! Let's push those computational limits...\n";
$Model->train($X, $y, 200, 128, 100, [$X_test, $y_test]);

Evaluating and Predicting ??

After your model has been trained, it's time to see how well it performs! Evaluate its prowess on new data and unleash its predictive power:

echo "? Loading the trained model for evaluation...\n";
$Model = Model::load('path/to/saved_model');

echo "? Making predictions on test data...\n";
$confidences = $Model->predict($X_test);
$predictions = $Model->output_layer_activation->predictions($confidences);

echo "? Predictions ready! Time to analyze and interpret the results.\n";

Saving and Loading Models ??

Don't let your hard work go to waste! Save your finely-tuned model for future use, and reload it with ease whenever you need to make predictions or further improvements:

echo "? Saving the trained model for future use...\n";

echo "? Loading the saved model for continued brilliance...\n";
$Model = Model::load('path/to/saved_model');

echo "? Model saved and loaded successfully. Ready for more action!\n";

Performance Enhancement with C++ Integration ??

I'm thrilled to share a significant performance enhancement that I've brought to Neural-Net-PHP: by integrating C++ and enabling threading, I've managed to significantly boost computation speeds. The latest benchmarks show that threading has dramatically decreased the time it takes to perform matrix dot product operations, which is a game changer for processing efficiency in neural network computations, and makes this whole package more applicable for real life scenarios.

Setting Up for Optimal Performance

To take advantage of this speed, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the main Neural-Net-PHP directory.
  2. Run the `make` command.

This setup primes your system to utilize the C++ integration for optimized performance.

System Requirements:

  • Make sure `g++` is installed on your system. It's essential for the C++ performance enhancements to function properly.

The Proof Is in the Performance:

Below is a chart depicting the impressive reduction in dot product computation times with threading enabled (blue line) compared to the times without threading (red line):

Dot Product Time vs. Matrix Size Chart

As the matrix size grows, the impact of threading becomes increasingly evident. This advancement substantially elevates PHP's standing as a competent language for AI and machine learning tasks that demand intensive computation.

I am committed to furthering the development of Neural-Net-PHP, pushing PHP to its limits in the AI domain. Keep an eye out for more updates!

Components ?

Neural-Net-PHP consists of several key components:

Activation Functions ?

  • Activation_Relu: Introduces non-linearity, allowing the model to learn complex patterns. - Primarily used in hidden layers. - Effective in mitigating the vanishing gradient problem.
  • Activation_Softmax: Used in the output layer for multi-class classification. - Converts output to a probability distribution. - Suitable for cases where each class is mutually exclusive.
  • Activation_Linear: Useful for regression tasks or simple transformations. - No transformation is applied, maintains the input as is. - Commonly used in the output layer for regression problems.
  • Activation_Sigmoid: Ideal for binary classification problems. - Outputs values between 0 and 1, representing probabilities. - Often used in the output layer for binary classification.

Optimizers ??

  • Optimizer_SGD (`$learning_rate=1.0, $decay=0.0, $momentum=0`): Standard optimizer for training. - `$learning_rate`: The step size at each iteration while moving toward a minimum of a loss function. - `$decay`: Learning rate decay over each update. - `$momentum`: Parameter that accelerates SGD in the relevant direction and dampens oscillations.
  • Optimizer_Adam (`$learning_rate=0.001, $decay=0.0, $epsilon=1e-7, $beta_1=0.9, $beta_2=0.999`): Advanced optimizer with adaptive learning rate. - `$learning_rate`: Initial learning rate for the optimizer. - `$decay`: Learning rate decay over each update. - `$epsilon`: A small constant for numerical stability. - `$beta_1`: Exponential decay rate for the first moment estimates. - `$beta_2`: Exponential decay rate for the second-moment estimates.
  • Optimizer_Adagrad (`$learning_rate=1.0, $decay=0.0, $epsilon=1e-7`): Optimizer that adapts the learning rate to the parameters. - `$learning_rate`: The step size at each iteration. - `$decay`: Learning rate decay over each update. - `$epsilon`: A small constant for numerical stability, preventing division by zero.
  • Optimizer_RMSprop (`$learning_rate=0.001, $decay=0.0, $epsilon=1e-7, $rho=0.9`): Divides the learning rate by an exponentially decaying average of squared gradients. - `$learning_rate`: The step size at each iteration. - `$decay`: Learning rate decay over each update. - `$epsilon`: A small constant for numerical stability. - `$rho`: Discounting factor for the history/coming gradient.

Layers ?

  • Layer_Dense(`$n_inputs`, `$n_neurons`, `$weight_regularizer_l1 = 0`, `$weight_regularizer_l2 = 0`, `$bias_regularizer_l1 = 0`, `$bias_regularizer_l2 = 0`): Core layer of a neural network, fully connected. - `$n_inputs`: Specifies the number of input features to the layer. - `$n_neurons`: Determines the number of neurons in the layer, defining its width. - `$weight_regularizer_l1` and `$weight_regularizer_l2`: Regularization parameters for the weights, helping to reduce overfitting by applying penalties on the layer's complexity. - `$bias_regularizer_l1` and `$bias_regularizer_l2`: Regularization parameters for the biases, similar to the weights, these help in controlling overfitting.
  • Layer_Dropout (`$rate`): Applies dropout to prevent overfitting. `$rate` is a value from 0.0 to 1.0 and specifies the fraction of neurons to drop out at random. For example, `$rate = 0.1` means 10% of the neurons will be dropped out at random, helping to prevent overfitting by reducing the model's reliance on any single neuron.
  • Layer_Input: The initial layer to input the data. This layer doesn't perform any computation or transformation; it simply serves as the starting point for the model's architecture. It's essential for defining the shape and structure of the input data your model will receive.

Loss Functions ?

Neural-Net-PHP includes various loss functions, each suitable for different types of neural network tasks:

  • Loss_CategoricalCrossentropy: Measures the performance of a classification model where the output is a probability value between 0 and 1. Commonly used in multi-class classification problems. - `forward($y_pred, $y_true)`: Computes the loss for each sample. - `backward($dvalues, $y_true)`: Calculates the gradient of the loss with respect to the input of the loss function.
  • Loss_BinaryCrossentropy: Specifically designed for binary classification tasks. It measures the performance of a model with two class output probabilities. - `forward($y_pred, $y_true)`: Computes the binary crossentropy loss for each sample. - `backward($dvalues, $y_true)`: Calculates the gradient of the loss with respect to the input.
  • Loss_MeanSquaredError: Used for regression models. It measures the average squared difference between the estimated values and the actual value. - `forward($y_pred, $y_true)`: Calculates the mean squared error for each sample. - `backward($dvalues, $y_true)`: Computes the gradient of the loss with respect to the predictions.
  • Loss_MeanAbsoluteError: Another loss function for regression, which measures the average magnitude of errors in a set of predictions, without considering their direction. - `forward($y_pred, $y_true)`: Computes the mean absolute error for each sample. - `backward($dvalues, $y_true)`: Calculates the gradient of the loss with respect to the predictions.

General Methods for Loss Classes: - regularization_loss(): Computes the regularization loss for the layers, aiding in reducing overfitting. - calculate($output, $y, $include_regularization = false): Calculates the data loss and optionally includes the regularization loss. - new_pass(): Resets accumulated values, useful for starting a new pass of loss calculation. - calculate_accumulated($include_regularization = false): Calculates the accumulated mean loss over a period, including regularization loss if specified.

Each of these loss functions plays a crucial role in guiding the training process of your neural network, helping to minimize the difference between the predicted output and the actual target values.

Model ?

The Model class is the central component of Neural-Net-PHP, orchestrating the neural network's structure, training, evaluation, and predictions.

  • Initialization and Layer Management - `__construct()`: Initializes a new Model instance. - `add($layer)`: Adds a layer to the neural network model. - `set($loss = null, $optimizer = null, $accuracy = null)`: Sets the loss function, optimizer, and accuracy metric for the model.
  • Parameters and Training - `set_parameters($parameters)`: Sets the parameters for the trainable layers. - `get_parameters()`: Retrieves the parameters from the trainable layers. - `finalize()`: Prepares the model by connecting layers and setting up for training. - `train($X, $y, $epochs, $batch_size, $print_every, $validation_data)`: Trains the model on the provided dataset.
  • Evaluation and Prediction - `evaluate($X_val, $y_val, $batch_size)`: Evaluates the model's performance on the validation dataset. - `predict($X, $batch_size)`: Predicts output for the given input data.
  • Saving and Loading - `save_parameters($path, $override)`: Saves the model's parameters to a file. - `load_parameters($path)`: Loads the model's parameters from a file. - `save($path)`: Saves the entire model to a file. - `load($path)`: Static method to load a saved model from a file.

The Model class encapsulates all the necessary functionality for building and operating neural networks, making it straightforward to define, train, and utilize complex models in PHP.

Utility Classes ??

Neural-Net-PHP includes additional utility classes that provide essential functionalities to support the neural network operations.


  • A lightweight PHP library that mimics the functionality of Python's Numpy, focusing on matrix operations essential for neural networks. Due to the extensive nature of its functionalities, users are encouraged to inspect the `NumpyLight` class file for a comprehensive understanding of its capabilities.


  • Abstract class `Accuracy` serves as a base for accuracy calculation in different scenarios. - `calculate($predictions, $y)`: Calculates the accuracy of predictions against the ground truth values. - `new_pass()`: Resets accumulated values for a new accuracy calculation pass. - `calculate_accumulated()`: Calculates the mean accuracy over accumulated values.
  • Accuracy_Regression: Subclass for regression model accuracy. It uses a precision threshold to determine if predictions are close enough to the ground truths.
  • Accuracy_Categorical: Subclass for categorical data accuracy. Useful in classification tasks where outputs are discrete classes.


  • A utility for plotting lines and points, useful for visualizing data and model results. - `__construct($width, $height)`: Initializes the plotter with specified dimensions. - `setColor($name, $red, $green, $blue)`: Defines custom colors for plotting. - `plotLine($yValues, $colorName)`: Plots a single line graph. - `plotMultipleLinesWithYOnly($lines)`: Plots multiple lines using only y-values. - `plotLineWithColor($xValues, $yValues, $colorName)`: Plots a line graph with specified colors. - `plotPoints($points, $groups)`: Plots individual points, useful for scatter plots. - `clearCanvas()`: Clears the current plot, allowing for a new plot to be created. - `save($filename)`: Saves the created plot to a file.

These utility classes enhance the Neural-Net-PHP library by providing additional functionalities like matrix operations, accuracy calculations, and data visualization, all crucial for a complete neural network implementation.

Examples ?

Fashion-MNIST Training Example ?

This example demonstrates how to train a neural network on the Fashion-MNIST dataset using Neural-Net-PHP. The Fashion-MNIST dataset consists of 28x28 grayscale images of fashion items, each categorized into one of 10 different classes like T-shirts/tops, trousers, pullovers, dresses, and more.

Before training, the images are first flattened and scaled. The dataset is shuffled and divided into training and testing sets.

To easily train the model on the Fashion-MNIST dataset, simply navigate to the main directory of Neural-Net-PHP and execute the following command in your terminal:

php /TEST/TrainingTest/train_to_fashion_mnist.php

ini_set('memory_limit', '20480M'); // Increase the memory limit to 20480MB (20GB) or as needed
use NameSpaceNumpyLight\NumpyLight;

// Loading and preprocessing the dataset
$mnist_data = create_data_mnist("fashion_mnist_images");
list($X, $y, $X_test, $y_test) = $mnist_data;

// Data normalization and reshaping

// Prepare validation data
$validation = [$X_test, $y_test];

// Constructing the model
$Model = new Model();
$Model->add(new Layer_Dense(NumpyLight::shape($X)[1],64));
$Model->add(new Activation_Relu());
$Model->add(new Layer_Dense(64,64));
$Model->add(new Activation_Relu());
$Model->add(new Layer_Dense(64,64));
$Model->add(new Activation_Softmax());
	$loss_function = new Loss_CategoricalCrossentropy(),
	$optimizer = new Optimizer_Adam($learning_rate = 0.001, $decay = 1e-3),
	$accuracy = new Accuracy_Categorical()

// Finalize the model and start training
$Model->train($X, $y, $epoch = 200, $batch_size = 128, $print_every = 100, $validation_data = $validation);

// Saving the trained model
// The model is saved under the name 'fashion_mnist_model' for future use.

Loading and Using a Saved Model

Once you have trained and saved a model, you can easily load it for further evaluation or predictions. Here's an example of how to load a model and use it to make predictions on the Fashion-MNIST dataset:

To conveniently demonstrate this functionality, open your terminal and navigate to the main directory of Neural-Net-PHP. Then, execute the following command:

php TEST/TrainingTest/p615.php

// Load the saved model
$Model = Model::load('saved_model');

// Predict using the loaded model
$confidences = $Model->predict($X_test);
$predictions = $Model->output_layer_activation->predictions($confidences);

// Fashion-MNIST labels
$fashion_mnist_labels = [
    // Labels mapping

// Display predictions along with actual labels
for ($i = 0; $i < count($predictions); $i++) {
    $labelText = $fashion_mnist_labels[$predictions[$i]] . " (Actual: " . $fashion_mnist_labels[$y_test[$i]] . ")";
    $paddedLabelText = str_pad($labelText, 50);

    echo $paddedLabelText . " ";
    echo ($fashion_mnist_labels[$predictions[$i]] == $fashion_mnist_labels[$y_test[$i]]) ? "?" : "?";
    echo "\n\n";

Technical Considerations ?

When working with Neural-Net-PHP, there are several technical aspects to keep in mind for optimal performance and effective model training:

  1. Potential for Threading ?: Currently, Neural-Net-PHP operates without the use of threading, which can limit its processing speed. Implementing threading in future updates could significantly enhance performance, especially for complex models and large datasets. This feature is under consideration and may be integrated into later versions of the library.
  2. Memory Management ?: Neural networks, particularly when dealing with large datasets or deep architectures, can be memory-intensive. Effective memory management is crucial to prevent bottlenecks and ensure smooth operation.
  3. Data Preprocessing ?: Proper preprocessing of data, such as normalization or encoding categorical variables, is vital for model accuracy and efficiency.
  4. Hardware Considerations ??: While PHP is not traditionally associated with high-performance computing tasks like neural network training, the choice of hardware can impact training speed. Using a machine with sufficient RAM and a powerful CPU can help mitigate performance issues.
  5. Batch Size Selection ?: Choosing the right batch size affects the speed and convergence of the training process. Smaller batch sizes may offer more frequent updates and potentially faster convergence, but larger batches utilize hardware more efficiently.
  6. Regularization Techniques ?: To combat overfitting, it's advisable to employ regularization techniques such as dropout or L1/L2 regularization, especially in complex networks.
  7. Hyperparameter Tuning ?: The process of training a neural network involves several hyperparameters (like learning rate, number of epochs, etc.). Tuning these parameters is critical for achieving optimal model performance.
  8. PHP Environment ??: Ensure that your PHP environment is correctly set up and configured for running computational tasks. The version of PHP, as well as the configuration settings, can impact the performance of Neural-Net-PHP.
  9. Future Updates and Community Contributions ?: As Neural-Net-PHP evolves, users are encouraged to contribute or provide feedback for continuous improvement of the library. Future updates may include more advanced features, optimizations, and bug fixes.

These considerations aim to guide users for a better experience with Neural-Net-PHP and to set appropriate expectations regarding the library's capabilities and potential areas for future development.

Acknowledgements ???

Reflecting on the creation of Neural-Net-PHP, my heart swells with gratitude for those who've supported me along this wild and wonderful journey:

  • Harrison Kinsley & Daniel Kukie?a ?: A towering thank you to Harrison Kinsley and Daniel Kukie?a, authors of "Neural Networks from Scratch in Python". Their work provided the blueprint that inspired Neural-Net-PHP's architecture and philosophy.
  • PHP Community ??: Kudos to the awesome PHP community. Your innovation and continual growth have transformed Neural-Net-PHP from a dream into a delightful reality.
  • Open Source Contributors ?: Hats off to the myriad of open-source pioneers in machine learning and software development. Your trailblazing efforts and open sharing of knowledge are the unsung heroes of projects like this.
  • Early Adopters and Users ?: A big shoutout to everyone who has given Neural-Net-PHP a whirl. Your feedback is the magic ingredient for the ongoing refinement and enhancement of the library.
  • Stephanie, the Unintentional Math Listener ?: To my girlfriend, Stephanie, thank you for enduring endless rants about mathematical conundrums that might as well have been in Klingon. Your patience, support, and encouragement have been my rock (and sanity saver) through this labyrinth of algorithms and code.

The journey of building Neural-Net-PHP has been an extraordinary odyssey filled with late nights, sudden epiphanies, and a plethora of "Aha!" moments, each fueled by an unwavering passion for machine learning. This labor of love, born in the quiet confines of my room, was a series of puzzles waiting to be solved, challenges to be embraced, and victories to be celebrated.

Each hurdle encountered was not merely an obstacle, but a stepping stone that enriched my understanding, sharpened my skills, and fueled my passion for this ever-evolving field. Neural-Net-PHP stands as a testament not only to the power of perseverance and relentless curiosity but also to the joy of learning and the remarkable potential that unfolds when we dare to dream and dare to do.

This project is a tribute to the warmth of community spirit and the boundless possibilities inherent in shared knowledge and collective advancement. To all aspiring coders and dreamers out there, may this serve as a beacon of inspiration. Here's to the journey, the joy of creation, and the endless adventure of coding. Happy coding, and may your path be filled with countless more "Aha!" moments!

License ?

Neural-Net-PHP is made available under the MIT License. This means that you're free to use, modify, distribute, and sell this software, but you must include the original copyright notice and this license notice in any copies or substantial portions of the software.

  • CLASSES/plot.png
  • phpUnitTest.png
  • TEST/TrainingTest/Lineplot.png
  • TEST/TrainingTest/Multi-Lineplot.png
  • TEST/TrainingTest/p276_Acc_stat.png
  • TEST/TrainingTest/p276_Loss_stat.png
  • TEST/TrainingTest/p432_Optimizer_Adam_with_regulization.php-Lineplot.png
  • TEST/TrainingTest/spiral_data.png
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder image.github (1 directory)
Files folder imageCLASSES (48 files)
Files folder imageSETUP (1 file)
Files folder imageTEST (5 directories)
Files folder imagevendor (1 file, 11 directories)
Accessible without login Plain text file .phpunit.result.cache Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file check_these.json Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file composer.json Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file composer.lock Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. License text
Accessible without login Plain text file Makefile Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Image file Neural-Network-gif.gif Icon Neural network animation
Accessible without login Plain text file neural_network_data_php.json Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Image file perfomance-test-chart.png Icon Icon image
Accessible without login Plain text file phpunit.xml Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation
Accessible without login Plain text file shared_file_659c7ffe0d631 Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file shared_file_659c7ffe0d683 Data Auxiliary data

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