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Custom PHP HTML Parser: Process HTML to replace it with parameter values

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2022-11-02 (2 months ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 37 All time: 10,580 This week: 270Up
Version License PHP version Categories
htmlparser 1.0.5The PHP License5HTML, PHP 5, Templates, Parsers
Description Author

This package can process HTML to replace it with parameter values.

It can take a string with HTML tags and processes it by finding marks with a specific format that identifies the places in the string that it will replace with values taken from an array of parameters.

The package can also support unique tags that identify literal PHP code that will not be changed while processing the HTML tags.

The package returns the HTML string after replacing the unique tags as the result of the processing task.

Picture of Cedric Maenetja
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x

Winner: 1x




This package can process HTML to replace it with parameter values.

It can take a string with HTML tags and processes it by finding marks with a specific format that identifies the places in the string that it will replace with values taken from an array of parameters.

The package can also support unique tags that identify literal PHP code that will not be changed while processing the HTML tags.

The package returns the HTML string after replacing the unique tags as the result of the processing task.




require ('HTMLParser/HTMLParser.php');

$htmlparser = new App\Custom\HTMLParser (file_get_contents ('index.html'), $data);
$htmlstring = $htmlparser->GetSubstitutedString(); // get the parsed html string

// check for errors
if (App\Custom\Error::IsAnError ($htmlstring))
    // handle error
    // $htmlstring->GetError(); // gets error message
    // $htmlstring->GetErrorCode(); // gets error code

echo $htmlstring;

Parameters Explained

$htmlstring the actual html string

<!DOCTYPE html>
        table {
            font-family: arial, sans-serif;
            border-collapse: collapse;
            width: 100%;

        th {
            border: 1px solid #dddddd;
            text-align: left;
            padding: 8px;

        tr:nth-child(even) {
            background-color: #dddddd;

        return ('{}' > 0) ? '<h2>List of Clients {}</h2>' : '<h2>No Records!</h2>';

        <%=list dataset="clients_test"
            <tr class="class" id="1234">
                <td align="left">{}</td>
    <h2>List of Clients with Balances > 0</h2>
        <%=list dataset="clients"
            return ({client.balance} > 0) 
                ? '<tr class="class" id="1234">
                    <td align="left">{}</td>
                : '';
    <h2>List {users.list_title}</h2>
        <%=list dataset="users"
        <li class="class class">{} {users.desc}</li>
    <h2>List {products.list_title}</h2>
        <%=list dataset="products"
        <li>{} {products.desc}</li>


$data is an array of data to substitute on the html string. All keys that need to be substituted must be enclosed in curly brackets {}. See below:

$data => array (
                'clients' => array (
                        array ('{}' => 'Yung Cet 1', '{}' => '12341', '{client.balance}' => '10'),
                        array ('{}' => 'Yung Cet 2', '{}' => '12342', '{client.balance}' => '55'),
                        array ('{}' => 'Yung Cet 3', '{}' => '12343', '{client.balance}' => '-100'),
                        array ('{}' => 'Yung Cet 4', '{}' => '12344', '{client.balance}' => '0'),
                        array ('{}' => 'Yung Cet 5', '{}' => '12345', '{client.balance}' => '-60'),
                        array ('{}' => 'Yung Cet 6', '{}' => '12346', '{client.balance}' => '30'),
                        array ('{}' => 'Yung Cet 7', '{}' => '12347', '{client.balance}' => '30')
                'clients_test' => array (
                        array ('{}' => 'Yung Cet 1', '{}' => '12341', '{client.balance}' => '10'),
                        array ('{}' => 'Yung Cet 2', '{}' => '12342', '{client.balance}' => '55'),
                        array ('{}' => 'Yung Cet 3', '{}' => '12343', '{client.balance}' => '-100'),
                        array ('{}' => 'Yung Cet 4', '{}' => '12344', '{client.balance}' => '0'),
                        array ('{}' => 'Yung Cet 5', '{}' => '12345', '{client.balance}' => '-60'),
                        array ('{}' => 'Yung Cet 6', '{}' => '12346', '{client.balance}' => '30'),
                        array ('{}' => 'Yung Cet 7', '{}' => '12347', '{client.balance}' => '30')
                'users' => array (
                        array ('{}' => 'Yung', '{users.desc}' => 'Cet'), 
                        array ('{}' => 'Cedric', '{users.desc}' => 'Maenetja')
                'products' => array (
                        array ('{}' => 'Product 1', '{products.desc}' => 'description'), 
                        array ('{}' => 'Product 2', '{products.desc}' => 'description'),
                        array ('{}' => 'Product 3', '{products.desc}' => 'description'), 
                        array ('{}' => 'Product 4', '{products.desc}' => 'description')
                array ('{}' => 4, '{}' => 7),

Populating a list

A list can be populated as below:

Populating a list using list dataset

    <%=list dataset="products"
    <li>{} {products.desc}</li>

Populating a list using

    <li>{} {products.desc}</li>

Populating a list using foreach()

    <li>{} {products.desc}</li>

Populating a list using for()

    <li>{} {products.desc}</li>

"products" specifies the array key from the $data. Any values enclosed in curly brackets are values to substitute from the given array (products in this case). If there are no values enclosed in curly brackets, whichever text will be populated on the list. This applies to anything besides HTML lists, for example, this can also be used to populate an HTML table rows or divs:

    <%=list dataset="clients"
         <tr class="class" id="1234">
             <td align="left">{}</td>

<%=list dataset="clients"
    <div class="cards">
        <p>{}: {}: {client.balance}</p>

Adding PHP Code

PHP code can be added as below (All values in curcly brackets will be substituted from the given $data):

    return ('{}' > 0) ? '<h2>List of Clients {}</h2>' : '<h2>No Records!</h2>';

Additionally, you can also add PHP code inside a <%=list dataset="yourarray" =%> to add logic.

    <%=list dataset="clients"
        return ({client.balance} > 0) 
            ? '<tr class="class">
                <td align="left">{}</td>
            : '';

# Using Custom PHP HTML Parser Editor There is an editor included in this repo, to run it: - Start your PHP server (via command line php -S localhost:8080) - Navigate to http://localhost:8080/editor/ or http://localhost/HTMLParser/editor/ or http://PATH_TO_HTMLPARSER/editor/ - Your editor is now ready. You can edit and compile your code. - Demo:

Note: You can only compile the code in the editor on a local PHP server.

Full documentation on the wiki:

  Custom PHP HTML Parser EditorExternal page  
  Files folder image Files  
File Role Description
Files folder imageeditor (3 files, 4 directories)
Accessible without login Plain text file demo.php Example Example script
Plain text file Error.php Class Class source
Plain text file ErrorDescriptions.php Class Class source
Plain text file HTMLParser.php Class Class source
Accessible without login HTML file index.html Doc. Documentation
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation

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