PHP Classes

Nano Http Status: Process the HTTP request response status values

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Version License PHP version Categories
php-nano-http-status 1.0.1MIT/X Consortium ...7.0HTTP, PHP 7
Description Author

This package can process the HTTP request response status values.

It can check the HTTP request values and process them to make it easier to interpret.

The class can check the actual status value and tell if the request was sucessful, or needs redirection, or there was a forbidden access, or there was a general server error.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
January 2018
This package can process the HTTP request response status values.

It can check the HTTP request values and process them to make it easier to interpret.

The class can check the actual status value and tell if the request was sucessful, or needs redirection, or there was a forbidden access, or there was a general server error.

Manuel Lemos
  Performance   Level  
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x


PHP Nano Http Status

Latest Stable Version Build Status Maintainability Test Coverage Scrutinizer Code Quality License composer.lock Total Downloads

Truly minimalistic and self-contained package to handle HTTP statuses and relevant description messages. Such packages as Teapot or Httpstatus are nice and famous, but still either too heavy and over-complicated or simply does not fit to Gino Pane's high code quality standards.


  • PHP >= 7.0;


  • The full list of HTTP status codes as readable constants;
  • relevant status messages;
  • ability to customize messages;
  • ability to easily detect the class of the status;
  • no dependencies in production;
  • integrated tools for code quality, testing and building docs.


composer require gino-pane/nano-http-status

Basic Usage

Check existence of the code (using numeric codes or nice readable constants):

(new NanoHttpStatus())->statusExists(200); //true
(new NanoHttpStatus())->statusExists(400); //true
(new NanoHttpStatus())->statusExists(451); //true
(new NanoHttpStatus())->statusExists(511); //true
(new NanoHttpStatus())->statusExists(522); //false

Detect the class of the code using code numbers:

(new NanoHttpStatus())->isInformational(NanoHttpStatus::HTTP_OK); //false
(new NanoHttpStatus())->isSuccess(202);         //true
(new NanoHttpStatus())->isRedirection(301);     //true
(new NanoHttpStatus())->isClientError(404);     //true
(new NanoHttpStatus())->isServerError(NanoHttpStatus::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST); //false

Get status message by status code:

(new NanoHttpStatus())->getMessage(200); //OK
(new NanoHttpStatus())->getMessage(451); //Unavailable For Legal Reasons
(new NanoHttpStatus())->getMessage(452); //Undefined Status

Set localization mapping and get custom status messages:

$status = new NanoHttpStatus([
    NanoHttpStatus::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST => 'Very bad request',
    NanoHttpStatus::HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY => 'Not so bad gateway'

$status->getMessage(400); //'Very bad request'
$status->getMessage(502); //'Not so bad gateway'

Please note, that `NanoHttpStatus` itself does not throw any exceptions for invalid statuses.

Useful Tools

Running Tests:

php vendor/bin/phpunit


composer test

Code Sniffer Tool:

php vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 src/


composer psr2check

Code Auto-fixer:

php vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=PSR2 src/ 


composer psr2autofix

Building Docs:

php vendor/bin/phpdoc -d "src" -t "docs"


composer docs


To keep track, please refer to


  1. Fork it.
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature).
  3. Make your changes.
  4. Run the tests, adding new ones for your own code if necessary (phpunit).
  5. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature').
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature).
  7. Create new pull request.

Also please refer to


Please refer to LICENSE.


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