PHP Classes

PHP Edit Subtitles Class: Edit video subtitles in SRT and VTT formats

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2017-01-16 (12 hours ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot enough user ratingsTotal: 57 This week: 57All time: 8,678 This week: 12Up
Version License PHP version Categories
editsubtitles 1.1GNU General Publi...5PHP 5, Files and Folders, Text proces..., V..., P...
Description Author

This class can edit video subtitles in SRT and VTT format.

It can create a new video subtitles file or read an existing file in SRT and VTT format.

The class can also add, change and delete subtitles text at a given time.

The generated subtitles may be saved to a SRT or VTT file or returned as an array.

You can also convert formats from SRT to VTT or VTT to SRT.

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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 6x



> text processing

Edit files of video subtitles. You can add, edit or delete subtitles and save into new file in .srt or .vtt format New: you can convert from SRT to VTT format




  • [Luciano Salvino] - <>


To use the tools of this repo only has to be required in your composer.json:

      "lutian/phpEditSubtitles": "dev-master"



$st = new phpEditSubtitles();

// set output type to vtt (it will convert from srt to vtt type)

// Edit the first subtitle
// IMPORTANT: it will reordenate the time. If the amount of time is smaller than $timeIni or bigger than $timeEnd the request will not be processed
$order    = 1;
$timeIni  = '00:00:00,090';
$timeEnd  = '00:00:01,830';
$subtitle = 'Replace the first subtitle';

// remove subtitle in position 25

// add subtitle on position 145
// IMPORTANT: it will reordenate the time. If the amount of time is smaller than $timeIni or bigger than $timeEnd the request will not be processed
$order    = 145;
$timeIni  = '00:05:05,050';
$timeEnd  = '00:08:05,130';
$subtitle = 'New subtitle';

// save subtitles in a new file

// get array of subtitles
$subtitles = $st->getSubtitles();

echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';



[Luciano Salvino]:

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 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
This week:57
All time:8,678
This week:12Up