PHP Classes

PHP Convert Words to Numbers: Convert text with an amount to its numeric value

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2016-12-21 (13 days ago) RSS 2.0 feedStarStarStarStar 60%Total: 170 This week: 12All time: 8,091 This week: 80Up
Version License PHP version Categories
cwordstonumbers 1.2BSD License5PHP 5, Text processing, Math, Parsers
Description Author

This class can can convert text with an amount to its numeric value.

It takes a text string with a number or money amount in English and converts it to the respective number.

The class can automatically detect the numbers using native English or Indian alternatives, like billion or crore.

It returns either the number as integer or formatted string according to the detected number system.

It can deal with words entered in different order, or add values of expressions that represent sums of the numbers like "twelve hundred and twelve hundred and twenty three hundred".

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2016
Very often applications need to be able to spell numbers using words in a given language. There are many solutions for that because it is a relatively easy problem.

However, there are not many solutions that do the opposite, i.e. take text written in a given language that represents a certain amount and return the number value of the amount that.

This class does precisely that. It takes a text representing an amount in English and returns the number that is spelled.

It is pretty smart to the point of understanding the different ordering that an amount can be spelled as well when the amount is spelled using Indian word variants like lakh and crore instead of millions and billions.

Manuel Lemos
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x



This class is created for converting the words( that represents the digits) to numbers again like thousand to 1000, hundred to 100 or so.

The main purpose for creating this class is just to help someone who was looking for this and I also had lot of free time.

CHALLENGES faced to make this work:

-- changing the order of the words and the different probability of words order.

-- Committing spelling mistakes or using extra gaps or unwanted characters.

-- Using indian and western system together (like billion crore). :P


-- It can automatically detect the entered number system either be indian or western.

-- This can also help to get the digits for terms like twelve hundred or twenty five hundred.

-- You can also find the sum of the numbers by typing them like (eg.twelve hundred and twelve hundred and twenty three hundred),well it know its the hard way, but still you can do it.

-- It can format automatically based on the detected number system if the formatting is enabled.

-- Pretty simple to use, it. Just create and object and call the displayNumbers method.


-- Indian number system limit is till ninty nine lakh crore and ninty nine lakh and so on. (99,99,999,99,99,999)

-- Western number system limit is till nine hundred and ninty nine billion and so one (999,999,999,999)

-- Using wrong ordered words might create a chaos (I am not responsible if your machine explodes)

-- Currently Supports only ENGLISH LANGUAGE



  • Western_Conversion
  • Indian_Conversion
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Files folder imagecwordstonumbers (2 files, 3 directories)

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