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Subject:PDF Report
Summary:Using SQL Data
Author:Ken Turnbull
Date:2017-09-18 19:32:47


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Picture of Ken Turnbull Ken Turnbull - 2017-09-18 19:32:47
This is very interesting to me but I am looking specifically for a method to use the data returned from a SQL database(right now mySql) to generate an Invoice in much the same manner as your examples however my template is just a little different.
My preferred output is PDF.

As my invoices are for services rather than products, I also group the items by location and then summarize the values for the location as well as the grand total of all locations for the client.
Your descriptions allude to this functionality but I need to know if it can/has been done.
I notice a post by Larry Bradley with some enhancements. Have any of them been included?
Ken T