PHP Classes

Some annoying points

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Subject:Some annoying points
Summary:A few tidy ups needed
Author:John Torr
Date:2005-09-01 02:50:37
Update:2006-05-18 10:05:39


  1. Some annoying points   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of John Torr John Torr - 2005-09-01 02:50:37
Hi, I have been searching around for an SSH interface for PHP and this seems like it might do the trick just fine. I tested it and was impressed!

It looks like you put a great deal of effort in to it and for the most part has been neayly coded.

However I am not too keen on your naming convention of the file or the class name.

I also didn't think it necessary for all the echo'ed success messages such as "Let's Rock" and "Login OK". If I want to echo a message I would like to do that myself.

  2. Re: Some annoying points   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of Martin Filip Martin Filip - 2005-09-01 08:02:35 - In reply to message 1 from John Torr
Hi, thank you for your reaction ;)

The code was born as an experiment and then I grew into this. I know, that many parts of code are not really clean, and thus I'm workin' on newer, better and even more stunning version, which will include for example: SSHv2 support and many, many, many cleanups.

again - I thank you for your reaction on my class and - stay tuned for more ;o)

  3. Re: Some annoying points   Reply   Report abuse  
Picture of JP AVRIL JP AVRIL - 2006-05-18 10:05:39 - In reply to message 1 from John Torr
Héhéhéhéhéhé work for free for the others, they always have reproaches for you.

I think it's an amazing and very useful work !! Thanks a lots !

And if i want to modify the messages, i'll do it by myself without annoyiong the developper who have worked very hard on it !