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Classes of Ivan Melgrati | FreeGoIP | | Download |
![]() FreeGoIPFreeGoIP - A PHP wrapper for FreeGoIP reverse geolocation API. is a service providing a public HTTP API for software developers to search the geolocation of IP addresses. It uses a database of IP addresses associated to cities along with other relevant information such as time zone, latitude and longitude. The freegeoip web server is free and open source but the public service limit up to 10,000 queries per hour by default. Once this limit is reached, all requests from the IP will result in HTTP 403, forbidden, until the quota is cleared. Developed by Ivan Melgrati Requirements
InstallationComposerThe recommended installation method is through
Composer, a dependency manager for PHP. Just add
More details can be found over at Packagist. Manually
FeedbackPlease open an issue to request a feature or submit a bug report. Or even if you just want to provide some feedback, I'd love to hear. I'm also available on Twitter as @imelgrat. Contributing