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File: admin_xml

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File: admin_xml
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: the admin class
Class: admin_XML.lib
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Date: 23 years ago
Size: 11,263 bytes



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<? /* *************************************************************************** Sur-couche apportée à XMLbasica afin de gérer l'interface d'administration. Cette applicatif repose sur la couche XMLBasica développée par C-Kit Leong as "BasicA" * Author : AUDUTEAU Alain * SiteURL: * Date : 29/05/2001 (DD/MM/YY) *************************************************************************** */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function XML_FileDisplay( $FileName ) // // Affiche la liste des occurrences du fichier XML passé en référence // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function XML_FileDisplay( $FileName ) { Global $TrtFile; Global $Title; Global $smallactions; Global $actions; $SearchData = ""; $SearchData = XML_DBarrayDump($TrtFile, $DB, $REC, $cntREC, $cntFLD, $FLD); print "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"3\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\">"; // Affichage de l'entete du tableau print "<tr bgcolor=\"" . C_bgTitle . "\"><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"" . ($cntFLD + 1) . "\"><font size=\"+1\"><b>" . $FileName . "</b></font></td><td align=\"center\" colspan=\"4\"><b>Actions</b></td></tr>"; print "<tr bgcolor=\"" . C_bgAction . "\" size=\"20\">"; print "<td align=\"center\"><b>N°</b></td>"; for ( $f = 0; $f < $cntFLD; $f++ ) { print "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><b>" . $FLD[$f] . "</b></td>" ; } print "<td align=\"center\"><b>" . $smallactions[5] . "</b></td>"; print "<td align=\"center\"><b>" . $smallactions[2] . "</b></td>"; print "<td align=\"center\"><b>" . $smallactions[3] . "</b></td>"; print "<td align=\"center\"><b>" . $smallactions[4] . "</b></td>"; print "</tr>"; // Affichage du contenu du tableau for ($i = 0; $i < $cntREC; $i++) { print "<tr>"; // Permet d'intégrer un type de navigation inter fichiers XML // Inclut la variable $NextFile utilisée après. Include ( C_ABSTRACT_INC_PTH . "/admin/"); // Affiche les données du fichier XML for ( $f = 0; $f < $cntFLD; $f++ ) { print "<td bgcolor=\"" . C_bgColumn . "\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">"; IF (trim($SearchData[$i][$f]) == "" ) { print "&nbsp;"; } else { If (strlen($SearchData[$i][$f]) >14 ) { print substr($SearchData[$i][$f],0,15) ."..."; } else { print $SearchData[$i][$f]; } } print "</td>"; } print "<td bgcolor=\"" . C_bgAction . "\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"" . C_ADMIN_APP . "?FileName=" . $FileName . "&action=" . $actions[5] . "&record=" . ($i + 1) . "\" title=\"" . $Title[2] . "\">" . $smallactions[5] . "</a></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=\"" . C_bgAction . "\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"" . C_ADMIN_APP . "?FileName=" . $FileName . "&action=" . $actions[2] . "&record=" . ($i + 1) . "\" title=\"" . $Title[3] . "\">" . $smallactions[2] . "</a></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=\"" . C_bgAction . "\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"" . C_ADMIN_APP . "?FileName=" . $FileName . "&action=" . $actions[3] . "&record=" . ($i + 1) . "\" title=\"" . $Title[4] . "\">" . $smallactions[3] . "</a></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=\"" . C_bgAction . "\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"" . C_ADMIN_APP . "?FileName=" . $FileName . "&action=" . $actions[4] . "&record=" . ($i + 1) . "\" title=\"" . $Title[5] . "\">" . $smallactions[4] . "</a></td>"; print "</tr>"; } print "</table>"; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function XML_FORM_RecordDisplay( $FileName, $Record ) // // Affiche l'occurrence du fichier XML passé en référence // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function XML_FORM_RecordDisplay( $FileName, $record ) { Global $TrtFile; Global $FormTitle; $SearchData = ""; $SearchData = XML_DBarrayDump($TrtFile, $DB, $REC, $cntREC, $cntFLD, $FLD); $DataRecord = ($record - 1); print "<div align=\"center\">"; print "<table bgcolor=\"" . C_bgAction . "\" width=\"80%\" cellpadding=\"5\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\">"; print "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><h3>" . $FormTitle[5] . $DataRecord . "</H3></td></tr>"; for ( $f = 0; $f < $cntFLD; $f++ ) { print "<tr>"; print "<td width=\"60\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">"; print $FLD[$f]. " :"; print "</td>"; print "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">"; print "<Font color=\"darkblue\">" ; IF (trim($SearchData[$DataRecord][$f])== "") { print "&nbsp;"; } else { print trim($SearchData[$DataRecord][$f]); } Print "</font></td></tr>"; } print "</table>"; print "</div>"; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function XML_FORM_Recordupdate( $FileName, $record, $action ) // // Affiche le formulaire de saisie de l'occurence sélectionnée // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function XML_FORM_Recordupdate( $FileName, $record, $action ) { Global $TrtFile; Global $actions; Global $FormTitle; IF ($action == $actions[5] ) { XML_FORM_RecordDisplay( $FileName, $record ); Return True; } $SearchData = ""; // Le n° d'enregistrement passé est surpondéré de 1. On le décrémente donc $DataRecord = ($record - 1); $SearchData = XML_DBarrayDump($TrtFile, $DB, $REC, $cntREC, $cntFLD, $FLD); print "<div align=\"center\">"; print "<table bgcolor=\"" . C_bgTitle . "\" width=\"80%\" cellpadding=\"5\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\">"; print "<tr>"; print "<td>"; print "<FORM action=\"" . C_ADMIN_APP . "?FileName=" . $FileName . "&action=" . $action ."&record=" . $record . "\" encType=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\" name=\"frmRecord\">"; print "<table cellpadding=\"5\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">"; IF ( $action == $actions[2] || $action == $actions[1]) { print "<tr>"; print "<td colspan=\"2\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><h3>" ; If ( $action == $actions[2] ) // insert { Print $FormTitle[1] . $DataRecord ; } else { // Ajout Print $FormTitle[2] ; } print "</h3></td><br>"; print "</tr>"; for ( $f = 0; $f < $cntFLD; $f++ ) { print "<tr>"; print "<td width=\"60\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">"; print $FLD[$f]. " :"; print "</td>"; print "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">"; print "<INPUT name=\"" .$FLD[$f]. "\" size=\"100\" type=\"text\" value=\"\"></INPUT>"; print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; } print "<tr>"; print "<td width=\"60\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">Document :"; print "</td>"; print "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">"; print "<INPUT type=\"file\" name=\"UpLoad\" size=\"50\"></input>"; print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; } else { print "<tr>"; print "<td colspan=\"2\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><h3>" ; If ( $action == $actions[3] ) // update { Print $FormTitle[3] . $DataRecord ; } else { // delete Print $FormTitle[4] . $DataRecord ; } print "</h3></td><br>"; print "</tr>"; for ( $f = 0; $f < $cntFLD; $f++ ) { print "<tr>"; print "<td width=\"60\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">"; print $FLD[$f]. " :"; print "</td>"; print "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">"; print "<INPUT name=\"" .$FLD[$f]. "\" size=\"100\" type=\"text\" value=\"" . trim($SearchData[$DataRecord][$f]). "\"></INPUT>"; print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; } } print "<tr>"; print "<td>&nbsp;</td><td>"; print "<INPUT name=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . ucfirst($action) . "\"></INPUT>&nbsp;&nbsp;"; print "<INPUT name=\"reset\" type=\"reset\" value=\"" . ucfirst($actions[7]) . "\"></INPUT>"; print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "</table>"; print "<form>"; print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "</table>"; print "</div>"; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function XML_AddColumn( $FileName ) // // Add a column to the data and assign the default value // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function XML_FORM_DBAddColumn( $FileName ) { Global $FormTitle; Global $actions; print "<div align=\"center\">"; print "<table bgcolor=\"" . C_bgTitle . "\" width=\"80%\" cellpadding=\"5\" border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\">"; print "<tr>"; print "<td>"; print "<FORM action=\"" . C_ADMIN_APP . "?FileName=" . $FileName . "&action=" . $actions[6] . "\" encType=\"multipart/form-data\" method=\"post\" name=\"frmColumn\">"; print "<table cellpadding=\"5\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\">"; print "<tr>"; print "<td colspan=\"2\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><h3>" ; Print $FormTitle[6] ; print "</h3></td><br>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td width=\"120\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">"; print $FormTitle[7]; print "</td>"; print "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">"; print "<INPUT name=\"XMLColumn\" size=\"100\" type=\"text\" value=\"\"></INPUT>"; print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td width=\"120\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">"; print $FormTitle[8]; print "</td>"; print "<td valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">"; print "<INPUT name=\"default\" size=\"100\" type=\"text\" value=\"\"></INPUT>"; print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td>&nbsp;</td><td>"; print "<INPUT name=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . ucfirst($actions[6]) . "\"></INPUT>&nbsp;&nbsp;"; print "<INPUT name=\"reset\" type=\"reset\" value=\"" . ucfirst($actions[7]) . "\"></INPUT>"; print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "</table>"; print "<form>"; print "</td>"; print "</tr>"; print "</table>"; print "</div>"; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function XML_DBAddColumn( $FileName, $Record, $Default ) // // Add a column to the data and assign the default value // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function XML_DBAddColumn( $XMLFile, $XMLColumn, $Default ) { IF ( $XMLColumn != "" ) { $XMLArray = XML_DBarrayDump($XMLFile, $DB, $REC, $cntREC, $cntFLD, $FLD); //Search if $XMLColumn dos not exist for ($flds = 0; $flds < $cntFLD; $flds++) { if (strtolower(trim($XMLColumn)) == strtolower(trim($FLD[$flds]))) { $ErrorMsg = "<dir>The column name <h4><dir>" . $XMLColumn . "</dir></h4> so exist in file ". $XMLFile . " !</dir>" ; return false; } } //Add column. $FLD[$cntFLD] = $XMLColumn; $cntFLD ++; for ($i = 0; $i < $cntREC; $i++) { $XMLArray[$i][$cntFLD-1] = $Default; } //Update XML File. XML_DBwriteFile($XMLFile, $XMLArray, $DB, $REC, $FLD, $cntREC, $cntFLD); return true; } else { $ErrorMsg = "<dir>The column name <h4><dir>" . $XMLColumn . "</dir></h4> does not exist in file <h5>". $XMLFile . " !</h5></dir>" ; return false; } } ?>