* SimpleServer Example 1
* ----------------------
* begin : Saturday, Dec 4, 2004 - 13:30
* copyright : (C) 2004 MC Breit
* email : [email protected] - MCB.CC - Free and Open Sources
* last modified : 04/12/04 - 23:44 - MC Breit
* version : 1.0.0
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This example will show how easy to create your own ECHO Server.
* What should out ECHO Server do?
* Our ECHO Server should listen to port 8000 on the local ip address
* and waiting for clients conntcting in.
* On connect of a client it should send a welcome message.
* While a client is connected, it should wait that the client is
* sending a "\r\n" and the return the message the cleint sended before.
* If the client entered "quit" it should close the connection to the
* client and say "Bye bye..", the same when reciving "shutdown", but
* then we would completely shutdown the Server.
* To test the server, you can run it using the console and run telnet
* in an other console window.
* Then connect to " port 8000" with telnet and type anything.
* For example under Windows you can exec "cmd" and then type in:
* C:\> telnet 8000
* After that you should see the welcome message.
* !! Important: Dont forget your firewall settings while testing !!
//Kill the max_ex_time (on pure installations not needed)
//Including the main class..
//Creating a new server object using port 8000 and the local ip "".
$srv = &new SimpleServer(8000, '');
//Setting the divider of the messages to \r\n.
//Main loop to listen for clients..
while( $srv->listen() )
//Say hello to the client..
$srv->put("Welcome to our PHP-Echo Server!\r\n");
$srv->put("Your IP: ".$srv->remote_ip()."\r\n");
$srv->put("Enter 'quit' to close the connection,\r\n");
$srv->put("or 'shutdown' to shutdown the server.\r\n");
//Working loop - Works with the client inside..
while( $srv->is_connected )
//Waiting for input from client..
$str = $srv->get();
//What to do with the input?
case 'quit':
//Would he quit? Then kick him off!
$srv->put("Bye bye..\r\n");
case 'shutdown':
//Would he shutdown thois Server? Then do so!
$srv->put("Shuting down..\r\n");
//Nothing? Ok, than we will ECHO back your string..
//Any errors inside this loop?
if( $error = $srv->get_error_str() )
print $error;
//Any errors while shutting down?
if( $error = $srv->get_error_str() )
print $error;
// Thats it folks!