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File: csv2ics.class.php

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  Classes of Matthew Boyle   PHP Calendar CSV Import to ICS (iCal)   csv2ics.class.php  
File: csv2ics.class.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class
Class: PHP Calendar CSV Import to ICS (iCal)
Convert calendar from CSV to ICS format
Author: By
Last change: added features which handle CSV input files which lack end time or end date. Added option of default duration for records missing both end time and end date,
use start date as end date if end time, but no end date or earlier end date given.
if the end time is before the start time, use the day after the start date as the end date.
Similarly reminder date and time a similarly checked and will always be before the start time.
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 8,149 bytes


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