PHP Classes

File: example.php

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  Classes of Lawliet   Plottable Thumbnail Library   example.php  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: An Example showing how to use the Class.
Class: Plottable Thumbnail Library
Generate thumbnail images with caching support.
Author: By
Last change: CHANGELOG:
26 October 2006
- Changed author's email address
- Added new method of retrieving remote images
==> This method uses the HTTP Retriever class (
- Example.php will now automatically "require" the file "class_HTTPRetriever.php" if it finds it in the same directory.
- retrieve_remote_file() now supports an optional parameter to "force" it to use a certain method of image retrival
- print_thumbnail() now redirects to an absolute URL instead of a relative URL
- Revamped Error Handling
- output_error() has been superseded by set_error()
- You can now set log_error on to log errors in cache folder
- Script will now terminate only on Fatal Errors
- error_array has been sub-divided into fatal errors and warnings
- Warnings are now logged in error_array.
- Parameter changes to error()
- Behavioural changes to isError() and error() - error() now returns ALL errors
- Intermediate methods will now generate warnings instead of simply returning a "false" for easier debugging.
- Documentation rewritten
28 October 2006
- Fixed bug in example where parent constructor methods was not run
- Added new configuration to clear cache on thumbnail generation complete
- Fixed variable mistake in print_thumbnail where $cached was used instead of $outputted
- Thumbnail Generator web interface added (generator.php)
- PHP Version requirements changed to 4.3.2. Please contact me if the class breaks in any PHP version above 4.3.2.
- print_thumbnail now uses imagecopyresampled() instead of imagecopyresized() (Clear your cache if you want clearer thumbnails for cached ones!)
- print_thumbnail now correctly saves PNG alpha channels
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 9,265 bytes


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