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File: comment.php4

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  Classes of Matthias Richter   phpMyCoCo   comment.php4   Download  
File: comment.php4
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: comment mainfile
Class: phpMyCoCo
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 23 years ago
Size: 5,054 bytes



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<?php if(@mysql_connect("","matthias","abraxas")) { $COCOPATH="/homepages/33/d17681433/htdocs/public/phpmycoco/include"; if(!include ("$COCOPATH/coco.main.php4")) {echo "Cannot include coco!\n";} ?> <?php global $COCO_CONF_VARS; $coco = new phpMyCoCo; $coco -> init(); // read comments if($coco -> httpgetvars[action] == "read") { include("$COCOPATH/"); $coco -> cocohtml -> showPageDescription ($coco -> cocodb, $coco->httpgetvars[pgid]); $coco -> cocohtml -> showComments ($coco -> cocodb, $coco -> httpgetvars[pgid]); include("$COCOPATH/"); exit; } // write a comment if($coco -> httpgetvars[action] == "write") { include("$COCOPATH/"); $coco -> cocohtml -> showPageDescription ($coco -> cocodb, $coco->httpgetvars[pgid]); if($coco -> httpgetvars[paid] > 0) { $coco -> cocohtml -> showComment ($coco -> cocodb, $coco -> httpgetvars[paid]); } $coco -> cocohtml -> showCommentInput ($coco -> httpgetvars[pgid], $coco -> httpgetvars[paid]); include("$COCOPATH/"); exit; } // input comment into database if($coco -> httpgetvars[action] == "input") { if($coco -> cococommenter -> enterComment ( $coco -> cocodb, $coco -> httpgetvars[pgid], $coco -> httpgetvars[paid], $coco -> cocolog -> accessid)) { header ("Location: $COCO_CONF_VARS[COMMENT]?" . "action=read&pgid=" . $coco->httpgetvars[pgid]); } else { include("$COCOPATH/"); $coco -> cocohtml -> showPageDescription ($coco -> cocodb, $coco->httpgetvars[pgid]); if($coco -> httpgetvars[paid] > 0) { $coco -> cocohtml -> showComment ($coco -> cocodb, $coco -> httpgetvars[paid]); } $coco -> cocohtml -> showErrorMessage ($coco -> cococommenter -> errors); $coco -> cocohtml -> showCommentInput ($coco -> httpgetvars[pgid], $coco -> httpgetvars[paid]); include("$COCOPATH/"); } exit; } // edit a comment if($coco -> httpgetvars[action] == "edit") { if(isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[password])) { if(!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS[password]) && $HTTP_POST_VARS[password] == $COCO_CONF_VARS[PASSWORD]) { if(isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[drop])) { if($coco -> dropComment ( $coco -> cocodb, $coco -> httpgetvars[cid], $coco -> httpgetvars[pgid] )) { header ("Location: $COCO_CONF_VARS[COMMENT]?" . "action=read&pgid=" . $coco->httpgetvars[pgid]); } } else { $coco -> updateComment ( $coco -> cocodb, $coco -> httpgetvars[cid], $coco -> httpgetvars[pgid]); header ("Location: $COCO_CONF_VARS[COMMENT]?" . "action=read&pgid=" . $coco->httpgetvars[pgid]); } } else { include("$COCOPATH/"); $coco -> cocohtml -> showErrorMessage ($COCO_STRINGS[WRONGPASSWORD]); $coco -> cocohtml -> showEditCommentForm ( $coco -> cocodb, $coco -> httpgetvars[cid], $coco -> httpgetvars[pgid]); include("$COCOPATH/"); } } else { include("$COCOPATH/"); $coco -> cocohtml -> showEditCommentForm ( $coco -> cocodb, $coco -> httpgetvars[cid], $coco -> httpgetvars[pgid]); include("$COCOPATH/"); } exit; } // add page description if($coco -> httpgetvars[action] == "addesc") { if(isset($HTTP_POST_VARS[password])) { if(!empty($HTTP_POST_VARS[password]) && $HTTP_POST_VARS[password] == $COCO_CONF_VARS[PASSWORD]) { if($coco -> insertDescription ( $coco -> cocodb, $coco -> httpgetvars[pgid], $HTTP_POST_VARS[description])) { header ("Location: $COCO_CONF_VARS[COMMENT]?" . "action=read&pgid=" . $coco->httpgetvars[pgid]); } } else { include("$COCOPATH/"); $coco -> cocohtml -> showErrorMessage ($COCO_STRINGS[WRONGPASSWORD]); $coco -> cocohtml -> showPageDescInput ($coco -> cocodb, $coco -> httpgetvars[pgid]); include("$COCOPATH/"); } } else { include("$COCOPATH/"); $coco -> cocohtml -> showPageDescInput ($coco -> cocodb, $coco -> httpgetvars[pgid]); include("$COCOPATH/"); } exit; } } else { echo "Oops, die Verbindung zur Datenbank ist verloren gegangen. Das bedeutet wahrscheinlich, dass dass der Datenbankrechner entweder runtergefahren wurde (wenn es jetzt Schlafenszeit ist) oder dass unser Netz mal wieder h&auml;ngt. Sorry for the inconvenience."; } ?>