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File: coco.commenter.php4

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File: coco.commenter.php4
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: adding comments
Class: phpMyCoCo
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 23 years ago
Size: 3,873 bytes



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<?php class cocoCOMMENTER { function lastComment($cocodb,$pageid,$scope,$comments) { global $COCO_CONF_VARS; if($comments > 0) { $query = "SELECT as cid, as cname, c.title as ctitle, "; $query.= " as cemail, a.lasttime as ctime from "; $query.= "$COCO_CONF_VARS[TBCOMMENT] as c, $COCO_CONF_VARS[TBACCESS] as a WHERE "; if($scope=="page") { $query.= "c.pgid='$pageid' AND "; } $query.= " ORDER BY ctime DESC LIMIT 0,1;"; $answer = $cocodb -> db_query($query); if($result= $cocodb -> db_fetch_array($answer)) { return $result; } } } // If we receive a comment, we need to process it and add // it to the database // returns true on success function enterComment($cocodb,$pgid,$paid,$acid) { global $COCO_CONF_VARS; global $COCO_STRINGS; global $HTTP_POST_VARS; // Add some shortcuts $cname = $HTTP_POST_VARS[name]; $ctitle = $HTTP_POST_VARS[title]; $cemail = $HTTP_POST_VARS[email]; $curl = $HTTP_POST_VARS[url]; $ctext = $HTTP_POST_VARS[text]; $creplies = $HTTP_POST_VARS[replies]; $errorstring = ""; // Begin processing the forms input ... if($cname==""){$cname=$COCO_STRINGS[ANONYMOUS];} if($ctitle==""){$ctitle=$COCO_STRINGS[NOTITLE];} if($COCO_CONF_VARS[REQUIREMAIL]=="yes") { if($cemail=="") { $errorstring .= "$COCO_STRINGS[REQ_NOEMAIL]\n<br>"; } else { $validator = new email_validation_class; $validator -> timeout = 10; if($validator->ValidateEmailBox($cemail)!=1) { $errorstring .= "$COCO_STRINGS[FAILEDEMAIL]\n<br>"; } } } else { if($cemail==""){$cemail=$COCO_STRINGS[NOEMAIL];} } if($COCO_CONF_VARS[REQUIRETEXT]=="yes") { if($ctext=="") { $errorstring .= "$COCO_STRINGS[REQ_TEXT]\n<br>";} } else { if($ctext==""){$ctext=$COCO_STRINGS[NOTEXT];} } if($errorstring!="") { $this -> errors .= $errorstring; return false; } if(empty($creplies)) { $creplies = "no";} else { $creplies = "yes";} // Remove all unwanted HTML from all variables ... $allowedtags = $COCO_CONF_VARS[ALLOWED_TAGS]; $cname = strip_tags($cname, $allowedtags); $ctitle = strip_tags($ctitle, $allowedtags); $cemail = strip_tags($cemail, $allowedtags); $curl = strip_tags($curl, $allowedtags); $ctext = strip_tags($ctext, $allowedtags); // Now the input should be fine. // Now: If there is a parent comment and the author // requested an email to be sent for replies to his // comment we have to do this now: $query = "SELECT replies,name,email,title FROM"; $query.= " $COCO_CONF_VARS[TBCOMMENT] WHERE id='$paid';"; if($answer = $cocodb -> db_query($query)) { if($result = $cocodb -> db_fetch_array($answer)) { if($result[replies]=="yes") { $mailtext = "$COCO_STRINGS[MAILSTART]\n \n$ctext"; mail( $result[email], "Re: [phpMyCoCo] $result[title]", $mailtext, "From: phpMyCoCo <$COCO_CONF_VARS[COCOEMAIL]>\n" . "Reply-To: $cname <$cemail>"); } } } // Insert Comment into TBCOMMENT $query = "INSERT INTO $COCO_CONF_VARS[TBCOMMENT] "; $query.= "(id,pgid,paid,acid,name,title,email,url,text,replies) "; $query.= "VALUES ('','$pgid','$paid','$acid','$cname',"; $query.= "'$ctitle','$cemail','$curl','$ctext','$creplies');"; $cocodb -> db_query($query); // Do not forget to add 1 to #comments in TBCOUNTER $query = "UPDATE $COCO_CONF_VARS[TBCOUNTER] "; $query.= "SET comments=1+comments WHERE id=$pgid;"; $cocodb -> db_query($query); return true; } } ?>