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  Classes of fuchs yves   ModbusTcp   Download  
Role: Class source
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Description: Main class
Class: ModbusTcp
Author: By
Last change: improve write modbus registers ans coils
add float and double conversion functions
Date: 17 years ago
Size: 34,904 bytes



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<? /* -------------- VERSION 1.4 du 28/11/2007 --------- Fiabilisation fonction ecriture des registres (Fonctions 16) -------------- VERSION 1.3 du 17/04/2003 --------- Rajout Ecriture d'une Bobine ( Fct 5 ) -------------- VERSION 1.2 du 17/11/2002 --------- Rajout d'un mode Simulation ( retourne des valeurs aleatoires sans connexions ) -------------- VERSION 1.1 du 01/07/2002 --------- Rajout du routage dynamique avec passerelle 174 CEV 200 30 MB+ / ModBusTcp -------------- VERSION 1.0 du 30/10/2001 --------- Creation de la classe ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- EXEMPLES -- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ Lecture d'un tableau de registres ou bits contigus -------- ... include ""; $Plc = new ModbusTcp; $Plc->SetAdIpPLC ("xx.xx.xx.xx"); $Plc->Unit = 5; // Sans routage dynamique $Plc->BridgeRoute = array( 52, 11, 0, 0, 0 ); // Avec routage dynamique si passerelle 174CEV20030 $valeurs = $Plc->ReadModbus( "400001", 50 ); // Lecture de 50 mots a partir de 400001 print_r ($valeurs); echo "<br>"; $valeurs = $Plc->ReadModbus( "300001", 15 ); // Lecture de 15 mots d'entree a partir de 300001 print_r ($valeurs); echo "<br>"; $valeurs = $Plc->ReadModbus( "000001", 200 ); // Lecture de 200 bits de sortie a partir de 000001 print_r ($valeurs); echo "<br>"; $valeurs = $Plc->ReadModbus( "100001", 125 ); // Lecture de 125 bits d'entrée a partir de 100001 print_r ($valeurs); echo "<br>"; ... $Plc->ModClose(); ------- Lecture d'un tableau de registres aleatoires ------------- ... include ""; $Plc = new ModbusArray; $Plc->SetAdIpPLC ("xx.xx.xx.xx"); $Plc->Unit = 5; // Sans routage dynamique $Plc->SetBridgeRoute( 52, 11, 0, 0, 0 ); // Avec routage dynamique si passerelle 174CEV20030 $Registre = array (400001, 400250, 400625, 400002, 400050, 300001, 000005, 100010, 100035 ) $arrValeurs = $Plc->ReadArrRegs( $Registre ); print_r ($arrValeurs); echo "<br>"; ... $Plc->ModClose(); A noter que dans ce cas, les trames envoyees sont optimisees au niveau du reseau de facon a lire des tableaux de mots contigus. A voir avec $Plc->Debug = true. ------ Utilisation du mode Simulation ----------------------------- ... include ""; $Plc = new ModbusTcp; $Plc->SetSimulation(); $valeurs = $Plc->ReadModbus( "400001", 50 ); print_r ($valeurs); echo "<br>"; $valeurs = $Plc->ReadModbus( "300001", 63 ); print_r ($valeurs); echo "<br>"; $valeurs = $Plc->ReadModbus( "000001", 2000 ); print_r ($valeurs); echo "<br>"; ... $Plc->ModClose(); ------ Ecriture(write) d'un tableau de registres contigus -------- ... include ""; $Plc = new ModbusTcp; $Plc->SetAdIpPLC ("xx.xx.xx.xx"); $Plc->Unit = 1; // Sans routage dynamique //$Plc->BridgeRoute = array( 52, 11, 0, 0, 0 ); // Avec routage dynamique si passerelle 174CEV20030 $Writebuffer = array(1234, 1111, 2222); $DebutArrAdresse = "400200"; if ( !$Plc->WriteModbus($DebutArrAdresse, $Writebuffer ) ){ echo "<br>PROBLEME D'ECRITURE<BR>"; } ... $Plc->ModClose(); ------ Ecriture(write) d'une bobine(coil) -------- ... include ""; $Plc = new ModbusTcp; $Plc->SetAdIpPLC ("xx.xx.xx.xx"); $Plc->Unit = 1; // Sans routage dynamique //$Plc->BridgeRoute = array( 52, 11, 0, 0, 0 ); // Avec routage dynamique si passerelle 174CEV20030 $Writebuffer = "1"; $DebutArrAdresse = "000200"; if ( !$Plc->WriteModbus($DebutArrAdresse, $Writebuffer ) ){ echo "<br>PROBLEME D'ECRITURE<BR>"; } ... $Plc->ModClose(); */ class ModbusTcp { var $AdIpPLC; var $PortIpPLC; var $Unit; var $DebutAdresse; var $Nbre; var $WriteValues; var $Erreur; var $Fp; var $BridgeRoute; var $tmpBridgeRoute; var $Debug; var $Simulation; var $MemoConn; var $TypeDouble; var $TypeFloat; function ModbusTcp () { // Constructeur $this->AdIpPLC = ""; $this->PortIpPLC = 502; $this->Unit = 0; $this->DebutAdresse = 0; $this->Nbre = 1; $this->WriteValues = array(0); $this->Erreur = ""; $this->BridgeRoute = array(); $this->tmpBridgeRoute = array(); $this->Debug = false; $this->Simulation = False; $this->MemoConn = False; $this->TypeDouble = false; $this->TypeFloat = false; srand( (float) microtime()*1000000 ); } function SetAdIpPLC( $Ip = "" ) { $this->AdIpPLC = $Ip; $this->ModConn(); $this->BridgeRoute = array(); $this->tmpBridgeRoute = array(); if ( $this->Fp ) $this->MemoConn = True; } function ModConn() { if ( !$this->Simulation ) { //$this->Fp = @fsockopen( "$this->AdIpPLC", $this->PortIpPLC, $errno, $errstr, 5 ) or die("Pas de connexion a l'Adresse $this->AdIpPLC"); $this->Fp = @fsockopen( "$this->AdIpPLC", $this->PortIpPLC, $errno, $errstr, 5 ); } } function ModClose() { if ( $this->Fp) @fclose($this->Fp); } function WriteSocket( $OutBuf ) { fwrite( $this->Fp, implode( "", $OutBuf )); return true; } function ReadSocket () { while ( ! $InBuf = fgetc($this->Fp) ); //Lire le 1er octet du socket pour utiliser après socket_get_status() $status = socket_get_status($this->Fp); $InBuf .= fread($this->Fp, $status["unread_bytes"]); //Lire les octets restants if ( $this->Debug ) { //Affichage des octets recu si mode Debug for ( $i=0; $i<strlen($InBuf); $i++ ) { echo "OctRecu[$i] =". ord($InBuf[$i])."<br>"; } } return $InBuf; } function SetTypeFloat() { $this->TypeFloat = true; // } function SetTypeDouble() { $this->TypeDouble = true; // } function SetSimulation() { $this->Simulation = True; // // initialise avec les microsecondes depuis la derni? seconde enti? srand( (float) microtime()*1000000 ); //Pour Simulation echo "<br><font color='#FF9900' size=3><b>Attention: valeurs en Mode SIMULATION ! ! ! ! </b></font><br>"; } function SetDebug() { $this->Debug = True; // } function WordToBytes( $word = 0 ) { if ( $word > 65535 ) $word = 65535; return ( array( chr( $word % 256 ), chr( ( $word - $word % 256 ) / 256 ) ) ); } function BytesToWord( $byte1 = 0, $byte2 = 0 ) { return( ord($byte1) * 256 + ord($byte2) ); } function ByteToBits( $byte1 = 0) { // converti un octet en string format binaire inverse return( strrev( sprintf( "%08d", decbin( ord( $byte1 ) ) ) ) ); } function BytesToDouble( $byte1, $byte2, $byte3, $byte4 ) { return ( ($byte1 & 0x000000FF) << 24) + (($byte2 & 0x000000FF) << 16) + (($byte3 & 0x000000FF) << 8) + (($byte4 & 0x000000FF) ); } function WordToDouble( $Word1, $Word2 ) { return ( ($Word1 & 0x0000FFFF) << 16) + (($Word2 & 0x0000FFFF) ); } function WordToFloat( $Word1, $Word2 ) { /* Conversion selon presentation Standard IEEE 754 / seeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm / 31 0 / s = sign bit, e = exponent, m = mantissa */ define ("DBL_MAX", 99999999999999999); $src = ( ($Word1 & 0x0000FFFF) << 16) + (($Word2 & 0x0000FFFF) ); $s = (bool)($src >> 31); $e = ($src & 0x7F800000) >> 23; $f = ($src & 0x007FFFFF); //var_dump($s); //echo "<br>"; //var_dump($e); //echo "<br>"; //var_dump($f); //echo "<br>"; if ($e == 255 && $f != 0) { /* NaN - Not a number */ $value = DBL_MAX; } elseif ($e == 255 && $f == 0 && $s) { /* Negative infinity */ $value = -DBL_MAX; } elseif ($e == 255 && $f == 0 && !$s) { /* Positive infinity */ $value = DBL_MAX; } elseif ($e > 0 && $e < 255) { /* Normal number */ $f += 0x00800000; if ($s) $f = -$f; $value = $f * pow(2, $e - 127 - 23); } elseif ($e == 0 && $f != 0) { /* Denormal number */ if ($s) $f = -$f; $value = $f * pow(2, $e - 126 - 23); } elseif ($e == 0 && $f == 0 && $s) { /* Negative zero */ $value = 0; } elseif ($e == 0 && $f == 0 && !$s) { /* Positive zero */ $value = 0; } else { /* Never happens */ } return $value; } function BytesToFloat( $byte1, $byte2, $byte3, $byte4 ) { // Conversion selon presentation Standard IEEE 754 define ("DBL_MAX", 99999999999999999); $src = ( ($byte1 & 0x000000FF) << 24) + (($byte2 & 0x000000FF) << 16) + (($byte3 & 0x000000FF) << 8) + (($byte4 & 0x000000FF) ); $s = (bool)($src >> 31); $e = ($src & 0x7F800000) >> 23; $f = ($src & 0x007FFFFF); //var_dump($s); //echo "<br>"; //var_dump($e); //echo "<br>"; //var_dump($f); //echo "<br>"; if ($e == 255 && $f != 0) { /* NaN - Not a number */ $value = DBL_MAX; } elseif ($e == 255 && $f == 0 && $s) { /* Negative infinity */ $value = -DBL_MAX; } elseif ($e == 255 && $f == 0 && !$s) { /* Positive infinity */ $value = DBL_MAX; } elseif ($e > 0 && $e < 255) { /* Normal number */ $f += 0x00800000; if ($s) $f = -$f; $value = $f * pow(2, $e - 127 - 23); } elseif ($e == 0 && $f != 0) { /* Denormal number */ if ($s) $f = -$f; $value = $f * pow(2, $e - 126 - 23); } elseif ($e == 0 && $f == 0 && $s) { /* Negative zero */ $value = 0; } elseif ($e == 0 && $f == 0 && !$s) { /* Positive zero */ $value = 0; } else { /* Never happens */ } return $value; } function print_r_log($var) { echo "<pre><font color='#000000' size='1' face='Verdana'>"; print_r($var); echo "</pre><br>"; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FONCTION PRINCIPALE LECTURE D'UN TABLEAU DE 0/1/3/4xxxxx // ( retourne un tableau [0/1/3/4xxxxx] = valeur ) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ReadModbus( $AdrDebut = "400001", $NbreReg = 1 ) { $this->Nbre = (int)$NbreReg; //$AdrDebut = (string)$AdrDebut; if ( $this->Nbre < 1 ) $this->Nbre = 1; // LECTURE REELLE ----------------------- switch ( substr( sprintf("%06d", $AdrDebut), 0, 1) ) { // Formatage ? caract?s case "4": $this->DebutAdresse = $AdrDebut - 400001; //echo "debut-adresse = $this->DebutAdresse"; return ( $this->ReadHoldRegisters() ); break; case "3": $this->DebutAdresse = $AdrDebut - 300001; return ( $this->ReadInputRegisters() ); break; case "1": $this->DebutAdresse = $AdrDebut - 100001; return ( $this->ReadDiscretInputs() ); break; case "0": $this->DebutAdresse = $AdrDebut - 1; return ( $this->ReadCoils() ); break; default: return array(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------- // LECTURE DES 4xxxxx // ( retourne un tableau [4xxxxx] = valeur ) // ------------------------------------------------------- function ReadHoldRegisters() { //Retourne des valeurs aleatoires entre 0 et 4095 sans ouvrir les sockets if ( $this->Simulation ) { if ( $this->Nbre > 125 ) $this->Nbre = 125; for ( $i=0; $i<=$this->Nbre; $i++ ) { $buffer[400000 + $this->DebutAdresse + $i] = rand(0, 4095); //Simulation ANA // $buffer[400000 + $this->DebutAdresse + $i] = ( 256*rand(65, 90) + rand(65, 90) ) ;//Simulation ASCII } return $buffer; } // FIN Simulation if ( !$this->MemoConn ) return array(); if ( $this->BridgeRoute ) $this->SetBridgeRoute(); if ( $this->Nbre > 125 ) $this->Nbre = 125; $obuf = array ( 0=>chr(0), 1=>chr(0), 2=>chr(0), 3=>chr(0), 4=>chr(0), 5=>chr(6), 6=>chr($this->Unit), 7=>chr(3) ) ; list( $obuf[9], $obuf[8] ) = $this->WordToBytes( (int)$this->DebutAdresse ); list( $obuf[11], $obuf[10] ) = $this->WordToBytes( (int)$this->Nbre ); if ( $this->Debug ) { //Affichage des octets ?s si en mode Debug echo "<b>ReadHoldRegisters</b><br>"; for ($i=0;$i<count($obuf);$i++ ) { echo "OctEmis[$i] =". ord($obuf[$i])."<br>"; } } //--------- ECRITURE DU SOCKET -------------- fwrite( $this->Fp, implode( "", $obuf ) ); //--------- LECTURE DU SOCKET --------------- $OctetRecu = fgetc($this->Fp); //Lire le 1er octet du socket pour utiliser apr?socket_get_status() $status = socket_get_status($this->Fp); $OctetRecu .= fread($this->Fp, $status["unread_bytes"]); //Lire les octets restants if ( $OctetRecu[7] != $obuf[7] ) { echo "<FONT SIZE='3' COLOR='#FFFF00'><b>"; echo "ERREUR DE LECTURE des REGISTRES de SORTIE de ".sprintf("4%05d", $this->DebutAdresse)." ".sprintf("4%05d", ($this->DebutAdresse + $this->Nbre))."<br>"; for ( $i=0; $i<count($OctetRecu); $i++ ) { echo "OctRecu[$i] =". ord($OctetRecu[$i])."<br>"; } echo "</b></FONT>\n"; $this->MemoConn = False; return array(); } //Recupération des DATAs $i = 1; $buffer = array(); if ($this->TypeFloat) { for ($j=0; $j < ord($OctetRecu[8]); $j=$j+4) { $buffer[400000 + $this->DebutAdresse + $i] = $this->BytesToFloat( ord($OctetRecu[$j+9]), ord($OctetRecu[$j+10]), ord($OctetRecu[$j+11]), ord($OctetRecu[$j+12]) ); $i++; $i++; } } elseif ($this->TypeDouble) { for ($j=0; $j < ord($OctetRecu[8]); $j=$j+4) { $buffer[400000 + $this->DebutAdresse + $i] = $this->BytesToDouble( ord($OctetRecu[$j+9]), ord($OctetRecu[$j+10]), ord($OctetRecu[$j+11]), ord($OctetRecu[$j+12]) ); //$buffer[400000 + $this->DebutAdresse + $i] = $this->BytesToDouble( ord($OctetRecu[$j+11]), ord($OctetRecu[$j+12]), ord($OctetRecu[$j+9]), ord($OctetRecu[$j+10]) ); $i++; $i++; } } else { for ($j=0; $j < ord($OctetRecu[8]); $j=$j+2) { $buffer[400000 + $this->DebutAdresse + $i] = $this->BytesToWord( $OctetRecu[$j+9], $OctetRecu[$j+10] ); $i++; } } //Affichage des octets recu si mode Debug if ( $this->Debug ) { for ( $i=0; $i<strlen($OctetRecu); $i++ ) { echo "OctRecu[$i] =". ord($OctetRecu[$i])."<br>"; } } return $buffer ; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // LECTURE DES 3xxxxx // ( retourne un tableau [3xxxxx] = valeur ) // -------------------------------------------------------------- function ReadInputRegisters() { //Retourne des valeurs aleatoires entre 0 et 4095 sans ouvrir les sockets if ( $this->Simulation ) { if ( $this->Nbre > 125 ) $this->Nbre = 125; for ( $i=0; $i<=$this->Nbre; $i++ ) { $buffer[300000 + $this->DebutAdresse + $i] = rand(0, 4095); } return $buffer; } // FIN Simulation if ( !$this->MemoConn ) return array(); if ( $this->BridgeRoute ) $this->SetBridgeRoute(); if ( $this->Nbre > 125 ) $this->Nbre = 125; $obuf = array ( 0=>chr(0), 1=>chr(0), 2=>chr(0), 3=>chr(0), 4=>chr(0), 5=>chr(6), 6=>chr($this->Unit), 7=>chr(4) ) ; list( $obuf[9], $obuf[8] ) = $this->WordToBytes( (int)$this->DebutAdresse ); list( $obuf[11], $obuf[10] ) = $this->WordToBytes( (int)$this->Nbre ); if ( $this->Debug ) { //Affichage des octets emis si en mode Debug echo "<b>ReadInputRegisters</b><br>"; for ($i=0;$i<count($obuf);$i++ ) { echo "OctEmis[$i] =". ord($obuf[$i])."<br>"; } } //--------- ECRITURE DU SOCKET -------------- fwrite( $this->Fp, implode( "", $obuf ) ); //--------- LECTURE DU SOCKET --------------- $OctetRecu = fgetc($this->Fp); //Lire le 1er octet du socket pour utiliser apr?socket_get_status() $status = socket_get_status($this->Fp); $OctetRecu .= fread($this->Fp, $status["unread_bytes"]); //Lire les octets restants if ( $OctetRecu[7] != $obuf[7] ) { echo "<FONT SIZE='3' COLOR='#FFFF00'><b>"; echo "ERREUR DE LECTURE des REGISTRES d'ENTREE de ".sprintf("3%05d", $this->DebutAdresse)." ".sprintf("3%05d", ($this->DebutAdresse + $this->Nbre))."<br>"; for ( $i=0; $i<count($OctetRecu); $i++ ) { echo "OctRecu[$i] =". ord($OctetRecu[$i])."<br>"; } echo "</b></FONT>\n"; $this->MemoConn = False; return array(); } //Recupération des DATAs $i = 1; $buffer = array(); if ( $this->TypeFloat ) { for ($j=0; $j < ord($OctetRecu[8]); $j=$j+4) { $buffer[300000 + $this->DebutAdresse + $i] = $this->BytesToFloat( ord($OctetRecu[$j+9]), ord($OctetRecu[$j+10]), ord($OctetRecu[$j+11]), ord($OctetRecu[$j+12]) ); $i++; $i++; } } elseif ( $this->TypeDouble ) { for ($j=0; $j < ord($OctetRecu[8]); $j=$j+4) { $buffer[300000 + $this->DebutAdresse + $i] = $this->BytesToDouble( ord($OctetRecu[$j+9]), ord($OctetRecu[$j+10]), ord($OctetRecu[$j+11]), ord($OctetRecu[$j+12]) ); $i++; $i++; } } else { for ($j=0; $j < ord($OctetRecu[8]); $j=$j+2) { $buffer[300000 + $this->DebutAdresse + $i] = $this->BytesToWord( $OctetRecu[$j+9], $OctetRecu[$j+10] ); $i++; } } //Affichage des octets recu si mode Debug if ( $this->Debug ) { for ( $i=0; $i<strlen($OctetRecu); $i++ ) { echo "OctRecu[$i] =". ord($OctetRecu[$i])."<br>"; } } if ( $this->Debug ) { //Affichage des octets recu si mode Debug for ( $i=0; $i<strlen($OctetRecu); $i++ ) { echo "OctRecu[$i] =". ord($OctetRecu[$i])."<br>"; } } return $buffer ; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // LECTURE DES 1xxxxx // ( retourne un tableau [1xxxxx] = valeur ) // ------------------------------------------------------------- function ReadDiscretInputs() { //Retourne des valeurs aleatoires entre 0 et 1 sans ouvrir les sockets if ( $this->Simulation ) { if ( $this->Nbre > 2000 ) $this->Nbre = 2000; for ( $i=0; $i<=$this->Nbre; $i++ ) { $buffer[100000 + $this->DebutAdresse + $i] = rand(0, 1); } return $buffer; } // FIN Simulation if ( !$this->MemoConn ) return array(); if ( $this->BridgeRoute ) $this->SetBridgeRoute(); if ( $this->Nbre > 2000 ) $this->Nbre = 2000; $obuf = array ( 0=>chr(0), chr(0), chr(0), chr(0), chr(0), 5=>chr(6), 6=>chr($this->Unit), 7=>chr(2) ) ; list( $obuf[9], $obuf[8] ) = $this->WordToBytes( (int)$this->DebutAdresse ); list( $obuf[11], $obuf[10] ) = $this->WordToBytes( (int)$this->Nbre ); if ( $this->Debug ) { //Affichage des octets emis si en mode Debug echo "<b>ReadDiscretInputs</b><br>"; for ( $i=0; $i<count($obuf); $i++ ) { echo "OctEmis[$i] =". ord($obuf[$i])."<br>"; } } //--------- ECRITURE DU SOCKET -------------- fwrite( $this->Fp, implode( "", $obuf) ); //--------- LECTURE DU SOCKET -------------- $OctetRecu = fgetc($this->Fp); //Lire le 1er octet du socket pour utiliser apr?socket_get_status() $status = socket_get_status($this->Fp); $OctetRecu .= fread($this->Fp, $status["unread_bytes"]); //Lire les octets restants if ( $OctetRecu[7] != $obuf[7] ) { // Lecture du 8eme octet = Code function renvoy?ar destinataire echo "<FONT SIZE='3' COLOR='#FFFF00'><b>"; echo "ERREUR DE LECTURE des Bits d'ENTREES de ".sprintf("1%05d", $this->DebutAdresse)." ".sprintf("1%05d", ($this->DebutAdresse + $this->Nbre))."<br>"; echo "</b></FONT>\n"; $this->MemoConn = False; return array(); } //$OctetRecu[8] 9eme octet = nbre d'octets (mots) de donn? $i = 0; $buffer = array(); $debut = 100000 + $this->DebutAdresse + 1; while( $i < ord($OctetRecu[8]) ) { $tmp = $this->ByteToBits( $OctetRecu[$i+9] ); for ( $j=0; $j<8; $j++ ) { //extraction des bits de mots $bit = $i*8 + $j; if ( $bit >= $this->Nbre ) break; $buffer[$debut + $j + $i*8] = $tmp[$j]; } $i++; } if ( $this->Debug ) { //Affichage des octets recu si mode Debug for ( $i=0; $i < strlen($OctetRecu); $i++ ) { echo "OctRecu[$i] =". ord($OctetRecu[$i])."<br>"; } } return $buffer; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // LECTURE DES 0xxxxx // ( retourne un tableau ['0xxxxx'] = valeur ) // ------------------------------------------------------------- function ReadCoils() { //Retourne des valeurs aleatoires entre 0 et 1 sans ouvrir les sockets if ( $this->Simulation ) { if ( $this->Nbre > 2000 ) $this->Nbre = 2000; for ( $i=0; $i<=$this->Nbre; $i++ ) { $buffer[sprintf( "%06d", $this->DebutAdresse + $i)] = rand(0, 1); } return $buffer; } // FIN Simulation if ( !$this->MemoConn ) return array(); if ( $this->BridgeRoute ) $this->SetBridgeRoute(); if ( $this->Nbre > 2000 ) $this->Nbre = 2000; $obuf = array ( 0=>chr(0), chr(1), chr(0), chr(0), chr(0), 5=>chr(6), 6=>chr($this->Unit), 7=>chr(1) ) ; list( $obuf[9], $obuf[8] ) = $this->WordToBytes( (int)$this->DebutAdresse ); list( $obuf[11], $obuf[10] ) = $this->WordToBytes( (int)$this->Nbre ); if ( $this->Debug ) { //Affichage des octets emis si en mode Debug echo "<b>ReadCoils</b><br>"; for ( $i=0; $i<count($obuf); $i++ ) { echo "OctEmis[$i] =". ord($obuf[$i])."<br>"; } } //--------- ECRITURE DU SOCKET -------------- fwrite( $this->Fp, implode( "", $obuf) ); //--------- LECTURE DU SOCKET -------------- $OctetRecu = fgetc($this->Fp); //Lire le 1er octet du socket pour utiliser apr?socket_get_status() $status = socket_get_status($this->Fp); $OctetRecu .= fread($this->Fp, $status["unread_bytes"]); //Lire les octets restants if ( $OctetRecu[7] != $obuf[7] ) { echo "<FONT SIZE='3' COLOR='#FFFF00'><b>"; echo "ERREUR DE LECTURE des Bits de SORTIES de ".sprintf("%06d", $this->DebutAdresse)." ".sprintf("%06d", ($this->DebutAdresse + $this->Nbre))."<br>\n"; echo "</b></FONT>\n"; $this->MemoConn = False; return array(); } //$OctetRecu[8] 9eme octet = nbre mots(2octets) de donnees $i = 0; $buffer = array(); $debut = $this->DebutAdresse + 1; while( $i < ord($OctetRecu[8]) ) { $tmp = $this->ByteToBits( $OctetRecu[$i+9] ); for ( $j=0; $j<8; $j++ ) { $bit = $i*8 + $j; if ( $bit >= $this->Nbre ) break; $buffer[ sprintf( "%06d", $debut + $j + $i*8 )] = $tmp[$j]; } $i++; } if ( $this->Debug ) { //Affichage des octets recu si mode Debug for ( $i=0; $i<strlen($OctetRecu); $i++ ) { echo "OctRecu[$i] =".ord($OctetRecu[$i])."<br>"; } } return $buffer; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FONCTION PRINCIPALE ECRITURE D'UN TABLEAU DE 0xxxx/4xxxxx // ( retourne True ou False ) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function WriteModbus( $AdrDebut = "400001", $Values = array() ) { $this->Nbre = Sizeof( $Values ); if ( $this->Nbre < 1 ) $this->Nbre = 1; $this->WriteValues = $Values; // ECRITURE REELLE ----------------------- switch ( substr( sprintf("%06d", $AdrDebut), 0, 1) ) { // Formatage ? caract?s case "4": $this->DebutAdresse = $AdrDebut - 400001; //echo "debut-adresse = $this->DebutAdresse"; return ( $this->WriteHoldRegisters() ); break; case "0": $this->DebutAdresse = $AdrDebut - 1; return ( $this->WriteCoil() ); break; default: return False; } } // ----------------------------------------------- // ECRITURE DES 400000 // ----------------------------------------------- function WriteHoldRegisters() { if ( !$this->MemoConn ) return false; if ( $this->BridgeRoute ) $this->SetBridgeRoute(); $CodeFunction = 16; // 16 = Ecriture d'un tableau de registres 400001 if ($this->Nbre > 100 ) $this->Nbre = 100; $obuf[0] = chr(0); $obuf[1] = chr(0); $obuf[2] = chr(0); $obuf[3] = chr(0); list( $obuf[5], $obuf[4] ) = $this->WordToBytes( $this->Nbre * 2 + 7 ); //Nbre de mots $obuf[6] = chr( $this->Unit ); $obuf[7] = chr( $CodeFunction ); list( $obuf[9], $obuf[8] ) = $this->WordToBytes( (int)$this->DebutAdresse ); //Adresse de debut list( $obuf[11], $obuf[10] ) = $this->WordToBytes( $this->Nbre ); //Nbre de mots $obuf[12] = chr( $this->Nbre * 2 ); //Nbre d'octets for ( $i=0; $i < $this->Nbre*2; $i += 2 ) { list( $obuf[13+$i], $obuf[13+$i+1] ) = $this->WordToBytes( (int)$this->WriteValues[$i/2] ); //Valeurs } if ( $this->Debug ) { echo "<b>WriteHoldRegisters</b><br>"; for ($i=0;$i<count($obuf);$i++ ) { echo "OctEmis[$i] =". ord($obuf[$i])."<br>"; } } //--------- ECRITURE DU SOCKET -------------- fwrite( $this->Fp, implode( "", $obuf ) ); //--------- LECTURE DU SOCKET --------------- $OctetRecu = fgetc($this->Fp); //Lire le 1er octet du socket pour utiliser apres socket_get_status() $status = socket_get_status($this->Fp); $OctetRecu .= fread($this->Fp, $status["unread_bytes"]); //Lire les octets restants if ( $OctetRecu[7] != $obuf[7] ) { echo "<FONT SIZE='3' COLOR='#FFFF00'><b>ERREUR D'ECRITURE</b></FONT><br>\n"; $this->MemoConn = False; return False; } //$OctetRecu[8] //Confirmation Debut tableau d'adresse ecrite (octet Haut) //$OctetRecu[9] //Confirmation Debut tableau d'adresse ecrite (octet Bas) adresse = Oct.Haut*256 + Oct.Bas //$OctetRecu[10] //Nbre d'octets suivent if ( $this->Debug ) { //Affichage des octets recu si mode Debug for ( $i=0; $i<strlen($OctetRecu); $i++ ) { echo "OctRecu[$i] =". ord($OctetRecu[$i])."<br>"; } } return True ; } // ----------------------------------------------- // ECRITURE D'UNE BOBINE // ----------------------------------------------- function WriteCoil() { if ( !$this->MemoConn ) return False; if ( $this->BridgeRoute ) $this->SetBridgeRoute(); $CodeFunction = 5; // 5 = Ecriture d'une Bobine $obuf[0] = chr(0); $obuf[1] = chr(0); $obuf[2] = chr(0); $obuf[3] = chr(0); list( $obuf[5], $obuf[4] ) = $this->WordToBytes( 6 ); //Nbre de mots qui suivent $obuf[6] = chr( $this->Unit ); $obuf[7] = chr( $CodeFunction ); list( $obuf[9], $obuf[8] ) = $this->WordToBytes( (int)$this->DebutAdresse ); //Adresse de la bobine if ( $this->WriteValues[0] ) { $obuf[10] = chr(255); } else { $obuf[10] = chr(0); } $obuf[11] = chr(0); if ( $this->Debug ) { echo "<b>WriteCoil</b><br>"; for ($i=0;$i<count($obuf);$i++ ) { echo "OctEmis[$i] =". ord($obuf[$i])."<br>"; } } //--------- ECRITURE DU SOCKET -------------- fwrite( $this->Fp, implode( "", $obuf ) ); //--------- LECTURE DU SOCKET --------------- $OctetRecu = fgetc($this->Fp); //Lire le 1er octet du socket pour utiliser apres socket_get_status() $status = socket_get_status($this->Fp); $OctetRecu .= fread($this->Fp, $status["unread_bytes"]); //Lire les octets restants if ( $OctetRecu[7] != $obuf[7] ) { echo "<FONT SIZE='3' COLOR='#FFFF00'><b>ERREUR D'ECRITURE de la BOBINE ".sprintf("%06d", $Adresse)."</b></FONT><br>\n"; $this->MemoConn = False; return False; } if ( $this->Debug ) { //Affichage des octets recu si mode Debug for ( $i=0; $i<strlen($OctetRecu); $i++ ) { echo "OctRecu[$i] =". ord($OctetRecu[$i])."<br>"; } } return True ; } // -------------------------------------------------------- // SETUP BRIDGE FOR DYNAMIC ROUTING // -------------------------------------------------------- function SetBridgeRoute() { //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Consiste a ecrire a l'adresse 255 du device 255 de la passerelle, le routage MB+ avec la fonction 16 //Une fois la route etablie, on peut lire ou ecrire dans le device 254 pour atteindre l'automate concerne //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Test si la nouvelle route est égale à l'ancienne. //Si pas de changement de routage MB+, on n'envoie pas de nouvelle route a la passerelle MB+/Ethernet //echo "BridgeRoute tab = "; //$this->print_r_log ($this->BridgeRoute); //echo "tmpBridgeRoute tab = "; //$this->print_r_log ($this->tmpBridgeRoute); if ( strcmp( implode(".", $this->BridgeRoute), implode(".", $this->tmpBridgeRoute) ) == 0 ) return true; $this->tmpBridgeRoute = $this->BridgeRoute; $obuf1[0] = chr(0); $obuf1[1] = chr(0); $obuf1[2] = chr(0); $obuf1[3] = chr(0); $obuf1[4] = chr(0); $obuf1[5] = chr(13); //Nbre d'octets qui suivent $obuf1[6] = chr(255); // 1=Host-based routing 255=Socket-based routing //CODE FONCTION MODBUS $obuf1[7] = chr(16); //Code fonction Modbus 16 = Ecriture d'un tableau de registres 4xxxxx //EN TETE MODBUS $obuf1[8] = chr(0); //Adresse de debut octet 1 $obuf1[9] = chr(255-1); //Adresse de debut octet 2 $obuf1[10] = chr(0); //Nbre de mots octet 1 $obuf1[11] = chr(3); //Nbre de mots octet 2 $obuf1[12] = chr(6); //Nbre d'octets qui suivent //DATA $obuf1[13] = chr(5); //Nbre d'octets qui suivent = Cte => Attention: fait parti des champs data's $obuf1[14] = chr($this->BridgeRoute[0]); //Routage 1 $obuf1[15] = chr($this->BridgeRoute[1]); //Routage 2 $obuf1[16] = chr($this->BridgeRoute[2]); //Routage 3 $obuf1[17] = chr($this->BridgeRoute[3]); //Routage 4 $obuf1[18] = chr($this->BridgeRoute[4]); //Routage 5 //--------- ECRITURE DU SOCKET -------------- fwrite( $this->Fp, implode( '', $obuf1 ) ); if ( $this->Debug == true ) { echo "<b>BridgeRouting</b>"; for( $i=0; $i<sizeof($obuf1); $i++ ) { echo "<br>Emission - Octet $i=".ord($obuf1[$i]); } echo "<br>"; } //--------- LECTURE DU SOCKET -------------- $OctetRecu = fgetc($this->Fp); //Lire le 1er octet du socket pour utiliser socket_get_status() $status = socket_get_status($this->Fp); $OctetRecu .= fread($this->Fp, $status["unread_bytes"]); //Lire les octets restants if ( $this->Debug == true ) echo "Reception - Adresse Unite = ".ord($OctetRecu[6])." <br>"; // 7eme octet = adresse du device if ( $OctetRecu[7] != $obuf1[7] ) { //8eme octet = Code function renvoye par destinataire echo "<FONT SIZE='3' COLOR='#FFFF00'><b>"; echo "ERREUR D'ECRITURE dans la fonction de routage dynamique de la passerelle (SetBridgeRoute) a l'adr. IP ".$this->AdIpPLC."<br>\n"; echo "</b></FONT>\n"; $this->MemoConn = False; fclose($this->Fp); exit; } if ( $this->Debug == true ) echo "Reception - Code function = ".ord($obuf1[7])."<br>"; $adresse = $this->BytesToWord( ord($obuf1[8]), ord($obuf1[9]) ); if ( $this->Debug == true ) echo "Reception - Adresse debut = $adresse <br>"; $nbMots = $this->BytesToWord( ord($obuf1[10]), ord($obuf1[11]) ); if ( $this->Debug == true ) echo "Reception - Nbre de mots = $nbMots <br>"; //Ne pas fermer la connection !! car la fonction Modbus suivante suivra ! //fclose($this->Fp); $this->Unit = 254; //Preparation pour la fonction Modbus suivante. return True ; } } //Fin de la class 'ModbusTcp' class ModbusSingle extends ModbusTcp { // --------------------------------------------------- // LECTURE D'UN 3/4xxxxx // ( retourne la valeur ) // --------------------------------------------------- function ReadReg( $Adr = "400001" ) { if ( !$this->Fp ) $this->Fp = fsockopen( $this->AdIpPLC, $this->PortIpPLC, $errno, $errstr, 10 ) or die("$errstr ($errno)<br>\nPas de connexion a l'Adresse $this->AdIpPLC a function 'ReadReg'"); if ( !$this->MemoConn ) return array(); if ( $this->BridgeRoute ) $this->SetBridgeRoute(); $obuf = array ( 0=>chr(0), chr(0), chr(0), chr(0), chr(0), 5=>chr(6), 6=>chr($this->Unit), 7=>chr(3) ) ; list( $obuf[8], $obuf[9] ) = $this->WordToBytes( $Adr-400001 ); if ( substr($Adr, 0, 1) == "3" ) { // Test si INPUT REGISTER ( 3xxxxx ) $obuf[7] = chr(4); list( $obuf[8], $obuf[9] ) = $this->WordToBytes( $Adr-300001 ); } $obuf[10] = chr(0); $obuf[11] = chr(1); //--------- ECRITURE DU SOCKET -------------- fwrite( $this->Fp, implode( '', $obuf ) ); //--------- LECTURE DU SOCKET -------------- $OctetRecu = fgetc($this->Fp); //Lire le 1er octet du socket pour utiliser socket_get_status() $status = socket_get_status($this->Fp); $OctetRecu .= fread($this->Fp, $status["unread_bytes"]); //Lire les octets restants if ( $OctetRecu[7] != $obuf[7] ) { // Lecture du 8eme octet = Code function renvoye par destinataire echo "<FONT SIZE='3' COLOR='#FFFF00'><b>"; echo "ERREUR DE LECTURE du REGISTRE<br>"; echo "</b></FONT>\n"; $this->MemoConn = False; return array(); } $nbByte = ord( $OctetRecu[8] ); // Lecture du 9eme octet = nbre d'octets (mots) de donnees return $this->BytesToWord( $OctetRecu[9],$OctetRecu[10] ) ; } } //Fin de la class 'ModbusSingle' class ModbusArray extends ModbusTcp { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DECOUPAGE D'UN TABLEAU de 0/1/3/4xxxxx // ( retourne un tableau [debut_adres] = Nbre de mots/bits ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- function DecoupeTrame( $arr ) { asort($arr); // $this->print_r_log ($arr); echo "<br>"; $tmp = $arr[key($arr)]; //init a la premiere valeur du tableau foreach ( $arr as $i => $value) { ereg( "^3|^4", $arr[$i]) ? $max = 125 : $max = 500; if ( $arr[$i] - $tmp >= $max ) { $resultat[$tmp] = $arr[$i_1] - $tmp + 1; $tmp = $arr[$i]; } $i_1 = $i; } $resultat[$tmp] = $arr[$i] - $tmp + 1; //traitement de la derniere adresse // $this->print_r_log ($resultat); echo "<br>"; return $resultat; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // LECTURE D'UN TABLEAU HETEROGENE TRIE ou NON TRIE 0/1/3/4xxxxx POUR UN DEVICE // ( retourne un tableau [0/1/3/4xxxxx] = valeur ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function ReadArrRegs( $arrAdr = array ("400001") ) { $buf = $this->DecoupeTrame( $arrAdr ); // Fait apparaitre les tableau de bits ou de Mots utilises pour les trames if ( $this->Debug ) { echo "TRAMES: DEVICE => ".$this->Unit." => "; $this->print_r_log ($buf); echo "<br>\n"; } $buffer = array(); foreach ( $buf as $debut => $nbre ) { $buffer += $this->ReadModbus( $debut, $nbre ); } return $buffer ; } } ?>