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File: sms_api.php

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  Classes of Aleksandar Markovic   Clickatell SMS API   sms_api.php   Download  
File: sms_api.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Simple CLICKATELL SMS API
Class: Clickatell SMS API
Send worldwide SMS using the Clickatell gateway
Author: By
Last change: - Added class documentation in package
- Rewritten code comments
Date: 19 years ago
Size: 7,870 bytes



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 * This class is meant to send SMS messages via the Clickatell gateway
 * and provides support to authenticate to this service and also query
 * for the current account balance. This class use the fopen or CURL module
 * to communicate with the gateway via HTTP/S.
 * For more information about CLICKATELL service visit
 * @version 1.3d
 * @package sms_api
 * @author Aleksandar Markovic <>
 * @copyright Copyright © 2004, 2005 Aleksandar Markovic
 * @link SMS-API Sourceforge project page
 * @license GNU Public License

 * Main SMS-API class
 * Example:
 * <code>
 * <?php
 * require_once ("sms_api.php");
 * $mysms = new sms();
 * echo $mysms->session;
 * echo $mysms->getbalance();
 * $mysms->send ("38160123", "netsector", "TEST MESSAGE");
 * ?>
 * </code>
 * @package sms_api

class sms {

    * Clickatell API-ID
    * @link How to get CLICKATELL API ID?
    * @var integer

    * Clickatell username
    * @var mixed

    * Clickatell password
    * @var mixed

    * Use SSL (HTTPS) protocol
    * @var bool
var $use_ssl = false;

    * Define SMS balance limit below class will not work
    * @var integer
var $balace_limit = 0;

    * Gateway command sending method (curl,fopen)
    * @var mixed
var $sending_method = "fopen";

    * Optional CURL Proxy
    * @var bool
var $curl_use_proxy = false;

    * Proxy URL and PORT
    * @var mixed
var $curl_proxy = "";

    * Proxy username and password
    * @var mixed
var $curl_proxyuserpwd = "login:secretpass";

    * Callback
    * 0 - Off
    * 1 - Returns only intermediate statuses
    * 2 - Returns only final statuses
    * 3 - Returns both intermediate and final statuses
    * @var integer
var $callback = 0;

    * Session variable
    * @var mixed
var $session;

    * Class constructor
    * Create SMS object and authenticate SMS gateway
    * @return object New SMS object.
    * @access public
function sms () {
        if (
$this->use_ssl) {
$this->base = "";
$this->base_s = "";
        } else {
$this->base = "";
$this->base_s = $this->base;


    * Authenticate SMS gateway
    * @return mixed "OK" or script die
    * @access private
function _auth() {
$comm = sprintf ("%s/auth?api_id=%s&user=%s&password=%s", $this->base_s, $this->api_id, $this->user, $this->password);
$this->session = $this->_parse_auth ($this->_execgw($comm));

    * Query SMS credis balance
    * @return integer number of SMS credits
    * @access public
function getbalance() {
$comm = sprintf ("%s/getbalance?session_id=%s", $this->base, $this->session);
$this->_parse_getbalance ($this->_execgw($comm));

    * Send SMS message
    * @param to mixed The destination address.
    * @param from mixed The source/sender address
    * @param text mixed The text content of the message
    * @return mixed "OK" or script die
    * @access public
function send($to=null, $from=null, $text=null) {

/* Check SMS credits balance */
if ($this->getbalance() < $this->balace_limit) {
            die (
"You have reach the SMS credit limit!");

/* Check SMS $text length */
if (strlen ($text) > 465) {
            die (
"Your message is to long! (Current lenght=".strlen ($text).")");

/* Does message need to be concatenate */
if (strlen ($text) > 160) {
$concat = "&concat=3";
        } else {
$concat = "";

/* Check $to and $from is not empty */
if (empty ($to)) {
            die (
"You not specify destination address (TO)!");
        if (empty (
$from)) {
            die (
"You not specify source address (FROM)!");

/* Reformat $to number */
$cleanup_chr = array ("+", " ", "(", ")", "\r", "\n", "\r\n");
$to = str_replace($cleanup_chr, "", $to);

/* Send SMS now */
$comm = sprintf ("%s/sendmsg?session_id=%s&to=%s&from=%s&text=%s&callback=%s%s",
$this->_parse_send ($this->_execgw($comm));

    * Execute gateway commands
    * @access private
function _execgw($command) {
        if (
$this->sending_method == "curl")
        if (
$this->sending_method == "fopen")
        die (
"Unsupported sending method!");

    * CURL sending method
    * @access private
function _curl($command) {
$ch = curl_init ($command);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,0);
        if (
$this->curl_use_proxy) {
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, $this->curl_proxy);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, $this->curl_proxyuserpwd);
$result=curl_exec ($ch);
curl_close ($ch);

    * fopen sending method
    * @access private
function _fopen($command) {
$result = '';
$handler = @fopen ($command, 'r');
        if (
$handler) {
            while (
$line = @fgets($handler,1024)) {
$result .= $line;
fclose ($handler);
        } else {
            die (
"Error while executing fopen sending method!<br>Please check does PHP have OpenSSL support and check does PHP version is greater than 4.3.0.");

    * Parse authentication command response text
    * @access private
function _parse_auth ($result) {
$session = substr($result, 4);
$code = substr($result, 0, 2);
        if (
$code!="OK") {
            die (
"Error in SMS authorization! ($result)");

    * Parse send command response text
    * @access private
function _parse_send ($result) {
$code = substr($result, 0, 2);
        if (
$code!="ID") {
            die (
"Error sending SMS! ($result)");
        } else {
$code = "OK";

    * Parse getbalance command response text
    * @access private
function _parse_getbalance ($result) {
$result = substr($result, 8);
        return (int)

    * Check for CURL PHP module
    * @access private
function _chk_curl() {
        if (!
extension_loaded('curl')) {
            die (
"This SMS API class can not work without CURL PHP module! Try using fopen sending method.");
