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  Classes of Chris   PHP Credit Card Fraud Detection   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example of class usage
Class: PHP Credit Card Fraud Detection
Detect if a card payment is fraud using Fraudlabs
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 2,228 bytes



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     * Example to do a fraud check for a credit card sales order
    // Create FraudLabs Pro object
    // Note: You need to enter the API key during the instantiation
    // If you do not have the api key, register it free at
$flp = new FraudLabsPro('<API_KEY>');
    // Enter sales order information for fraud check
    // For example:
    // Ship item to US, bill to MY, pay with credit card
    // Amount: $123.00 for 1 item
$flp->flpRequest->billingCity = 'Bayan Lepas';
$flp->flpRequest->billingZIPCode = '11950';
$flp->flpRequest->billingState = 'Bayan Lepas';
$flp->flpRequest->billingCountry = 'MY';
$flp->flpRequest->shippingAddress = '12, street address';
$flp->flpRequest->shippingCity = 'NY';
$flp->flpRequest->shippingZIPCode = '00001';
$flp->flpRequest->shippingState = 'NY';
$flp->flpRequest->shippingCountry = 'US';
$flp->flpRequest->emailAddress = '[email protected]';
$flp->flpRequest->creditCardNumber = '1111111111111111';
$flp->flpRequest->bankName = 'BANKNAME';
$flp->flpRequest->orderId = 'order123';
$flp->flpRequest->amount = 123.00;
$flp->flpRequest->quantity = 1;
$flp->flpRequest->currency = 'USD';
$flp->flpRequest->paymentMode = 'creditcard';
// Invoke fraud check
$result = $flp->fraudCheck('string');
    // Get the result
    // Note: Fraud Score provide you the indicator of the possible fraud.
    // Fraud Status provide you the action if the order is APPROVE, REJECT or REVIEW,
    // in conjuction with the use of FraudLabsPro custom rules
echo "Fraud Score: " . $flp->flpResponse->fraudlabsproScore . "<br/>";
"Fraud Status: " . $flp->flpResponse->fraudlabsproStatus . "<br/>";
    if (
$flp->flpResponse->fraudlabsproStatus == "APPROVE"){
//TODO: logic for approved order
    else if (
$flp->flpResponse->fraudlabsproStatus == "REVIEW"){
//TODO: logic for review order
    else if (
$flp->flpResponse->fraudlabsproStatus == "REJECT"){
//TODO: logic for rejected order
//clear the object