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  Classes of Juraj Puchký   Saxophone   README.TXT   Download  
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Description: Singing song untill im on the orbit
Class: Saxophone
PHP stream handler to search XML with XPATH
Author: By
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Date: 11 years ago
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SaxOPHONE ========= 0OOOOON NNX00kdk0KXKdl0N cccllxKXX 0oxkxX OdkOO OdxdO KxookN kxloxN NdoldxX KK0KK0O0d kooclo0 0ldc;;coodkK oxloo:X OkX0dc;cok0K XoxcxocNk0X0OxoxN XddcxooxO0OkxoX Xxdloc,:kxollxK Oxoodc:lxc:clN Koxldd:;ooxxdlkN 0xocddxkk0Okok XddOOxxO0OxdO 0kodkOkxxkX dlkO0N * @author Juraj Puchký - Devtech <> * @license GPLv3 * @homepage * @copy (c) 2013 Juraj Puchký - Devtech Intro: Saxophone is simple stream xml parser with optional configuration support. You no need more than 1MB memory to process XML file. Is fast as possible and access interface is integrated into file stream support, that means you can access XML file from any where and process directly. Saxophone is licensed under GPLv3 any time you wish use in commercial application, kindly contact me and we will discuss commerce non exclusive developer license and conditions related with copyright rights. How to use: =========== At first you have to include Saxophone.php class file. Configure options global variable as well. $GLOBALS["xmlopt"] = array( "encoding" => "utf-8", "object" => "//*/SHOPITEM", "type" => "XPATH", // TAG,XPATH,TAGSLIST "fields" => array( "productName" => "//*/SHOPITEM/PRODUCT" ) ); Specify encoding ================ encoding - specify which encoding should be as target encoding for parsing XML file default is UTF-8. Specify object ============== object - specifies tag name or xpath of object which encapsule required fields. Types parser point of view ========================== TAG - Tags are separed and identified by TAG NAME only. XPATH - Tags are separed and identified by XPATH. TAGSLIST - Result object has filled public supportedTags variable with array of exisiting tags. Ignition of stream ================== /- File handler | /- Saxophone protocol | | /- global variable name of processed object accessor | | | /- function name to post process parsed object | | | | /- function name to post process tag | | | | | /- Url of XML File | | | | | | /- global variable of saxophone parser options | | | | | | | $fp = fopen("sax://xml;xprocess;xprocesstag;sample.xml;xmlopt","rb",true); // Load fuel till end by 4096 bytes while(!feof($fp)) { fread($fp,4096);} // Close fire fclose($fp); // Mision completed we are on the orbit