PHP Classes

File: class.cafepressbox.php

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  Classes of Andrew Collington   CafePress Random Product   class.cafepressbox.php  
File: class.cafepressbox.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: The main class file. The regular expression pattern used to parse the output from CafePress will need to be changed any time CP update their output.
Class: CafePress Random Product
Display a random product from your CafePress store
Author: By
Last change: You can now supply a category of a paid-for account, as well as the store id.

Images can now be resized before they are cached. This resizing will only apply to cached images and is based proportionally on the width of the image. The resizing should work on both GD < 2 and GD >= 2. It tries to auto-detect the version of GD, and if it cannot determine it then no resizing will take place.

Image caching is set to off as default.

Fixed bug that would stop product list caching if image caching was turned off.

I've also tried to go some way in documenting the functions, too.
Date: 21 years ago
Size: 15,594 bytes


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