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File: pslib.class

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File: pslib.class
Role: ???
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class file
Class: PSLib
Main pslib class file
Author: By
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Date: 23 years ago
Size: 7,660 bytes



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<? class postscript { var $fp; var $filename; var $string=""; var $page=1; var $acentos=""; #- startup the whole thing = Aqui tudo inicia function postscript($fname = "", $author="PSLib", $title="Generated with PSLib", $orientation="Portrait") { #- A text string was requested: file name to create if($fname) { if(! $this->fp = fopen($fname,"w")) return(0); } $this->string .= "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 \n"; $this->string .= '%%Creator: ' . $author . "\n"; $this->string .= '%%CreationDate: ' . date("d/m/Y, H:i") . "\n"; $this->string .= '%%Title: ' . $title . "\n"; $this->string .= "%%PageOrder: Ascend \n"; $this->string .= '%%Orientation: ' . $orientation . "\n"; $this->string .= "%%EndComments \n"; $this->string .= "%%BeginProlog \n"; $this->string .= "%%BeginResource: definicoes \n"; //* Comment this to disable support for international character encoding (or remove file // Para nao ter suporte a acentuacao comente este trecho(ou retire o arquivo if (file_exists('')) { if($f = join('',file(''))) $this->string .= $f; } //*/ $this->string .= "%%EndResource \n"; $this->string .= "%%EndProlog \n"; return(1); } #- Begin new page = Inicia uma nova pagina function begin_page($page) { $this->string.= "%%Page: " . $page . ' ' . $page . "\n"; return(1); } #- End page = Finaliza pagina function end_page() { $this->string .= "showpage \n"; return(1); } #- Close the postscript file = Fecha o arquivo postscript function close() { $this->string .= "showpage \n"; if($this->fp) { fwrite($this->fp,$this->string); fclose($this->fp); } return($this->string); } #- Draw a line = Desenha uma linha function line($xcoord_from=0, $ycoord_from=0, $xcoord_to=0, $ycoord_to=0, $linewidth=0) { if(!$xcoord_from || !$ycoord_to || !$xcoord_to || !$ycoord_to || !$linewidth) return(0); $this->string .= $linewidth . " setlinewidth \n"; $this->string .= $xcoord_from . ' ' . $ycoord_from . " moveto \n"; $this->string .= $xcoord_to . ' ' . $ycoord_to . " lineto \n"; $this->string .= "stroke \n"; return(1); } #- Move to coordinates = Move para as coordenadas function moveto($xcoord, $ycoord) { if(empty($xcoord) || empty($ycoord)) return(0); $this->string .= $xcoord . ' ' . $ycoord . " moveto \n"; return(1); } #- Move to coordinates and change the font = Move para as coordenadas e muda a fonte function moveto_font($xcoord, $ycoord, $font_name, $font_size) { if(!$xcoord || !$ycoord || !$font_name || !$font_size) return(0); $this->string .= $xcoord . ' ' . $ycoord . " moveto \n"; $this->string .= '/' . $font_name . ' findfont ' . $font_size . " scalefont setfont \n"; return(1); } #-Insert a PS file/image (remember to delete the information in the top of the file (source)) #-Insere um arquivo/imagem PS (lembre-se de remover a informaçao no inicio daquele arquivo) function open_ps($ps_file="") { if(!$ps_file) return(0); if($f = join('',file($ps_file))) $this->string .= $f; else return(0); return(1); } #- Draw a rectangle = Desenha um retangulo function rect($xcoord_from, $ycoord_from, $xcoord_to, $ycoord_to, $linewidth) { if(!$xcoord_from || !$ycoord_from || !$xcoord_to || !$ycoord_to || !$linewidth) return(0); $this->string .= $linewidth . " setlinewidth \n"; $this->string .= "newpath \n"; $this->string .= $xcoord_from . ' ' . $ycoord_from . " moveto \n"; $this->string .= $xcoord_to . ' ' . $ycoord_from . " lineto \n"; $this->string .= $xcoord_to . ' ' . $ycoord_to . " lineto \n"; $this->string .= $xcoord_from . " " . $ycoord_to . " lineto \n"; $this->string .= "closepath \n"; $this->string .= "stroke \n"; return(1); } #- Draw and shade a rectangle = Desenha um retangulo e preenche function rect_fill($xcoord_from, $ycoord_from, $xcoord_to, $ycoord_to, $linewidth, $darkness) { if(!$xcoord_from || !$ycoord_from || !$xcoord_to || !$ycoord_to || !$linewidth || !$darkness) return(0); $this->string .= "newpath \n"; $this->string .= $linewidth . " setlinewidth \n"; $this->string .= $xcoord_from . ' ' . $ycoord_from . " moveto \n"; $this->string .= $xcoord_to . ' ' . $ycoord_from . " lineto \n"; $this->string .= $xcoord_to . ' ' . $ycoord_to . " lineto \n"; $this->string .= $xcoord_from . ' ' . $ycoord_to . " lineto \n"; $this->string .= "closepath \n"; $this->string .= "gsave \n"; $this->string .= $darkness . " setgray \n"; $this->string .= "fill \n"; $this->string .= "grestore \n"; $this->string .= "stroke \n"; return(1); } #- Set rotation, use 0 or 360 to end rotation = Muda a rotacao do texto, passe 0 ou 360 para finalizar a rotacao function rotate($degrees) { if(!$degrees) return(0); if(($degrees == '0') or ($degrees == '360')) $this->string .= "grestore \n"; else { $this->string .= "gsave \n"; $this->string .= $degrees . " rotate \n"; } return(1); } #- Set the font to show = Muda a fonte function set_font($font_name, $font_size) { if(!$font_name || !$font_size) return(0); $this->string .= '/' . $font_name . ' findfont ' . $font_size . " scalefont setfont \n"; return(1); } #- Showsome text at the current coordinates (use 'moveto' to set coordinates) #- Escreve o texto na posicao atual (utilize 'moveto' para mudar a posicao) function show($text) { if(!$text) return(0); $this->string .= '(' . $text . ") show \n"; return(1); } #- Evaluate the text and show it at the current coordinates #- Processa o texto e o escreve na posicao atual function show_eval($text) { if(!$text) return(0); eval("\$text = \"$text\";"); $this->string .= '(' . $text . ") show \n"; return(1); } #- Show some text at specific coordinates #- Escreve o texto na coordenada informada function show_xy($text, $xcoord, $ycoord) { if(!$text || !$xcoord || !$ycoord) return(0); $this->moveto($xcoord, $ycoord); $this->show($text); return(1); } #- Show some text at specific coordinates with font settings #- Mostra o texto na coordenada informa com a fonte especifica function show_xy_font($text, $xcoord, $ycoord, $font_name, $font_size) { if(!$text || !$xcoord || !$ycoord || !$font_name || !$font_size) return(0); $this->set_font($font_name, $font_size); $this->show_xy($text, $xcoord, $ycoord); return(1); } } #- end class ?>