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File: tests/JobsTest.php

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File: tests/JobsTest.php
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Class: Workflow
Create and run action workflows
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<?php /* * This file is part of Chevere. * * (c) Rodolfo Berrios <[email protected]> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ declare(strict_types=1); namespace Chevere\Tests; use Chevere\Parameter\Interfaces\BoolParameterInterface; use Chevere\Tests\src\TestActionNoParams; use Chevere\Tests\src\TestActionNoParamsArrayIntResponse; use Chevere\Tests\src\TestActionNoParamsBoolResponses; use Chevere\Tests\src\TestActionParamFooResponse1; use Chevere\Tests\src\TestActionParamFooResponseBar; use Chevere\Tests\src\TestActionParams; use Chevere\Workflow\Exceptions\JobsException; use Chevere\Workflow\Jobs; use OutOfBoundsException; use OverflowException; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use TypeError; use function Chevere\Workflow\async; use function Chevere\Workflow\response; use function Chevere\Workflow\sync; use function Chevere\Workflow\variable; final class JobsTest extends TestCase { public function testConstruct(): void { $jobs = new Jobs(); $this->assertSame([], $jobs->keys()); $this->assertSame([], iterator_to_array($jobs->getIterator())); $this->expectException(OutOfBoundsException::class); $jobs->get('j1'); } public function testConstructWithJob(): void { $j1 = async(new TestActionNoParams()); $jobs = new Jobs( j1: $j1 ); $this->assertSame(['j1'], $jobs->keys()); $this->assertSame([ 'j1' => $j1, ], iterator_to_array($jobs->getIterator())); } public function testWithAdded(): void { $j1 = async(new TestActionNoParams()); $jobs = new Jobs(); $this->assertFalse($jobs->has('j1')); $withAdded = $jobs->withAdded( j1: $j1, ); $this->assertNotSame($jobs, $withAdded); $this->assertTrue($withAdded->has('j1')); $this->assertSame(['j1'], $withAdded->keys()); $this->assertSame([ 'j1' => $j1, ], iterator_to_array($withAdded->getIterator())); $this->expectException(OverflowException::class); $withAdded->withAdded(j1: $j1); } public function testAsync(): void { $jobs = new Jobs( j1: async(new TestActionNoParams()), j2: async(new TestActionNoParams()), ); $this->assertSame( [ ['j1', 'j2'], ], $jobs->graph()->toArray() ); } public function testSync(): void { $jobs = new Jobs( j1: sync(new TestActionNoParams()), j2: sync(new TestActionNoParams()), ); $this->assertSame( [ ['j1'], ['j2'], ], $jobs->graph()->toArray() ); } public function testWithDependsOnJob(): void { $jobs = new Jobs( j1: async(new TestActionNoParams()), j2: async(new TestActionNoParams())->withDepends('j1'), ); $this->assertSame( [ ['j1'], ['j2'], ], $jobs->graph()->toArray() ); } public function testWithDependsMissing(): void { $this->expectException(OutOfBoundsException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessageMatches('/undeclared dependencies\: `j0`$/'); new Jobs( j1: async(new TestActionNoParams()), j2: async(new TestActionNoParams()) ->withDepends('j0', 'j1'), ); } public function testWithDependsOnPreviousMultiple(): void { $jobs = new Jobs( j1: async(new TestActionNoParams()), j2: async(new TestActionNoParams()), j3: async(new TestActionNoParams()) ->withDepends('j2', 'j1'), ); $this->assertSame( [ ['j1', 'j2'], ['j3'], ], $jobs->graph()->toArray() ); } public function testWithDependsOnPreviousSingle(): void { $jobs = new Jobs( j1: async(new TestActionNoParams()), j2: async(new TestActionNoParams()) ->withDepends('j1'), j3: async(new TestActionNoParams()) ->withDepends('j2'), ); $this->assertSame( [ ['j1'], ['j2'], ['j3'], ], $jobs->graph()->toArray() ); } public function testWithDependsMix(): void { $jobs = new Jobs( j1: async(new TestActionNoParams()), j2: async(new TestActionNoParams()), j3: async(new TestActionNoParams()) ->withDepends('j1', 'j2'), j4: async(new TestActionNoParams()), j5: async(new TestActionNoParams()) ->withDepends('j4'), j6: async(new TestActionNoParams()) ->withDepends('j5'), ); $this->assertSame( [ ['j1', 'j2', 'j4'], ['j3', 'j5'], ['j6'], ], $jobs->graph()->toArray() ); } public function testWithReferenceShouldFail(): void { // previous: InvalidArgumentException $this->expectException(JobsException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage( <<<STRING [two]: Reference **one:bar** conflict for parameter **foo** (Expected regex `/^bar$/`, provided `/^.*$/s`) STRING ); new Jobs( one: async( new TestActionParamFooResponseBar(), foo: 'bar' ), two: async( new TestActionParamFooResponse1(), foo: response('one', 'bar') ) ); } public function testMissingReference(): void { // previous: OutOfBoundsException $this->expectException(JobsException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage( <<<PLAIN [two]: Reference **zero:key** not found PLAIN ); new Jobs( one: async( new TestActionNoParams() ), two: async( new TestActionParamFooResponseBar(), foo: response('zero', 'key') ) ); } public function testWrongReferenceType(): void { // previous: TypeError $this->expectException(JobsException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage( <<<PLAIN [two]: Reference **one:id** is of type `int`, parameter **foo** expects `string` PLAIN ); new Jobs( one: async( new TestActionNoParamsArrayIntResponse(), ), two: async( new TestActionParams(), foo: response('one', 'id'), bar: response('one', 'id') ) ); } public function testWithRunIfUndeclaredJob(): void { $this->expectException(OutOfBoundsException::class); new Jobs( j1: async(new TestActionNoParams()) ->withRunIf( response('job', 'parameter') ), ); } public function testWithRunIfUndeclaredJobResponseKey(): void { $this->expectException(OutOfBoundsException::class); new Jobs( j1: async(new TestActionNoParams()), j2: async(new TestActionNoParams()) ->withRunIf( response('j1', '404') ), ); } public function testWithRunIfInvalidJobKeyType(): void { $this->expectException(TypeError::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Reference **j1:id** must be of type `bool`'); new Jobs( j1: async(new TestActionNoParamsArrayIntResponse()), j2: async(new TestActionNoParams()) ->withRunIf( response('j1', 'id') ), ); } public function testWithRunIfInvalidVariableType(): void { $this->expectException(TypeError::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Variable **theFoo** (previously declared as `string`) is not of type `bool` at Job **j2**'); new Jobs( j1: async( new TestActionParams(), foo: variable('theFoo'), bar: 'bar' ) ->withRunIf( variable('true') ), j2: async( new TestActionNoParams() ) ->withRunIf( variable('true'), variable('theFoo') ), ); } public function testWithRunIfVariable(): void { $name = 'the_variable'; $jobs = new Jobs( j1: async( new TestActionNoParams(), ) ->withRunIf( variable($name) ), ); $this->assertTrue($jobs->variables()->has($name)); $this->assertInstanceOf(BoolParameterInterface::class, $jobs->variables()->get($name)); } public function testWithRunIfReference(): void { $true = response('j1', 'true'); $false = response('j1', 'false'); $jobs = new Jobs( j1: async( new TestActionNoParamsBoolResponses(), ), j2: async( new TestActionNoParamsBoolResponses(), )->withRunIf($true, $false), j3: async( new TestActionNoParams(), )->withRunIf($false, $true), ); $this->assertSame( [ ['j1'], ['j2', 'j3'], ], $jobs->graph()->toArray() ); $this->assertTrue( $jobs->references()->has($true->__toString(), $false->__toString()) ); $j4 = async(new TestActionNoParams()) ->withRunIf(response('j5', 'missing')); $this->expectException(OutOfBoundsException::class); $jobs->withAdded(j4: $j4); } public function testWithMissingReference(): void { // previous: OutOfBoundsException $this->expectException(JobsException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage( <<<PLAIN [job2]: Reference **job1:missing** not found PLAIN ); new Jobs( job1: async( new TestActionParamFooResponseBar(), foo: 'bar' ), job2: async( new TestActionParamFooResponseBar(), foo: response('job1', 'missing'), ) ); } public function testWithInvalidReference(): void { // previous: LogicException $this->expectException(JobsException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage( <<<PLAIN [job2]: Invalid reference **job1:missing** as **job1** doesn't return an object implementing Chevere\Parameter\Interfaces\ParametersAccessInterface interface PLAIN ); new Jobs( job1: async( new TestActionNoParams(), ), job2: async( new TestActionParamFooResponseBar(), foo: response('job1', 'missing'), ) ); } public function testWithInvalidTypeReference(): void { // previous: TypeError $this->expectException(JobsException::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage( <<<PLAIN [job2]: Reference **job1:baz** is of type `float`, parameter **foo** expects `string` PLAIN ); new Jobs( job1: async( new TestActionParamFooResponseBar(), foo: 'bar' ), job2: async( new TestActionParamFooResponseBar(), foo: response('job1', 'baz'), ) ); } }