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Communicating with a POP3 mail server
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Last change: Make it accessable for everyone and minor changes

Date: 16 years ago
Size: 40,281 bytes



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<?php /* Class Author: Jointy <> create: 07. May 2003 last cahnge: 25. July 2006 Version: 1.17 (final) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ChangeLog: // 08 May 2003 - Version 0.52 (beta) public coming out !!! - add logging // 09 May 2003 - Version 0.61 out !!! - add get_top() function (public) ------------------------- ! POP3 Class get Public ! ------------------------- // 10 May 2003 - add reset() function (public) - add _checkstate($string) function (private) - add _stats() function (private) - add uidl($msg_number) function (public) // 11 May 2003 - add save2mysql function (public) (beta) - fixed some errors !!! // 14 May 2003 - fixed a heavy bug with APOP Server (private func _parse_banner($server_text)) (so sometimes the APOP Authorization goes failed, although the password was correct !!) // 15 May 2003 - changed error handling in get_office_status(), get_top(), get_mail() - add APOP Autodetection !!! more in Readme.txt ----------------------------------- POP3 Class get Version 1.00 (final) ----------------------------------- // 16 May 2003 - finished save2mysql() function ( public ) // 17 May 2003 - remove some bugs ( save2mysql() ) /////////////////////////////////// finished Version: 1.10 /////////////////////////////////// // 20 May 2003 - fixed a bug in get_top() // 12. July 2003 - fix a bug in get_top() // 26. July 2003 // fixed an error with noob ! Thanks to "Martin" <>" ! !!! it doesn't named "noob", it is named "noop" !!! so now the func named "noop()" and it will send the right command "NOOP" // version 1.14 (final) out // 22. M&auml;rz 2004 - fix a bug while checking sock_timeout - fix a bug in _cleanup() while check $this->socket if resource , now it use is_resource function - fix a bug in _cleanup() and _getnextstring() with $this->socket_status ( php always reported a notice: undefined property (thats fixed) dont do an unset() on a class vars :) ) // 24. M&auml;rz 2004 version 1.15 (-fix update-) // 25 July 2006 version 1.16 (-fix update-) - Qmail does send a point (.) instead an (+OK) by getting an email by the get_mail() function. By the 3 parameter $qmailer you can say that we communicate with a qmail server BEST THANKS TO Daniel Sepeur that he post this cool bug fix on // 01.02.2008 version 1.17 (bug fix) - fix a bug in the logging function BEST THANKS TO DaShiVa //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ class POP3 { // Socket Vars var $socket = FALSE; var $socket_status = FALSE; var $socket_timeout = "10,500"; var $error = "No Errors"; var $state = "DISCONNECTED"; var $apop_banner = ""; var $apop_detect; var $log; var $log_file; var $log_fp; var $file_fp; var $mysql_socket; // Constructor function POP3($log = FALSE, $log_file = "", $apop_detect = FALSE) { $this->log = $log; $this->log_file = $log_file; $this->apop_detect = $apop_detect; } /* Function _cleanup() Access: Private */ function _cleanup() { $this->state = "DISCONNECTED"; if(is_array($this->socket_status)) $this->socket_status = FALSE; if( is_resource($this->socket) ) { // socket_set_blocking( $this->socket , false ); useless because fclose destroy this socket @fclose($this->socket); $this->socket = FALSE; } $close_log = "Connection Closed. \r\n"; $close_log .= "/------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n"; $close_log .= "/--- Log File: ".$this->log_file." \r\n"; $close_log .= "/--- Log Close: ".date('l, d M Y @ H:i:s')." \r\n"; $close_log .= "/------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n"; if($this->log) $this->_logging($close_log); if(is_resource($this->mysql_socket)) { @mysql_close($this->mysql_socket); $this->mysql_socket = FALSE; } if( is_resource($this->log_fp) ) { @fclose($this->log_fp); $this->mysql_socket = FALSE; } unset($close_log); } /* Function _logging($string) Access: Private */ function _logging($string) { if($this->log) { if(!$this->log_fp) { $this->log_fp = @fopen($this->log_file,"a+"); if(!$this->log_fp) { $this->error = "POP3 _logging() - Error: Can't open log file in write mode (".$this->log_file.") !!! -- Connection Closed !!!"; // Took out because we will go in an endless loop, because the cleanup function call the logging function again ;) // Best Thanks to DaShiVa for his help to make this class better as it is. ;) // // $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } $open_log = "/------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n"; $open_log .= "/--- Log File: ".$this->log_file." \r\n"; $open_log .= "/--- Log Open: ".date('l, d M Y @ H:i:s')." \r\n"; $open_log .= "/------------------------------------------------------------------- \r\n"; if(!@fwrite($this->log_fp,$open_log,strlen($open_log))) { $this->error = "POP3 _logging() - Error: Can't write string to file !!!"; //$this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } unset($open_log); } if(substr($string,0,1) != "-" && substr($string,0,1) != "+" && substr($string,-4) != "\r\n" && substr($string,-2) != "\n") { $string = $string."\r\n"; } $string = date("H:i:s")." -- ".$string; if(!@fwrite($this->log_fp, $string, strlen($string))) { $this->error = "POP3 _logging() - Error: Can't write string to file !!! -- Connection Closed !!!"; //$this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /* Function connect($server, $port, $timeout, $sock_timeout) Access: Public // Vars: - $server ( Server IP or DNS ) - $port ( Server port default is "110" ) - $timeout ( Connection timeout for connect to server ) - $sock_timeout ( Socket timeout for all actions (10 sec 500 msec) = (10,500)) If all right you get true, when not you get false and on $this->error = msg !!! */ function connect( $server, $port="110", $timeout = "25" , $sock_timeout = "10,500") { if($this->socket) { $this->error = "POP3 connect() - Error: Connection also avalible !!!"; return FALSE; } if(!trim($server)) { $this->error = "POP3 connect() - Error: Please give a server address."; return FALSE; } if($port < "1" && $port > "65535" || !trim($port)) { $this->error = "POP3 connect() - Error: Port not set or out of range (1 - 65535)"; return FALSE; } if($timeout < 0 && $timeout > 25 || !trim($timeout)) { $this->error = "POP3 connect() - Error: Connection Timeout not set or out of range (0 - 25)"; return FALSE; } $sock_timeout = explode(",",$sock_timeout); if( !trim($sock_timeout[0]) || ($sock_timeout[0] < 0 && $sock_timeout[0] > 25) ) // || !preg_match("^[0-9]",sock_timeout[1]) ) { $this->error = "POP3 connect() - Error: Socket Timeout not set or out of range (0 - 25)"; return FALSE; } /* if(!ereg("([0-9]{2}),([0-9]{3})",$sock_timeout)) { $this->error = "POP3 connect() - Error: Socket Timeout in invalid Format (Right Format xx,xxx \"10,500\")"; return FALSE; } */ // Check State if(!$this->_checkstate("connect")) return FALSE; if( !$this->socket = @fsockopen($server, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout )) { $this->error = "POP3 connect() - Error: Can't connect to Server. Error: ".$errno." -- ".$errstr; return FALSE; } if(!$this->_logging("Connecting to \"".$server.":".$port."\" !!!")) return FALSE; // Set Socket Timeout // It is valid for all other functions !! socket_set_timeout($this->socket,$sock_timeout[0],$sock_timeout[1]); socket_set_blocking($this->socket,true); $response = $this->_getnextstring(); if(!$this->_logging($response)) { $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } if(substr($response,0,1) != "+") { $this->_cleanup(); $this->error = "POP3 connect() - Error: ".$response; return FALSE; } // Get the server banner for APOP $this->apop_banner = $this->_parse_banner($response); $this->state = "AUTHORIZATION"; if(!$this->_logging("STATUS: AUTHORIZATION")) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* Function _login($user, $pass) Access: Public */ function login($user, $pass, $apop = "0"){ if(!$this->socket){ $this->error = "POP3 login() - Error: No connection avalible."; $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } if( $this->_checkstate("login") ){ if($this->apop_detect){ if($this->apop_banner != ""){ $apop = "1"; } } if($apop == "0"){ $response = ""; $cmd = "USER $user"; if(!$this->_logging($cmd)) return FALSE; if(!$this->_putline($cmd)) return FALSE; $response = $this->_getnextstring(); if(!$this->_logging($response)) return FALSE; if(substr($response,0,1) == "-" ){ $this->error = "POP3 login() - Error: ".$response; $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } $response = ""; $cmd = "PASS $pass"; if(!$this->_logging("PASS ".md5($pass))) return FALSE; if(!$this->_putline($cmd)) return FALSE; $response = $this->_getnextstring(); if(!$this->_logging($response)) return FALSE; if(substr($response,0,1) == "-" ){ $this->error = "POP3 login() - Error: ".$response; $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } $this->state = "TRANSACTION"; if(!$this->_logging("STATUS: TRANSACTION")) return FALSE; return TRUE; }elseif($apop == "1"){ // APOP Section // Check is Server Banner for APOP Command given !!! if(empty($this->apop_banner)){ $this->error = "POP3 login() (APOP) - Error: No Server Banner -- aborted and close connection"; $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } //echo $this->apop_banner; $response = ""; // Send APOP Command !!! $cmd = "APOP ". $user ." ". md5($this->apop_banner.$pass); if(!$this->_logging($cmd)) return FALSE; if(!$this->_putline($cmd)) return FALSE; $response = $this->_getnextstring(); if(!$this->_logging($response)) return FALSE; // Check the response !!! if(substr($response,0,1) != "+" ){ $this->error = "POP3 login() (APOP) - Error: ".$response; $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } $this->state = "TRANSACTION"; if(!$this->_logging("STATUS: TRANSACTION")) return FALSE; return TRUE; }else{ $this->error = "POP3 login() - Error: Please set apop var !!! (1 [true] or 0 [false])."; $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } } return FALSE; } /* Func get_top($msg_number,$lines) Access: Public */ function get_top( $msg_number , $lines = "0" ) { if(!$this->socket) { $this->error = "POP3 get_top() - Error: No connection avalible."; return FALSE; } if(!$this->_checkstate("get_top")) return FALSE; $response = ""; $cmd = "TOP " . $msg_number ." ". $lines; if(!$this->_logging($cmd)) return FALSE; if(!$this->_putline($cmd)) return FALSE; $response = $this->_getnextstring(); if(!$this->_logging($response)) return FALSE; if(substr($response,0,3) != "+OK") { $this->error = "POP3 get_top() - Error: ".$response; return FALSE; } // Get Header $i = "0"; $response = "<HEADER> \r\n"; while(!eregi("^\.\r\n",$response)) { if(substr($response,0,4) == "\r\n") break; $output[$i] = $response; $i++; $response = $this->_getnextstring(); } if( $lines == "0" ) { $response = $this->_getnextstring(); } $output[$i++] = "</HEADER> \r\n"; // Get $lines if( $lines != "0" ) { $response = "<MESSAGE> \r\n"; for($g = 0;$g < $lines; $g++){ if(eregi("^\.\r\n",$response)) break; $output[$i] = $response; $i++; $response = $this->_getnextstring(); } $output[$i] = "</MESSAGE> \r\n"; } if(!$this->_logging("Complete.")) return FALSE; return $output; } /* Function get_mail Access: Public */ function get_mail( $msg_number, $qmailer = FALSE ) { if(!$this->socket) { $this->error = "POP3 get_mail() - Error: No connection avalible."; return FALSE; } if(!$this->_checkstate("get_mail")) return FALSE; $response = ""; $cmd = "RETR $msg_number"; if(!$this->_logging($cmd)) return FALSE; if(!$this->_putline($cmd)) return FALSE; $response = $this->_getnextstring(); if(!$this->_logging($response)) return FALSE; if ($qmailer == TRUE) { if(substr($response,0,1) != '.') { $this->error = "POP3 get_mail() - Error: ".$response; return FALSE; } } else { if(substr($response,0,3) != "+OK") { $this->error = "POP3 get_mail() - Error: ".$response; return FALSE; } } // Get MAIL !!! $i = "0"; $response = "<HEADER> \r\n"; while(!eregi("^\.\r\n",$response)) { if(substr($response,0,4) == "\r\n") break; $output[$i] = $response; $i++; $response = $this->_getnextstring(); } $output[$i++] = "</HEADER> \r\n"; $response = "<MESSAGE> \r\n"; while(!eregi("^\.\r\n",$response)) { $output[$i] = $response; $i++; $response = $this->_getnextstring(); } $output[$i] = "</MESSAGE> \r\n"; if(!$this->_logging("Complete.")) return FALSE; return $output; } /* Function _check_state() Access: Private */ function _checkstate($string) { // Check for delete_mail func if($string == "delete_mail" || $string == "get_office_status" || $string == "get_mail" || $string == "get_top" || $string == "noop" || $string == "reset" || $string == "uidl" || $string == "stats") { $state = "TRANSACTION"; if($this->state != $state){ $this->error = "POP3 $string() - Error: state must be in \"$state\" mode !!! Your state: \"$this->state\" !!!"; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // Check for connect func if($string == "connect") { $state = "DISCONNECTED"; $state_1 = "UPDATE"; if($this->state == $state or $this->state == $state_1){ return TRUE; } $this->error= "POP3 $string() - Error: state must be in \"$state\" or \"$state_1\" mode !!! Your state: \"$this->state\" !!!"; return FALSE; } // Check for login func if($string == "login") { $state = "AUTHORIZATION"; if($this->state != $state){ $this->error = "POP3 $string() - Error: state must be in \"$state\" mode !!! Your state: \"$this->state\" !!!"; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } $this->error = "POP3 _checkstate() - Error: Not allowed string given !!!"; return FALSE; } /* Function delete_mail($msg_number) Access: Public */ function delete_mail($msg_number = "0") { if(!$this->socket){ $this->error = "POP3 delete_mail() - Error: No connection avalible."; return FALSE; } if(!$this->_checkstate("delete_mail")) return FALSE; if($msg_number == "0"){ $this->error = "POP3 delete_mail() - Error: Please give a valid Messagenumber (Number can't be \"0\")."; return FALSE; } // Delete Mail $response = ""; $cmd = "DELE $msg_number"; if(!$this->_logging($cmd)) return FALSE; if(!$this->_putline($cmd)) return FALSE; $response = $this->_getnextstring(); if(!$this->_logging($response)) return FALSE; if(substr($response,0,1) != "+"){ $this->error = "POP3 delete_mail() - Error: ".$response; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* Function get_office_status Access: Public Output an array Array ( [count_mails] => 3 [octets] => 2496 [1] => Array ( [size] => 832 [uid] => 617999468 ) [2] => Array ( [size] => 882 [uid] => 617999616 ) [3] => Array ( [size] => 1726 [uid] => 617999782 ) [error] => No Errors ) */ function get_office_status(){ if(!$this->socket){ $this->error = "POP3 get_office_status() - Error: No connection avalible."; $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } if(!$this->_checkstate("get_office_status")){ $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } // Put the "STAT" Command !!! $response = ""; $cmd = "STAT"; if(!$this->_logging($cmd)) return FALSE; if(!$this->_putline($cmd)) return FALSE; $response = $this->_getnextstring(); if(!$this->_logging($response)) return FALSE; if(substr($response,0,3) != "+OK"){ $this->error = "POP3 get_office_status() - Error: ".$response; if(!$this->_logging($this->error)) return FALSE; $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } // Remove "\r\n" !!! $response = trim($response); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Some Server send the STAT string is finished by "." (+OK 3 52422.) // - "Yahoo Server" $lastdigit = substr($response,-1); if(!ereg("(0-9)",$lastdigit)){ $response = substr($response,0,strlen($response)-1); } unset($lastdigit); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $array = explode(" ",$response); $output["count_mails"] = $array[1]; $output["octets"] = $array[2]; unset($array); $response = ""; if($output["count_mails"] != "0"){ // List Command $cmd = "LIST"; if(!$this->_logging($cmd)) return FALSE; if(!$this->_putline($cmd)) return FALSE; $response =""; $response = $this->_getnextstring(); if(!$this->_logging($response)) return FALSE; if(substr($response,0,3) != "+OK"){ $this->error = "POP3 get_office_status() - Error: ".$response; $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } // Get Message Number and Size !!! $response = ""; for($i=0;$i<$output["count_mails"];$i++){ $nr=$i+1; $response = trim($this->_getnextstring()); if(!$this->_logging($response)) return FALSE; $array = explode(" ",$response); $output[$nr]["size"] = $array[1]; $response = ""; unset($array); unset($nr); } // $response = $this->_getnextstring(); // echo "<b>".$response."</b>"; // Check is server send "." if(trim($this->_getnextstring()) != "."){ $this->error = "POP3 get_office_status() - Error: Server does not send "." at the end !!!"; $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } if(!$this->_logging(".")) return FALSE; // UIDL Command $cmd = "UIDL"; if(!$this->_logging($cmd)) return FALSE; if(!$this->_putline($cmd)) return FALSE; $response = ""; $response = $this->_getnextstring(); if(!$this->_logging($response)) return FALSE; if(substr($response,0,3) != "+OK"){ $this->error = "POP3 get_office_status() - Error: ".$response; $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } // Get UID's $response = ""; for($i=0;$i<$output["count_mails"];$i++){ $nr=$i+1; $response = trim($this->_getnextstring()); if(!$this->_logging($response)) return FALSE; $array = explode(" ", $response); $output[$nr]["uid"] = $array[1]; $response = ""; unset($array); unset($nr); } // Check is server send "." if(trim($this->_getnextstring()) != "."){ $this->error = "POP3 get_office_status() - Error: Server does not send "." at the end !!!"; $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } if(!$this->_logging(".")) return FALSE; } return $output; } /* Function save2file($message,$filename) Access: Public return written bytes or "false" */ function save2file($message,$filename){ $this->file_fp = fopen($filename,"w+"); if(!$this->file_fp){ $this->error = "POP3 save2file() - Error: Can't open file in write mode. (".$filename.")"; if(!$this->_logging($this->error)) return FALSE; $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } if(!$this->_logging("LOG FILE: File ".$filename." created.")){ $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } $count_bytes = "0"; for($i=0;$i<count($message);$i++){ $line = $message[$i]; $str_len = strlen($line); $count_bytes = $count_bytes + $str_len; if(!fputs($this->file_fp,$line,$str_len)){ $this->error = "POP3 save2file() - Error: Can't write string to file (".$filename.") !!!"; if(!$this->_logging($this->error)) return FALSE; $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } unset($line); } if(!$this->_logging("LOG FILE: File ".$filename." (".$count_bytes." Bytes) written.")){ $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } return $count_bytes; } /* Access: Public */ function noop(){ if(!$this->socket){ $this->error = "POP3 noop() - Error: No connection avalible."; if(!$this->_logging($this->error)) return FALSE; return FALSE; } if(!$this->_checkstate("noop")) return FALSE; $cmd = "NOOP"; if(!$this->_logging($cmd)) return FALSE; if(!$this->_putline($cmd)) return FALSE; $response = ""; $response = $this->_getnextstring(); if(!$this->_logging($response)) return FALSE; if(substr($response,0,1) != "+"){ $this->error = "POP3 noop() - Error: ".$response; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* Function reset() Access: Public */ function reset(){ if(!$this->socket){ $this->error = "POP3 reset() - Error: No connection avalible."; if(!$this->_logging($this->error)) return FALSE; return FALSE; } if(!$this->_checkstate("reset")) return FALSE; $cmd = "RSET"; if(!$this->_logging($cmd)) return FALSE; if(!$this->_putline($cmd)) return FALSE; $response = ""; $response = $this->_getnextstring(); if(!$this->_logging($response)) return FALSE; if(substr($response,0,1) != "+"){ $this->error = "POP3 reset() - Error: ".$response; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* Function stats Access: Private Get only count of mails and size of maildrop !!! */ function _stats(){ if(!$this->socket){ $this->error = "POP3 _stats() - Error: No connection avalible."; return FALSE; } if(!$this->_checkstate("stats")) return FALSE; $cmd = "STAT"; if(!$this->_logging($cmd)) return FALSE; if(!$this->_putline($cmd)) return FALSE; $response = $this->_getnextstring(); if(substr($response,0,1) != "+"){ $this->error = "POP3 _stats() - Error: ".$response; return FALSE; } $response = trim($response); $array = explode(" ",$response); $output["count_mails"] = $array[1]; $output["octets"] = $array[2]; return $output; } /* Function uidl($msg_number = "0") Access: Public */ function uidl($msg_number = "0"){ if(!$this->socket){ $this->error = "POP3 uidl() - Error: No connection avalible."; return FALSE; } if(!$this->_checkstate("uidl")) return FALSE; if($msg_number == "0"){ $cmd = "UIDL"; // Get count of mails $mails = $this->_stats(); if(!$mails) return FALSE; if(!$this->_logging($cmd)) return FALSE; if(!$this->_putline($cmd)) return FALSE; $response = ""; $response = $this->_getnextstring(); if(!$this->_logging($response)) return FALSE; if(substr($response,0,1) != "+"){ $this->error = "POP3 uidl() - Error: ".$response; return FALSE; } $response = ""; for($i = 1; $i <= $mails["count_mails"];$i++){ $response = $this->_getnextstring(); if(!$this->_logging($response)) return FALSE; $response = trim($response); $array = explode(" ",$response); $output[$i] = $array[1]; } return $output; }else{ $cmd = "UIDL $msg_number"; if(!$this->_logging($cmd)) return FALSE; if(!$this->_putline($cmd)) return FALSE; $response = ""; $response = $this->_getnextstring(); if(!$this->_logging($response)) return FALSE; if(substr($response,0,1) != "+"){ $this->error = "POP3 uidl() - Error: ".$response; return FALSE; } $response = trim($response); $array = explode(" ",$response); $output[$array[1]] = $array[2]; return $output; } } /* Function close() Access: Public Close POP3 Connection */ function close(){ $response = ""; $cmd = "QUIT"; if(!$this->_logging($cmd)) return FALSE; if(!$this->_putline($cmd)) return FALSE; if($this->state == "AUTHORIZATION"){ $this->state = "DISCONNECTED"; }elseif($this->state == "TRANSACTION"){ $this->state = "UPDATE"; } $response = $this->_getnextstring(); if(!$this->_logging($response)) return FALSE; if(substr($response,0,1) != "+"){ $this->error = "POP3 close() - Error: ".$response; return FALSE; } $this->socket = FALSE; $this->_cleanup(); return TRUE; } /* Function _getnextstring() Access: Private */ function _getnextstring( $buffer_size = 512 ) { $buffer = ""; $buffer = fgets( $this->socket , $buffer_size ); $this->socket_status = socket_get_status( $this->socket ); if( $this->socket_status["timed_out"] ) { $this->_cleanup(); return "POP3 _getnextstring() - Socket_Timeout_reached."; } $this->socket_status = FALSE; return $buffer; } /* Function _putline() Access: Private */ function _putline($string) { $line = ""; $line = $string."\r\n"; if(!fwrite($this->socket , $line , strlen($line))) { $this->error = "POP3 _putline() - Error while send \" $string \". -- Connection closed."; $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* Function _parse_banner( $server_text ) Access: Private */ function _parse_banner ( &$server_text ) { $outside = true; $banner = ""; $length = strlen($server_text); for($count = 0; $count < $length; $count++) { $digit = substr($server_text,$count,1); if($digit != "") { if( (!$outside) and ($digit != '<') and ($digit != '>') ) { $banner .= $digit; continue; } if ($digit == '<') { $outside = false; } elseif ($digit == '>') { $outside = true; } } } $banner = trim($banner); if(strlen($banner) != 0 ) { return "<". $banner .">"; } return; } /* Funktion save2mysql($message,$mysql_socket,$dir_table = "inbox",$msg_table = "messages",$read = "0") Access: Public */ function save2mysql($message,$socket,$dir_table = "inbox",$msg_table = "messages",$read = "0"){ $this->mysql_socket = $socket; // Create Table for Mail Header Data $query = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `'.$dir_table.'` (`id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `msg_id` TEXT NOT NULL, `from` TEXT NOT NULL, `to` TEXT NOT NULL, `subject` TEXT NOT NULL, `date` TEXT NOT NULL, `cc` TEXT, `bcc` TEXT, `content_type` TEXT, `content_encode` TEXT, `mime_version` TEXT, `x_mailer` TEXT, `x_priority` INT( 1 ) DEFAULT \'3\', `reply_to` TEXT, `sender` TEXT, `mail_followup_to` TEXT, `mail_reply_to` TEXT, `return_receipt_to` TEXT, `disposition_notification_to` TEXT, `received` TEXT NOT NULL, `create` TIMESTAMP(14) NOT NULL, `read` TINYINT(1) DEFAULT \'0\' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( `id` )) TYPE = MYISAM'; if(!mysql_query($query,$this->mysql_socket)){ $this->error = "POP3 save2mysql() - MySQL Error: ". mysql_errno() ." -- ". mysql_error(); $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } // Create table for messages !!! $query = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `'.$msg_table.'` ( `id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `unique_id` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , `linenumber` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL , `linetext` TEXT, PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ) TYPE = MYISAM '; if(!mysql_query($query,$this->mysql_socket)){ $this->error = "POP3 save2mysql() - MySQL Error: ". mysql_errno() ." -- ". mysql_error(); $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } $i = 0; while(substr($message[$i],0,9) != "</HEADER>"){ $message[$i] = str_replace("'","\"",$message[$i]); while(substr($message[$i],0,1) == " "){ $header_keys = array_keys($header); $header[$header_keys[count($header_keys)-1]] .= $message[$i]; unset($array_keys); $i++; } if(eregi("Message-ID",$message[$i])){ $header["message_id"] = trim($message[$i]); } if(eregi("Subject",$message[$i])){ $header["subject"] = trim($message[$i]); } $to = substr($message[$i],0,2); if(eregi("TO",$to)){ $header["to"] = trim($message[$i]); } if(eregi("CC",$to)){ $header["cc"] = trim($message[$i]); } unset($to); if(eregi("BCC",$message[$i])){ $header["bcc"] = trim($message[$i]); } if(eregi("FROM",$message[$i])){ $header["from"] = trim($message[$i]); } if(eregi("DATE",$message[$i])){ $header["date"] = trim($message[$i]); } if(eregi("Content-Type",$message[$i])){ $header["content_type"] = trim($message[$i]); } if(eregi("Content-Transfer-Encoding",$message[$i])){ $header["content_encode"] = trim($message[$i]); } if(eregi("MIME-Version",$message[$i])){ $header["mime_version"] = trim($message[$i]); } if(eregi("Reply-To",substr($message[$i],0,8))){ $header["reply_to"] = trim($message[$i]); } if(eregi("X-Mailer",$message[$i])){ $header["x_mailer"] = trim($message[$i]); } if(eregi("X-Priority",$message[$i])){ $header["x_priority"] = substr(trim($message[$i]),-1); } if(eregi("Sender",$message[$i])){ $header["sender"] = trim($message[$i]); } if(eregi("Mail-Followup-To",$message[$i])){ $header["mail_followup_to"] = trim($message[$i]); } if(eregi("Mail-Reply-To",$message[$i])){ $header["mail_reply_to"] = trim($message[$i]); } if(eregi("Return-Receipt-To",$message[$i])){ $header["return_receipt_to"] = trim($message[$i]); } if(eregi("Disposition-Notifaction-To",$message[$i])){ $header["disposition_notifaction_to"] = trim($message[$i]); } if(eregi("Received",$message[$i])){ if(isset($header["received"])){ $header["received"] .= " <next> "; $header["received"] .= trim($message[$i]); }else{ $header["received"] = trim($message[$i]); } } $i++; } // Vars that must be set with a value !!! if(!isset($header["message_id"])) $header["message_id"] = "--"; if(!isset($header["from"])) $header["from"] = "--"; if(!isset($header["to"])) $header["to"] = "--"; if(!isset($header["subject"])) $header["subject"] = "--"; if(!isset($header["date"])) $header["date"] = "--"; if(!isset($header["received"])) $header["received"] = "--"; $unique_id = md5($header["message_id"]); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Check is mail exists !!! $query ='SELECT `unique_id` FROM `'.$msg_table.'` WHERE `unique_id` = \''.$unique_id.'\' LIMIT 0, 1'; if(!$result = mysql_query($query,$this->mysql_socket)){ $this->error = "POP3 save2mysql() - MySQL Error: ". mysql_errno() ." -- ". mysql_error(); $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } if($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC)){ $this->error = "POP3 save2mysql() - Error: Mail already exists"; $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } mysql_free_result($result); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $query = 'INSERT INTO `'.$dir_table.'` ( `id` ,`msg_id` , `from` , `to` , `subject` , `date` , `cc` , `bcc` , `content_type` , `content_encode` , `mime_version` , `x_mailer` , `x_priority` , `reply_to` , `sender` , `mail_followup_to` , `mail_reply_to` , `return_receipt_to` , `disposition_notification_to` , `received` , `create` , `read` ) VALUES ( \'\',\''.$header["message_id"].'\', \''.$header["from"].'\',\''.$header["to"].'\',\''.$header["subject"].'\',\''.$header["date"].'\',\''.$header["cc"].'\', \''.$header["bcc"].'\',\''.$header["content_type"].'\',\''.$header["content_encode"].'\',\''.$header["mime_version"].'\', \''.$header["x_mailer"].'\',\''.$header["x_priority"].'\',\''.$header["reply_to"].'\', \''.$header["sender"].'\',\''.$header["mail_followup_to"].'\',\''.$header["mail_reply_to"].'\',\''.$header["return_receipt_to"].'\', \''.$header["dispostion_notification_to"].'\',\''.$header["received"].'\',NOW(),\''.$read.'\')'; if(!$this->_logging("LOG MySQL: Write header ('".$header["message_id"]."') to table ('".$dir_table."') !!")){ $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } if(!mysql_query($query,$this->mysql_socket)){ $this->error = "POP3 save2mysql() - MySQL Error: ". mysql_errno() ." -- ". mysql_error(); $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } if(!$this->_logging("LOG MySQL: Write header ('".$header["message_id"]."') complete !!")){ $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } $count_lines = count($message); $count_bytes = "0"; if(!$this->_logging("LOG MySQL: Write complete mail (uid '".$unique_id."') to table ('".$msg_table."') !!")){ $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } for($i = 0;$i < $count_lines;$i++){ $count_bytes = $count_bytes + strlen($message[$i]); $message[$i] = str_replace("'","\"",$message[$i]); $query = 'INSERT INTO `'.$msg_table.'` ( `id` , `unique_id` , `linenumber` , `linetext` ) VALUES ( \'\', \''.$unique_id.'\', \''.$i.'\', \''.$message[$i].'\' )'; if(!mysql_query($query,$this->mysql_socket)){ $this->error = "POP3 save2mysql() - MySQL Error: ". mysql_errno() ." -- ". mysql_error(); $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } } if(!$this->_logging("LOG MySQL: Write complete mail (uid '".$unique_id."') complete. ( ".$count_bytes." Bytes written) !!")){ $this->_cleanup(); return FALSE; } $this->mysql_socket = FALSE; return $count_bytes; } } ?>