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File: checkmultiotp.cmd

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  Classes of André Liechti   multiOTP PHP class   checkmultiotp.cmd   Download  
File: checkmultiotp.cmd
Role: Unit test script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Windows script to validate the HOTP implementation
Class: multiOTP PHP class
Authenticate and manage OTP strong user tokens
Author: By
Last change: New release
FIX: Command line number of parameters detection corrected
ENH: It's now possible to define the number of digits for new created PIN
(multiotp -config default-pin-digits=n)
ENH: It's now possible to generate the HTML provisioning file by command line
(multiotp -htmlinfo username /full/path/to/username.html or
multiotp -htmlinfo /full/path/to/folder/ to generate files for all users)
ENH: Embedded Windows nginx edition updated to version 1.25.3
ENH: Embedded Windows internal tools updated (wget 1.21.4 and fart 1.99d)
ENH: Embedded Windows freeradius is now launched using NSSM (instead of SRVANY)
New release
FIX: Better Windows nginx configuration support (path backslashes replaced by slashes)
ENH: Embedded Windows nginx edition updated to version 1.24.0
ENH: Embedded Windows PHP edition updated to version 8.2.13
ENH: Better hardware/model detection
ENH: Documentation enhanced with instructions for RDWeb on Windows
ENH: Upgrade of some internal tools
ENH: Better internal configuration organization
New release
ENH: Documentation updated for "Configuring multiOTP with FreeRADIUS 3.x under Linux"
ENH: Without2FA tokens cannot be used for multi_account connection
ENH: Added documentation for SSH login with multiOTP
New release
FIX: Better Raspberry Pi support
FIX: ShowLog() method (used by -showlog option) was buggy
New release
FIX: Automated concurrent access for the same user with "Without2FA" token could corrupt the user file
FIX: Any files backend operation is now secured with explicit lock mechanism
ENH: Template updated to print bigger QRcode for "MOTP-XML" tokens
New release
FIX: Weekly anonymized stats date was not always updated
FIX: Adding -tokenslist command in CLI mode (mas missing)
FIX: Remove a debug line displaying sometimes "COMMDN:$command\n";
FIX: Some minor PHP notice corrections
ENH: Adding on-premises smsgateway ( as a new SMS provider
ENH: Better warning messages when CheckUserLdapPassword failed
ENH: Embedded documentation enhanced
ENH: Template updated to display correct information for WITHOUT2FA tokens
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 36,674 bytes



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@ECHO OFF REM ************************************************************ REM @file checkmultiotp.cmd REM @brief Test file for the multiOTP package. REM REM multiOTP - Strong two-factor authentication PHP class package REM https://www\ REM REM The Readme file contains additional information. REM REM Windows batch file for Windows 2K/XP/2003/7/2008/8/2012/10/2019 REM REM @author Andre Liechti, SysCo systemes de communication sa, <> REM @version REM @date 2023-12-03 REM @since 2010-07-10 REM @copyright (c) 2010-2023 SysCo systemes de communication sa REM @copyright GNU Lesser General Public License REM REM REM Description REM REM checkmultiotp is a script that will check some functionalities and REM multiotp compliance with RFC4226. It must be launched in the same REM directory as the multiotp.exe file. REM REM REM Usage REM REM The script must be launched in the same directory as multiotp.exe. REM REM REM External files needed REM REM multiotp.exe and all files available in the compressed distribution file REM all folders available in the compressed distribution file REM REM REM Licence REM REM Copyright (c) 2010-2023 SysCo systemes de communication sa REM SysCo (tm) is a trademark of SysCo systemes de communication sa REM ( REM All rights reserved. REM REM This file is part of the multiOTP project. REM REM multiOTP project is free software; you can redistribute it and/or REM modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as REM published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, REM or (at your option) any later version. REM REM multiOTP project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, REM but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of REM MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the REM GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. REM REM You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public REM License along with multiOTP PHP class. REM If not, see <>. REM REM REM Change Log REM REM 2022-08-05 SysCo/al Tests added for user without 2FA token REM 2020-12-11 SysCo/al Do an automatic "Run as administrator" if needed REM Tests added for PostGreSQL backend (set the _check_pgsql_xxx parameters below) REM 2018-11-13 SysCo/al Calls to nircmd tool removed REM 2018-08-26 SysCo/al Tests adapted for user without 2FA token REM 2017-05-29 SysCo/al Tests adapted to the new services REM 2016-12-08 SysCo/al Tests improved (MS-CHAP was wrongly tested) REM 2016-10-28 SysCo/al Some tests improved REM 2016-08-02 SysCo/al Some tests improved REM 2015-07-15 SysCo/al Some tests improved REM 2015-06-09 SysCo/al Some tests improved REM 2014-12-07 SysCo/al Some tests improved REM 2014-03-30 SysCo/al Version synchronization REM 2014-03-30 SysCo/al Typo to come back to the default encryption at the end of the test REM -request-nt-key added for MS-CHAP(v2) tests REM 2014-03-30 4.2.4 SysCo/al Tests added for MySQL backend (set the _check_sql_xxx parameters below) REM List of attributes to encrypt in the backend is set to null during the tests REM 2014-02-07 4.2.0 SysCo/al Tests added for MS-CHAPv2, MS-CHAP and CHAP REM 2013-01-15 4.1.1 SysCo/al Changing error level handling which could give false test result REM Testing with and without prefix pin, and alphanumeric PIN too REM 2013-12-23 4.1.0 SysCo/al Adding comments REM 2013-08-30 4.0.7 SysCo/al Adding no web display parameter REM 2013-08-25 4.0.6 SysCo/al Additional tests REM 2013-08-21 4.0.5 SysCo/al Supporting alternate authentication port for the radius test REM 2013-08-20 4.0.4 SysCo/al Testing new options of the multiOTP library REM 2010-09-02 3.0.0 SysCo/al More flexible variable definition to launch multiotp REM 2010-08-21 2.0.4 SysCo/al More documentation, tests results resume REM 2010-07-19 2.0.1 SysCo/al More documentation REM 2010-07-19 2.0.0 SysCo/al New version for the new multiotp implementation REM 2010-06-08 1.1.0 SysCo/al Project renamed to multiotp to avoid overlapping REM 2010-06-08 1.0.0 SysCo/al Initial release REM REM ************************************************************ REM These are the various ports used for the tests. REM They are different from the default production ports. IF "%_multiotp_ni%"=="1" GOTO NoWarning NET SESSION >NUL 2>&1 IF NOT %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 ( ECHO WARNING! Please run this script as an administrator, otherwise it will fail. ECHO Elevating privileges... REM PING > NUL 2>&1 CD /d %~dp0 MSHTA "javascript: var shell = new ActiveXObject('shell.application'); shell.ShellExecute('%~nx0', '', '', 'runas', 1);close();" EXIT REM PAUSE REM EXIT /B 1 ) :NoWarning REM UTF-8 mode CHCP 65001 >NUL IF EXIST "%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" DEL "%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" /Q REM No web display of the webservice installation SET _no_web_display=1 REM MySQL server test parameters IF "%_check_sql_server%"=="" SET _check_sql_server= IF "%_check_sql_username%"=="" SET _check_sql_username= IF "%_check_sql_password%"=="" SET _check_sql_password= IF "%_check_sql_database%"=="" SET _check_sql_database= REM PostGreSQL server test parameters IF "%_check_pgsql_server%"=="" SET _check_pgsql_server= IF "%_check_pgsql_username%"=="" SET _check_pgsql_username= IF "%_check_pgsql_password%"=="" SET _check_pgsql_password= IF "%_check_pgsql_database%"=="" SET _check_pgsql_database= IF "%_check_pgsql_schema%"=="" SET _check_pgsql_schema= REM Radius server test ports IF "%_check_r_auth_port%"=="" SET _check_r_auth_port=41812 IF "%_check_r_acct_port%"=="" SET _check_r_acct_port=41813 REM Web service test ports IF "%_check_web_port%"=="" SET _check_web_port=58112 IF "%_check_ssl_port%"=="" SET _check_ssl_port=58113 REM Ports can also be defined as parameters IF NOT "%1"=="" SET _check_r_auth_port=%1 IF NOT "%2"=="" SET _check_r_acct_port=%2 IF NOT "%3"=="" SET _check_web_port=%3 IF NOT "%4"=="" SET _check_ssl_port=%4 REM Set initial backend SET _backend=files IF "%_check_backend%"=="" SET _check_backend= IF NOT "%_check_backend%"=="" SET _backend=%_check_backend% REM Detection of the script folder IN SHORT PATH NOTATION SET _check_dir=%~d0%~sp0 SET _radius_dir=%_check_dir%radius\ SET _tools_dir=%_check_dir%tools\ IF NOT EXIST %_radius_dir%bin SET _radius_dir=%~d0%~p0..\radius\ IF NOT EXIST %_tools_dir%wget.exe SET _tools_dir=%~d0%~p0..\tools\ REM Full path to the multiotp.exe file SET _multiotp="%_check_dir%multiotp.exe" IF NOT "%_check_multiotp%"=="" SET _multiotp=%_check_multiotp% IF NOT "%_multiotp_alternate%"=="" SET _multiotp=%_multiotp_alternate% SET _multiotp_class_check=check.multiotp.class.php IF NOT "%_multiotp_class_check_alternate%"=="" SET _multiotp_class_check=%_multiotp_class_check_alternate% REM Initializing the test counters SET SUCCESSES=0 SET TOTAL_TESTS=0 REM SET initial backend to files %_multiotp% -config backend-type=files ECHO multiotp functionalities and HOTP implementation check ECHO (RFC 4226, ECHO ------------------------------------------------------ REM Display the multiOTP package version ECHO. %_multiotp% -version %_multiotp% -php-version %_multiotp% -config log=1 debug=1 >NUL REM List of attributes to encrypt is set to none during the tests %_multiotp% -config attributes-to-encrypt=** REM Define server-secret to default value %_multiotp% -config server-secret="" :BackendLoop REM Set the backend ECHO. ECHO Backend is set to %_backend% %_multiotp% -config backend-type=%_backend% ECHO Initialize backend IF "mysql"=="%_backend%" %_multiotp% -display-log -initialize-backend IF "pgsql"=="%_backend%" %_multiotp% -display-log -initialize-backend REM Delete the test_stéphane (if existing) %_multiotp% -log -delete test_stéphane IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 13 ECHO. IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 13 ECHO - User test_stéphane successfully deleted ECHO. ECHO Create user test_stéphane with the RFC test values HOTP token and a big alpha PIN %_multiotp% -log -create -prefix-pin test_stéphane HOTP 3132333435363738393031323334353637383930 "ThisIsALongNonDigitPinCode!" 6 0 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 12 ECHO - OK! User test_stéphane successfully created IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 12 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 12 ECHO - KO! Error creating the user test_stéphane IF ERRORLEVEL 12 ECHO - KO! Error creating the user test_stéphane (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Authenticate test_stéphane with the first token of the RFC test values, no prefix %_multiotp% -keep-local -log test_st\351phane 755224 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Token of the user test_stéphane successfully accepted without prefix IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Token of the user test_stéphane successfully accepted without prefix (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ErrorNoPrefix IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - OK! Token of the user test_stéphane successfully REJECTED (no prefix) IF ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 :ErrorNoPrefix SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Authenticate test_stéphane with the first token of the RFC test values, with prefix %_multiotp% -keep-local -log test_st\351phane "ThisIsALongNonDigitPinCode!755224" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - OK! Token of the user test_stéphane successfully accepted IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the user test_stéphane with the first token IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the user test_stéphane with the first token (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 REM Delete the test_user (if existing) %_multiotp% -log -delete test_user IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 13 ECHO. IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 13 ECHO - User test_user successfully deleted ECHO. ECHO Create user test_user with the RFC test values HOTP token and a big alpha PIN %_multiotp% -log -create -prefix-pin test_user HOTP 3132333435363738393031323334353637383930 "ThisIsALongNonDigitPinCode!" 6 0 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 12 ECHO - OK! User test_user successfully created IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 12 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 12 ECHO - KO! Error creating the user test_user IF ERRORLEVEL 12 ECHO - KO! Error creating the user test_user (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Authenticate test_user with the first token of the RFC test values, no prefix %_multiotp% -keep-local -log test_user 755224 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Token of the user test_user successfully accepted without prefix IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Token of the user test_user successfully accepted without prefix (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ErrorNoPrefix IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - OK! Token of the user test_user successfully REJECTED (no prefix) IF ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 :ErrorNoPrefix SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Authenticate test_user with the first token of the RFC test values, bad prefix %_multiotp% -keep-local -log test_user "ThisIsNotMyLongPinCode755224" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Token of the user test_user successfully accepted with a bad prefix IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Token of the user test_user successfully accepted with a bad prefix (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ErrorFalsePrefix IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - OK! Token of the user test_user successfully REJECTED (bad prefix) IF ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 :ErrorFalsePrefix SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Authenticate test_user with the first token of the RFC test values, with prefix %_multiotp% -keep-local -log test_user "ThisIsALongNonDigitPinCode!755224" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - OK! Token of the user test_user successfully accepted IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the user test_user with the first token IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the user test_user with the first token (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Test replay rejection for user test_user %_multiotp% -keep-local -log test_user "ThisIsALongNonDigitPinCode!755224" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 26 ECHO - KO! Replayed token *WRONGLY* accepted IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 26 ECHO - KO! Replayed token *WRONGLY* accepted (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 26 GOTO ErrorReplay ECHO - OK! Token of the user test_user successfully REJECTED (replay) SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 :ErrorReplay SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Resynchronize the key for user test_user (with prefix) %_multiotp% -keep-local -log -resync -status test_user "ThisIsALongNonDigitPinCode!287082" "ThisIsALongNonDigitPinCode!359152" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 15 ECHO - OK! Token of the user test_user successfully resynchronized IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 15 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 15 ECHO - KO! Token of the user test_user NOT resynchronized IF ERRORLEVEL 15 ECHO - KO! Token of the user test_user NOT resynchronized (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Resynchronize the key for user test_user (without prefix, even if needed) %_multiotp% -keep-local -log -resync -status test_user 338314 254676 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 15 ECHO - OK! Token of the user test_user successfully resynchronized IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 15 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 15 ECHO - KO! Token of the user test_user NOT resynchronized IF ERRORLEVEL 15 ECHO - KO! Token of the user test_user NOT resynchronized (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Check the automatic cleaning of a user name with a @my.domain suffix %_multiotp% -keep-local -log test_user@my.domain "ThisIsALongNonDigitPinCode!287922" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - OK! Token of the cleaned user test_user@my.domain.test successfully accepted IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the cleaned user test_user IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the cleaned user test_user (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Test false resynchronisation (in the past, may take some time) %_multiotp% -keep-local -log -resync -status test_user 287082 359152 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 20 ECHO - KO! Token of user test_user *WRONGLY* resynchronized IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 20 ECHO - KO! Token of user test_user *WRONGLY* resynchronized (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 20 GOTO ErrorSynchro IF ERRORLEVEL 20 ECHO - OK! Token of test_user successfully NOT resynchronized (in the past) IF ERRORLEVEL 20 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 :ErrorSynchro SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Authenticate test_user with next valid token 162583 with prefix using MS-CHAPv2 REM user test_user and password "ThisIsALongNonDigitPinCode!162583" %_multiotp% -keep-local -log test_user -request-nt-key -ms-chap-challenge=0xc5356d83125a36b655c59a05b2245d68 -ms-chap2-response=0x00006cea45ad4f3e3a6af414cc09619aeb1e00000000000000004dd32ee9f3b898cf4fcd665ba167a303ce2c1266e7a26f10 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - OK! Token of the user test_user successfully accepted using MS-CHAPv2 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the user test_user using MS-CHAPv2 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the user test_user using MS-CHAPv2 (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Authenticate test_user with replayed token 162583 with prefix using MS-CHAPv2 REM user test_user and password "ThisIsALongNonDigitPinCode!162583" %_multiotp% -keep-local -log test_user -ms-chap-challenge=0xc5356d83125a36b655c59a05b2245d68 -ms-chap2-response=0x00006cea45ad4f3e3a6af414cc09619aeb1e00000000000000004dd32ee9f3b898cf4fcd665ba167a303ce2c1266e7a26f10 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 26 ECHO - KO! Replayed token of the user test_user wrongly accepted IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 26 ECHO - KO! Replayed token of the user test_user wrongly accepted (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 26 GOTO ErrorReplayedMsChapV2 IF ERRORLEVEL 26 ECHO - OK! Replayed Token of the test_user successfully REJECTED IF ERRORLEVEL 26 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 :ErrorReplayedMsChapV2 SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Authenticate test_user with next token 399871 with prefix 1234 using MS-CHAP REM user test_user and password 1234399871 %_multiotp% -keep-local -log -set test_user pin=1234 %_multiotp% -keep-local -log test_user -request-nt-key -ms-chap-challenge=0x29c9fd75e57a83b778ed911258c35bab -ms-chap-response=0x0001dcbf446a704793383684c8ee1cde8b3130e5b788fa878f668e688cff12d7f0049cbc30d7cd88d33321d641ae1bffd830 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - OK! Token of the user test_user successfully accepted using MS-CHAP IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the user test_user using MS-CHAP IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the user test_user using MS-CHAP (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Authenticate test_user with next token 520489 with prefix 1234 using CHAP REM user test_user and password 1234520489 %_multiotp% -keep-local -log test_user -chap-challenge=0xb20cd9303226db8f79c9c5c581ca90d9 -chap-password=0x127c6ce2ac656c3f6eafcea416ecb59f9e IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - OK! Token of the user test_user successfully accepted using CHAP IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the user test_user using CHAP IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the user test_user using CHAP (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 REM Delete the user test_user@one.domain (if existing) %_multiotp% -log -delete test_user@one.domain IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 13 ECHO. IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 13 ECHO - User test_user@one.domain successfully deleted ECHO. ECHO Create user test_user@one.domain with the RFC test values HOTP token %_multiotp% -log -create -no-prefix-pin test_user@one.domain HOTP 3132333435363738393031323334353637383930 1234 6 0 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 12 ECHO - OK! User test_user@one.domain successfully created IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 12 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 12 ECHO - KO! Error creating the user test_user@one.domain IF ERRORLEVEL 12 ECHO - KO! Error creating the user test_user@one.domain (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Authenticate test_user@one.domain with the first token of the RFC test values %_multiotp% -keep-local -log test_user@one.domain 755224 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - OK! Token of the user test_user@one.domain successfully accepted IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the user test_user@one.domain with the first token IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the user test_user@one.domain with the first token (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 REM Delete the test_user2 (if existing) %_multiotp% -log -delete test_user2 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 13 ECHO. IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 13 ECHO - User test_user2 successfully deleted ECHO. ECHO Create user test_user2 with the RFC test values HOTP token and a big PIN prefix ECHO (like Authenex / ZyXEL / Billion is doing for their OTP solution) %_multiotp% -log -create -prefix-pin test_user2 HOTP 3132333435363738393031323334353637383930 "ThisIsAnOtherBigAlphaNumericPrefixPinWith-Minus And Space And ^&" 6 0 -display-log -debug -param IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 12 ECHO - OK! User test_user2 successfully created IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 12 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 12 ECHO - KO! Error creating the user test_user2 IF ERRORLEVEL 12 ECHO - KO! Error creating the user test_user2 (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Authenticate test_user2 with the first token of the RFC test value with big PIN %_multiotp% -keep-local -log test_user2 "ThisIsAnOtherBigAlphaNumericPrefixPinWith-Minus And Space And ^&755224" -display-log -debug -param IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - OK! Token of the user test_user2 (with prefix PIN) successfully accepted IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the user test_user2 with the first token and PIN prefix IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the user test_user2 with the first token and PIN prefix (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 IF NOT EXIST %_radius_dir%bin GOTO NoRadiusCheck ECHO. ECHO - Install and start the RADIUS server (wait 5 seconds) CALL %_check_dir%radius_install.cmd %_check_r_auth_port% %_check_r_acct_port% multiOTPradiusTest multiOTPradiusTest PING -n 5 >NUL ECHO. ECHO Authenticate test_user2 with the second token through the RADIUS server ECHO User-Name = "test_user2">"%TEMP%\radiustest.conf" ECHO User-Password = "ThisIsAnOtherBigAlphaNumericPrefixPinWith-Minus And Space And ^&287082">>"%TEMP%\radiustest.conf" ECHO NAS-IP-Address =>>"%TEMP%\radiustest.conf" ECHO NAS-Port = %_check_r_auth_port%>>"%TEMP%\radiustest.conf" %_radius_dir%bin\radclient.exe -c 1 -d %_radius_dir%etc\raddb -f "%TEMP%\radiustest.conf" -r 1 -t 5 auth multiotpsecret IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - OK! Token of the user test_user2 successfully accepted by RADIUS server IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the user test_user2 with by the RADIUS server IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the user test_user2 with by the RADIUS server (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 DEL "%TEMP%\radiustest.conf" /Q ECHO. ECHO - Stop and uninstall the RADIUS server CALL %_check_dir%radius_uninstall.cmd multiOTPradiusTest :NoRadiusCheck ECHO. ECHO - Install and start the multiOTP web service (wait 5 seconds) %_tools_dir%wget --quiet --output-document="%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.check" --timeout=300 --tries=2 FIND /C "Web service is ready" "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.check" >NUL IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO WebServiceAlreadyHere %_multiotp% -config server-secret="" CALL %_check_dir%webservice_install.cmd %_check_web_port% %_check_ssl_port% multiOTPserverTest multiOTPserverTest PING -n 5 >NUL :WebServiceAlreadyHere ECHO. ECHO Check the default multiOTP web service page %_tools_dir%wget --quiet --output-document="%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.check" --timeout=300 --tries=2 FIND "Web service is ready" "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.check" | FIND "Web service is ready" > "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.ready" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 TYPE "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.ready" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - OK! multiOTP web service is responding correctly IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! multiOTP web service is not responding correctly on IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! multiOTP web service is not responding correctly on (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 TYPE "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.check" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 TYPE "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.check" (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 DEL "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.check" /Q DEL "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.ready" /Q ECHO. ECHO Check the https default multiOTP web service page %_tools_dir%wget --no-check-certificate --quiet --output-document="%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.check" --timeout=300 --tries=2 FIND "Web service is ready" "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.check" | FIND "Web service is ready" > "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.ready" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 TYPE "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.ready" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - OK! multiOTP web service is responding correctly IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! multiOTP web service is not responding correctly on IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! multiOTP web service is not responding correctly on (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 TYPE "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.check" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 TYPE "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.check" (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 DEL "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.check" /Q DEL "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.ready" /Q ECHO. ECHO Authenticate test_user2 through web service using default secret REM Default secret is ClientServerSecret, full token is 1234359152 %_multiotp% -log -set test_user2 pin=1234 SET _server_challenge=XUZIW25kIz53KDB1BTAwF2U/V2x9FzB0Xjp1IDEiNmMgZjI/ SET _chap_id=34 SET _chap_challenge=4af06915f7cbdfd018f5c60047dc8a2f SET _chap_password=936660d3d0bef545c63e73fa7ee30bd1 ECHO data=^<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?^>^<multiOTP version="4.0" xmlns=""^>^<ServerChallenge^>%_server_challenge%^</ServerChallenge^>^<CheckUserToken^>^<UserId^>test_user2^</UserId^>^<Chap^>^<ChapId^>%_chap_id%^</ChapId^>^<ChapChallenge^>%_chap_challenge%^</ChapChallenge^>^<ChapPassword^>%_chap_password%^</ChapPassword^>^</Chap^>^<CacheLevel^>1^</CacheLevel^>^</CheckUserToken^>^</multiOTP^> >"%TEMP%\" TYPE "%TEMP%\" %_tools_dir%wget --post-file "%TEMP%\" --quiet --output-document="%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.check" --timeout=300 --tries=2 FIND /C "OK: Token accepted" "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.check" >NUL IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - OK! multiOTP web service is responding correctly IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! multiOTP web service is not responding correctly on IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! multiOTP web service is not responding correctly on (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 TYPE "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.check" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 TYPE "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.check" (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 DEL "%TEMP%\" /Q DEL "%TEMP%\multiOTPwebservice.check" /Q SET _server_challenge= SET _chap_id= SET _chap_challenge= SET _chap_password= ECHO. ECHO Generate scratch passwords for test_user2 FOR /f "tokens=1*" %%a, in ('%_multiotp% -keep-local -scratchlist test_user2') DO ( SET _password=%%a ECHO %%a ) IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 20 ECHO - OK! Scratch list for test_user2 successfully created IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 20 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 20 ECHO - KO! Scratch list for test_user2 NOT successfully created IF ERRORLEVEL 20 ECHO - KO! Scratch list for test_user2 NOT successfully created (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Test the last scratch password (%_password%) for test_user2 with prefix %_multiotp% -keep-local -log test_user2 1234%_password% IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - OK! Scratch password accepted for test_user2 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Scratch password NOT accepted for test_user2 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Scratch password NOT accepted for test_user2 (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Test again the last scratch password (%_password%) for test_user2 with prefix %_multiotp% -keep-local -log test_user2 1234%_password% IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Scratch password IS WRONGLY accepted a second time for test_user2 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Scratch password IS WRONGLY accepted a second time for test_user2 (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ErrorScratch ECHO - OK! Scratch password is not accepted a second time for test_user2 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 :ErrorScratch SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Create user test_user_no_2fa without 2FA token and without prefix %_multiotp% -log -create -no-prefix-pin test_user_no_2fa WITHOUT2FA IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 12 ECHO - OK! User test_user_no_2fa successfully created IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 12 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 12 ECHO - KO! Error creating the user test_user_no_2fa IF ERRORLEVEL 12 ECHO - KO! Error creating the user test_user_no_2fa (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Authenticate test_user_no_2fa without 2FA token and without prefix %_multiotp% -keep-local -log test_user_no_2fa "" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - OK! Token of the user test_user_no_2fa successfully accepted IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the user test_user_no_2fa with the first token IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Error authenticating the user test_user_no_2fa with the first token (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Authenticate test_user_no_2fa without 2FA token and without prefix with a bad value %_multiotp% -keep-local -log test_user_no_2fa "badvalue" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Token of the user test_user test_user_no_2fa accepted with bad value IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - KO! Token of the user test_user test_user_no_2fa accepted with bad value (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ErrorBadValue2FA IF ERRORLEVEL 1 ECHO - OK! Token of the user test_user_no_2fa successfully REJECTED (bad value) IF ERRORLEVEL 1 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 :ErrorBadValue2FA SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Check test_user_no_2fa to see if it is a without 2FA token %_multiotp% -iswithout2fa -keep-local -log test_user_no_2fa "" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 8 ECHO - KO! Error checking the user test_user_no_2fa token type IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 8 ECHO - KO! Error checking the user test_user_no_2fa token type (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" IF ERRORLEVEL 8 ECHO - OK! Token of the user test_user_no_2fa is a without 2FA token IF ERRORLEVEL 8 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO Check test_user2 to see if it is not a without 2FA token %_multiotp% -iswithout2fa -keep-local -log test_user2 "" IF ERRORLEVEL 8 ECHO - KO! Error 8 checking the user test_user2 token type IF ERRORLEVEL 8 ECHO - KO! Error 8 checking the user test_user2 token type (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" IF ERRORLEVEL 8 GOTO CheckIsNotWithout2FA IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 7 ECHO - KO! Error checking the user test_user2 token type IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 7 ECHO - KO! Error checking the user test_user2 token type (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 7 GOTO CheckIsNotWithout2FA IF ERRORLEVEL 7 ECHO - OK! Token of the user test_user2 is a without 2FA token IF ERRORLEVEL 7 SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 :CheckIsNotWithout2FA SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 REM GOTO DelTestUserSkip ECHO. ECHO And now, delete old users... REM Delete the test_user2 (if existing) ECHO - test_user2 %_multiotp% -log -delete test_user2 IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 13 ECHO. IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 13 ECHO - User test_user2 successfully deleted REM Delete the test_user ECHO - test_user %_multiotp% -log -delete test_user IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 13 ECHO. IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 13 ECHO - User test_user successfully deleted REM Delete the test_user@one.domain ECHO - test_user@one.domain %_multiotp% -log -delete test_user@one.domain IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 13 ECHO. IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 13 ECHO - User test_user@one.domain successfully deleted REM Delete the test_user_no_2fa ECHO - test_user_no_2fa %_multiotp% -log -delete test_user_no_2fa IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 13 ECHO. IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 13 ECHO - User test_user2 successfully deleted REM Delete the test_stéphane ECHO - test_stéphane %_multiotp% -log -delete test_stéphane IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 13 ECHO. IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 13 ECHO - User test_stéphane successfully deleted :DelTestUserSkip REM Show Log REM %_multiotp% -showlog IF "mysql"=="%_backend%" GOTO EndMySqlLoop IF "pgsql"=="%_backend%" GOTO EndPgSqlLoop REM Do all the tests a second time for the MySQL server backend if all parameters are there :MySqlLoop IF ""=="%_check_sql_server%" GOTO EndMySqlLoop IF ""=="%_check_sql_username%" GOTO EndMySqlLoop IF ""=="%_check_sql_password%" GOTO EndMySqlLoop IF ""=="%_check_sql_database%" GOTO EndMySqlLoop SET _backend=mysql ECHO. ECHO Set the backend parameters for %_backend% %_multiotp% -config backend-type=files %_multiotp% -config sql-server=%_check_sql_server% sql-username=%_check_sql_username% sql-password=%_check_sql_password% sql-database=%_check_sql_database% GOTO BackendLoop :EndMySqlLoop REM Do all the tests a third time for the PostgreSQL server backend if all parameters are there :PgSqlLoop IF ""=="%_check_pgsql_server%" GOTO EndPgSqlLoop IF ""=="%_check_pgsql_username%" GOTO EndPgSqlLoop IF ""=="%_check_pgsql_password%" GOTO EndPgSqlLoop IF ""=="%_check_pgsql_database%" GOTO EndPgSqlLoop IF ""=="%_check_pgsql_schema%" GOTO EndPgSqlLoop SET _backend=pgsql ECHO. ECHO Set the backend parameters for %_backend% %_multiotp% -config backend-type=files %_multiotp% -config sql-server=%_check_pgsql_server% sql-username=%_check_pgsql_username% sql-password=%_check_pgsql_password% sql-database=%_check_pgsql_database% sql-schema=%_check_pgsql_schema% GOTO BackendLoop :EndPgSqlLoop SET _backend=files %_multiotp% -config backend-type=%_backend% REM List of attributes to encrypt is set to default value %_multiotp% -config attributes-to-encrypt= ECHO. ECHO End of the CLI multiOTP tests IF %SUCCESSES% EQU %TOTAL_TESTS% ECHO (all %TOTAL_TESTS% tests are OK so far...) ECHO. ECHO. ECHO Check the PHP multiOTP class using the %_multiotp_class_check% file. %_tools_dir%wget^&keeplog=1 --quiet --output-document="%TEMP%\check.multiOTP.class.check" --timeout=300 --tries=2 FIND /C "KO!" "%TEMP%\check.multiOTP.class.check" >NUL TYPE "%TEMP%\check.multiOTP.class.check" IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO CheckClassError :CheckClassOk ECHO - OK! multiOTP class tests successful SET /A SUCCESSES=SUCCESSES+1 GOTO CheckClassEnd :CheckClassError ECHO - KO! multiOTP class tests failed ( ECHO - KO! multiOTP class tests failed ( (%_backend%) >>"%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" CHOICE /T 5 /C ny /D n /M "Type [y] in the next 5 seconds to pause the process" ECHO. IF ERRORLEVEL 2 PAUSE ECHO. :CheckClassEnd DEL "%TEMP%\check.multiOTP.class.check" /Q SET /A TOTAL_TESTS=TOTAL_TESTS+1 ECHO. ECHO - Stop and uninstall the multiOTP web service CALL %_check_dir%webservice_uninstall.cmd multiOTPserverTest ECHO. ECHO. IF "%_multiotp_ni%"=="1" GOTO NoResultSummary IF %SUCCESSES% EQU %TOTAL_TESTS% ECHO OK! ALL %SUCCESSES% TESTS HAVE PASSED SUCCESSFULLY ! IF %SUCCESSES% NEQ %TOTAL_TESTS% ECHO KO! ONLY %SUCCESSES%/%TOTAL_TESTS% TESTS HAVE PASSED SUCCESSFULLY ! IF %SUCCESSES% NEQ %TOTAL_TESTS% TYPE "%TEMP%\multiotp_error.log" :NoResultSummary ECHO. SET _backend= SET _check_dir= SET _radius_dir= SET _tools_dir= SET _multiotp= SET _multiotp_class_check= SET _check_r_auth_port= SET _check_r_acct_port= SET _check_web_port= SET _check_ssl_port= SET _no_web_display= IF "%_multiotp_ni%"=="1" Goto NoPause PAUSE :NoPause