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File: raspberry/boot-part/

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  Classes of AndrĂ© Liechti   multiOTP PHP class   raspberry/boot-part/   Download  
File: raspberry/boot-part/
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: multiOTP PHP class
Authenticate and manage OTP strong user tokens
Author: By
Last change: New release
FIX: Command line number of parameters detection corrected
ENH: It's now possible to define the number of digits for new created PIN
(multiotp -config default-pin-digits=n)
ENH: It's now possible to generate the HTML provisioning file by command line
(multiotp -htmlinfo username /full/path/to/username.html or
multiotp -htmlinfo /full/path/to/folder/ to generate files for all users)
ENH: Embedded Windows nginx edition updated to version 1.25.3
ENH: Embedded Windows internal tools updated (wget 1.21.4 and fart 1.99d)
ENH: Embedded Windows freeradius is now launched using NSSM (instead of SRVANY)
New release
FIX: Better Windows nginx configuration support (path backslashes replaced by slashes)
ENH: Embedded Windows nginx edition updated to version 1.24.0
ENH: Embedded Windows PHP edition updated to version 8.2.13
ENH: Better hardware/model detection
ENH: Documentation enhanced with instructions for RDWeb on Windows
ENH: Upgrade of some internal tools
ENH: Better internal configuration organization
New release
ENH: Documentation updated for "Configuring multiOTP with FreeRADIUS 3.x under Linux"
ENH: Without2FA tokens cannot be used for multi_account connection
ENH: Added documentation for SSH login with multiOTP
New release
FIX: Better Raspberry Pi support
FIX: ShowLog() method (used by -showlog option) was buggy
New release
FIX: Automated concurrent access for the same user with "Without2FA" token could corrupt the user file
FIX: Any files backend operation is now secured with explicit lock mechanism
ENH: Template updated to print bigger QRcode for "MOTP-XML" tokens
New release
FIX: Weekly anonymized stats date was not always updated
FIX: Adding -tokenslist command in CLI mode (mas missing)
FIX: Remove a debug line displaying sometimes "COMMDN:$command\n";
FIX: Some minor PHP notice corrections
ENH: Adding on-premises smsgateway ( as a new SMS provider
ENH: Better warning messages when CheckUserLdapPassword failed
ENH: Embedded documentation enhanced
ENH: Template updated to display correct information for WITHOUT2FA tokens
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 20,283 bytes



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#!/bin/bash ########################################################################## # # @file # @brief Reset multiOTP open source installation (Raspberry Pi / VM / Docker) # # multiOTP package - Strong two-factor authentication open source package # # # @author Andre Liechti, SysCo systemes de communication sa, <> # @version # @date 2023-12-03 # @since 2013-09-22 # @copyright (c) 2013-2023 SysCo systemes de communication sa # @copyright GNU Lesser General Public License # # 2023-11-23 SysCo/al Update Raspberry Pi detection # 2023-10-11 SysCo/al Add Debian Bookworm 12.0 support # 2022-05-26 SysCo/al ssue with /run/php when a Docker container is restarted # 2022-05-08 SysCo/al Better docker support (also for Synology) # 2022-05-08 SysCo/al Add Raspberry Pi Bullseye 11.0 support # 2021-09-14 SysCo/al VM version 011 support # (Debian Bullseye 11.0, PHP 7.4, FreeRADIUS 3.0.21, Nginx 1.18.0) # 2020-08-31 SysCo/al Raspberry Pi 4B support # New unified distribution # Debian Buster 10.5 support # PHP 7.3 support # 2019-10-23 SysCo/al Debian Buster support # 2019-01-30 SysCo/al Support any source path for the installation # 2019-01-07 SysCo/al VM version 008 support (Debian 9.x Stretch, PHP 7, FreeRADIUS 3.x) # 2018-03-20 SysCo/al VM version 007 for Debian 8.x (PHP 5) # Initial Docker support (Debian 8.x) # OS version and ID detection # 2017-05-16 SysCo/al VM upgraded to version 006 # 2016-11-19 SysCo/al Better support for Raspberry Pi, enhanced SSL support # 2016-11-07 SysCo/al Better tuning depending on virtual family # (blacklist i2c_piix4 and nsc_ircc) # 2016-11-04 SysCo/al Better hardware detection # 2016-03-18 SysCo/al Raspberry Pi support # 2013-09-22 SysCo/al Initial release ########################################################################## TEMPVERSION="@version" MULTIOTPVERSION="$(echo -e "${TEMPVERSION:8}" | tr -d '[[:space:]]')" IFS='.' read -ra MULTIOTPVERSIONARRAY <<< "$MULTIOTPVERSION" MULTIOTPMAJORVERSION=${MULTIOTPVERSIONARRAY[0]} RUNDOCKER="FALSE" if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then if [[ "$1" == "RUNDOCKER" ]] || [[ "$2" == "RUNDOCKER" ]] || [[ "$3" == "RUNDOCKER" ]]; then RUNDOCKER="TRUE" else RUNDOCKER="FALSE" fi fi if [[ "${RUNDOCKER}" == "TRUE" ]]; then if [ ! -e /etc/multiotp/config/multiotp.ini ] ; then cp -f -rp /var/multiotp-temp/etc/multiotp/* /etc/multiotp cp -f -rp /var/multiotp-temp/etc/freeradius/* /etc/freeradius cp -f -rp /var/multiotp-temp/log/multiotp/* /var/log/multiotp cp -f -rp /var/multiotp-temp/log/freeradius/* /var/log/freeradius fi fi SOURCE="${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" while [ -h "$SOURCE" ]; do # resolve $SOURCE until the file is no longer a symlink DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")" [[ $SOURCE != /* ]] && SOURCE="$DIR/$SOURCE" # if $SOURCE was a relative symlink, we need to resolve it relative to the path where the symlink file was located done SOURCEDIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )" # OS ID and version (2023-11-20) # Architecture (for example x86_64) OSID=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep "^ID=" | awk -F'=' '{print $2}') OSVERSION=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep "VERSION_ID=" | awk -F'"' '{print $2}') ARCHITECTURE=$(lscpu |grep "^Architecture" | awk -F':' '{print $2}' | awk '{$1=$1;print}') BACKENDDB="mysql" PHPFPM="php7.3-fpm" PHPFPMSED="php\/php7.3-fpm" PHPINSTALLPREFIX="php" PHPINSTALLPREFIXVERSION="php7.3" PHPMODULEPREFIX="php/7.3" PHPMAJORVERSION="7" SQLITEVERSION="sqlite3" VMRELEASENUMBER="010" if [[ "${OSID}" == "debian" ]] && [[ "${OSVERSION}" == "7" ]]; then BACKENDDB="mysql" PHPFPM="php5-fpm" PHPFPMSED="php5-fpm" PHPINSTALLPREFIX="php5" PHPINSTALLPREFIXVERSION="php5" PHPMODULEPREFIX="php5" PHPMAJORVERSION="5" SQLITEVERSION="sqlite" VMRELEASENUMBER="007" elif [[ "${OSID}" == "debian" ]] && [[ "${OSVERSION}" == "8" ]]; then BACKENDDB="mysql" PHPFPM="php5-fpm" PHPFPMSED="php5-fpm" PHPINSTALLPREFIX="php5" PHPINSTALLPREFIXVERSION="php5" PHPMODULEPREFIX="php5" PHPMAJORVERSION="5" SQLITEVERSION="sqlite" VMRELEASENUMBER="007" elif [[ "${OSID}" == "debian" ]] && [[ "${OSVERSION}" == "9" ]]; then BACKENDDB="mysql" PHPFPM="php7.0-fpm" PHPFPMSED="php\/php7.0-fpm" PHPINSTALLPREFIX="php" PHPINSTALLPREFIXVERSION="php7.0" PHPMODULEPREFIX="php/7.0" PHPMAJORVERSION="7" SQLITEVERSION="sqlite" VMRELEASENUMBER="008" elif [[ "${OSID}" == "debian" ]] && [[ "${OSVERSION}" == "10" ]]; then BACKENDDB="mariadb" PHPFPM="php7.3-fpm" PHPFPMSED="php\/php7.3-fpm" PHPINSTALLPREFIX="php" PHPINSTALLPREFIXVERSION="php7.3" PHPMODULEPREFIX="php/7.3" PHPMAJORVERSION="7" SQLITEVERSION="sqlite3" VMRELEASENUMBER="010" elif [[ "${OSID}" == "debian" ]] && [[ "${OSVERSION}" == "11" ]]; then BACKENDDB="mariadb" PHPFPM="php7.4-fpm" PHPFPMSED="php\/php7.4-fpm" PHPINSTALLPREFIX="php" PHPINSTALLPREFIXVERSION="php7.4" PHPMODULEPREFIX="php/7.4" PHPMAJORVERSION="7" SQLITEVERSION="sqlite3" VMRELEASENUMBER="011" elif [[ "${OSID}" == "debian" ]] && [[ "${OSVERSION}" == "12" ]]; then BACKENDDB="mariadb" PHPFPM="php8.2-fpm" PHPFPMSED="php\/php8.2-fpm" PHPINSTALLPREFIX="php" PHPINSTALLPREFIXVERSION="php8.2" PHPMODULEPREFIX="php/8.2" PHPMAJORVERSION="8" SQLITEVERSION="sqlite3" VMRELEASENUMBER="012" elif [[ "${OSID}" == "raspbian" ]] && [[ "${OSVERSION}" == "7" ]]; then BACKENDDB="mysql" PHPFPM="php5-fpm" PHPFPMSED="php5-fpm" PHPINSTALLPREFIX="php5" PHPINSTALLPREFIXVERSION="php5" PHPMODULEPREFIX="php5" PHPMAJORVERSION="5" SQLITEVERSION="sqlite" VMRELEASENUMBER="007" elif [[ "${OSID}" == "raspbian" ]] && [[ "${OSVERSION}" == "8" ]]; then BACKENDDB="mysql" PHPFPM="php5-fpm" PHPFPMSED="php5-fpm" PHPINSTALLPREFIX="php5" PHPINSTALLPREFIXVERSION="php5" PHPMODULEPREFIX="php5" PHPMAJORVERSION="5" SQLITEVERSION="sqlite" VMRELEASENUMBER="007" elif [[ "${OSID}" == "raspbian" ]] && [[ "${OSVERSION}" == "9" ]]; then BACKENDDB="mysql" PHPFPM="php7.0-fpm" PHPFPMSED="php\/php7.0-fpm" PHPINSTALLPREFIX="php" PHPINSTALLPREFIXVERSION="php7.0" PHPMODULEPREFIX="php/7.0" PHPMAJORVERSION="7" SQLITEVERSION="sqlite" VMRELEASENUMBER="008" elif [[ "${OSID}" == "raspbian" ]] && [[ "${OSVERSION}" == "10" ]]; then BACKENDDB="mariadb" PHPFPM="php7.3-fpm" PHPFPMSED="php\/php7.3-fpm" PHPINSTALLPREFIX="php" PHPINSTALLPREFIXVERSION="php7.3" PHPMODULEPREFIX="php/7.3" PHPMAJORVERSION="7" SQLITEVERSION="sqlite3" VMRELEASENUMBER="010" elif [[ "${OSID}" == "raspbian" ]] && [[ "${OSVERSION}" == "11" ]]; then BACKENDDB="mariadb" PHPFPM="php7.4-fpm" PHPFPMSED="php\/php7.4-fpm" PHPINSTALLPREFIX="php" PHPINSTALLPREFIXVERSION="php7.4" PHPMODULEPREFIX="php/7.4" PHPMAJORVERSION="7" SQLITEVERSION="sqlite3" VMRELEASENUMBER="011" elif [[ "${OSID}" == "raspbian" ]] && [[ "${OSVERSION}" == "12" ]]; then BACKENDDB="mariadb" PHPFPM="php8.2-fpm" PHPFPMSED="php\/php8.2-fpm" PHPINSTALLPREFIX="php" PHPINSTALLPREFIXVERSION="php8.2" PHPMODULEPREFIX="php/8.2" PHPMAJORVERSION="8" SQLITEVERSION="sqlite3" VMRELEASENUMBER="012" fi # End of OS ID and version (2023-11-20) # Early docker detection (2023-11-20) UNAME=$(uname -a) if [[ "${UNAME}" == *docker* ]]; then # Docker FAMILY="VAP" TYPE="DOCKER" elif grep -q docker /proc/1/cgroup; then FAMILY="VAP" TYPE="DOCKER" elif grep -q docker /proc/self/cgroup; then FAMILY="VAP" TYPE="DOCKER" elif [ -f /.dockerenv ]; then FAMILY="VAP" TYPE="DOCKER" fi # End of early docker detection (2023-11-20) if [ $# -ge 1 ]; then BACKEND="$1" if [[ "${BACKEND}" != "mysql" ]] && [[ "$2" != "mysql" ]]; then BACKEND="files" else BACKEND="mysql" fi else BACKEND="files" fi # Docker backend is forced to be files if [[ "${TYPE}" == "DOCKER" ]]; then BACKEND="files" fi # Hardware detection (2023-11-20) FAMILY="" UNAME=$(uname -a) MODEL=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "Model" | awk -F': ' '{print $2}') if [[ "${UNAME}" == *docker* ]]; then # Docker FAMILY="VAP" TYPE="DOCKER" elif grep -q docker /proc/1/cgroup; then FAMILY="VAP" TYPE="DOCKER" elif grep -q docker /proc/self/cgroup; then FAMILY="VAP" TYPE="DOCKER" elif [ -f /.dockerenv ]; then FAMILY="VAP" TYPE="DOCKER" elif [[ "${MODEL}" == *"Raspberry Pi 5"* ]]; then # Raspberry Pi 5 FAMILY="RPI" TYPE="RP5" elif [[ "${MODEL}" == *"Raspberry Pi 4"* ]]; then # Raspberry Pi 4 FAMILY="RPI" TYPE="RP4" elif [[ "${MODEL}" == *"Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Plus"* ]]; then # Raspberry Pi 3 B+ FAMILY="RPI" TYPE="RP3+" elif [[ "${MODEL}" == *"Raspberry Pi 3"* ]]; then # Raspberry Pi 3 FAMILY="RPI" TYPE="RP3" elif [[ "${MODEL}" == *"Raspberry Pi 2"* ]]; then # Raspberry Pi 2 FAMILY="RPI" TYPE="RP2" elif [[ "${MODEL}" == *"Raspberry Pi"* ]]; then # Raspberry Pi generic FAMILY="RPI" TYPE="RP" elif [[ "${UNAME}" == *armv8* ]] || [[ "${UNAME}" == *aarch64* ]]; then HARDWARE=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "Hardware" | awk -F': ' '{print $2}') if [[ "${HARDWARE}" == *BCM27* ]] || [[ "${HARDWARE}" == *BCM28* ]]; then LSCPU=$(/usr/bin/lscpu | grep "CPU max MHz" | awk -F': ' '{print $2}') if [[ "${LSCPU}" == *1500* ]]; then # Raspberry Pi 4 FAMILY="RPI" TYPE="RP4" elif [[ "${LSCPU}" == *1400* ]]; then # Raspberry Pi 3 B+ FAMILY="RPI" TYPE="RP3+" else # Raspberry Pi 3 FAMILY="RPI" TYPE="RP3" fi else FAMILY="ARM" TYPE="ARM" fi elif [[ "${UNAME}" == *armv7l* ]]; then HARDWARE=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "Hardware" | awk -F': ' '{print $2}') if [[ "${HARDWARE}" == *BCM27* ]] || [[ "${HARDWARE}" == *BCM28* ]]; then LSCPU=$(/usr/bin/lscpu | grep "CPU max MHz" | awk -F': ' '{print $2}') if [[ "${LSCPU}" == *1500* ]]; then # Raspberry Pi 4 FAMILY="RPI" TYPE="RP4" elif [[ "${LSCPU}" == *1400* ]]; then # Raspberry Pi 3 B+ FAMILY="RPI" TYPE="RP3+" elif [[ "${LSCPU}" == *1200* ]]; then # Raspberry Pi 3 FAMILY="RPI" TYPE="RP3" else # Raspberry Pi 2 FAMILY="RPI" TYPE="RP2" fi else # Beaglebone Black or similar FAMILY="ARM" if [ -e /sys/class/leds/beaglebone:green:usr0/trigger ] ; then TYPE="BBB" else TYPE="ARM" fi fi elif [[ "${UNAME}" == *armv6l* ]]; then # Raspberry Pi B/B+ FAMILY="RPI" TYPE="RPI" else # others (Virtual Appliance) FAMILY="VAP" TYPE="VA" DMIDECODE=$(dmidecode -s system-product-name) if [[ "${DMIDECODE}" == *VMware* ]]; then VMTOOLS=$(which vmtoolsd) if [[ "${VMTOOLS}" == *vmtoolsd* ]]; then TYPE="VM" else TYPE="VA" fi elif [[ "${DMIDECODE}" == *Virtual\ Machine* ]]; then TYPE="HV" elif [[ "${DMIDECODE}" == *VirtualBox* ]]; then TYPE="VB" fi fi # End of hardware detection (2023-11-20) if [[ "${FAMILY}" == "RPI" ]]; then # Kill all processes which are running with pi user ps -ef | grep pi | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs kill -9 > /dev/null 2>&1 # Remove the initial user named pi userdel -r pi > /dev/null 2>&1 fi if [[ "${RUNDOCKER}" != "TRUE" ]]; then # Kill all processes which are running with debian user ps -ef | grep debian | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs kill -9 > /dev/null 2>&1 # Remove the demo user named debian userdel -r debian > /dev/null 2>&1 # Remove multiotp.php crontab entries, if any sed -i '/.*multiotp.php.*/d' /etc/crontab #dmidecode -s system-product-name #VMware Virtual Platform #apt-get -y install open-vm-tools #apt-get -y remove open-vm-tools # Clean VM distribution # Stop Nginx if [ -e /etc/init.d/nginx ] ; then /etc/init.d/nginx stop else service nginx stop fi # Backup the plateform release if [ -e /etc/multiotp/config/vmrelease.ini ] ; then cp -f /etc/multiotp/config/vmrelease.ini /dev/shm/vmrelease.ini fi if [ -e /etc/multiotp/config/hwrelease.ini ] ; then cp -f /etc/multiotp/config/hwrelease.ini /dev/shm/hwrelease.ini fi # Stop Freeradius if [ -e /etc/init.d/freeradius ] ; then /etc/init.d/freeradius stop else service freeradius stop fi # Remove the start file for fake-hwclock rm -R /etc/*/*fake-hwclock > /dev/null 2>&1 # Blacklist speaker support to avoid error during boot /bin/grep "pcspkr" /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo 'blacklist pcspkr' >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf echo 'blacklist snd_pcsp' >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf fi # Blacklist i2c_piix4 support to avoid error during boot /bin/grep "i2c_piix4" /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo 'blacklist i2c_piix4' >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf fi # Blacklist nsc_ircc support to avoid error during boot /bin/grep "nsc_ircc" /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo 'blacklist nsc_ircc' >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf fi # Blacklist intel_rapl support to avoid error during boot ( /bin/grep "intel_rapl" /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo 'blacklist intel_rapl' >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf fi if [[ "${FAMILY}" == "VAP" ]]; then update-initramfs -u -k all fi if [[ "${TYPE}" != "DOCKER" ]]; then # Since, fix iptable if necessary # autorizing PING iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT > /dev/null 2>&1 # authorized ports iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT > /dev/null 2>&1 iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT > /dev/null 2>&1 iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 161 -j ACCEPT > /dev/null 2>&1 iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT > /dev/null 2>&1 iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 1812 -j ACCEPT > /dev/null 2>&1 iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 1813 -j ACCEPT > /dev/null 2>&1 # no firewall on the local loop (127.x.x.x) iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT > /dev/null 2>&1 iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT > /dev/null 2>&1 # existing connections receive their traffic iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT > /dev/null 2>&1 # refused by default iptables -P INPUT DROP > /dev/null 2>&1 iptables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v4 > /dev/null 2>&1 # ip6 can be swapped if not used ip6tables-save > /etc/iptables/rules.v6 > /dev/null 2>&1 # Clean history and other files # Ideas: /usr/sbin/logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf /bin/rm -f /var/log/*-???????? /var/log/*.gz /bin/rm -rf /tmp/* /bin/rm -rf /var/tmp/* fi /bin/rm -f ~root/.bash_history unset HISTFILE # Clean the history history -c # Docker could be mounted with existing configuration if [[ "${TYPE}" != "DOCKER" ]]; then rm -f /var/log/multiotp/* rm -f /etc/multiotp/config/* rm -f /etc/multiotp/devices/* rm -f /etc/multiotp/groups/* rm -f /etc/multiotp/tokens/* rm -f /etc/multiotp/touch/* rm -f /etc/multiotp/users/* fi if [ ! -e /etc/multiotp ] ; then mkdir /etc/multiotp fi if [ ! -e /etc/multiotp/config ] ; then mkdir /etc/multiotp/config fi if [ ! -e /etc/multiotp/config/multiotp.ini ] ; then # Touch config file to give the necessary right touch /etc/multiotp/config/multiotp.ini # Change various rights chmod 777 -R /etc/multiotp # Change some owners chown -R www-data:www-data /etc/multiotp echo Creating a new multiotp.ini file touch /etc/multiotp/config/multiotp.ini chmod 777 -R /etc/multiotp chown -R www-data:www-data /etc/multiotp echo multiotp-database-format-v3 > /etc/multiotp/config/multiotp.ini echo >> /etc/multiotp/config/multiotp.ini echo log=1 >> /etc/multiotp/config/multiotp.ini #MySQL backbone configuration if [[ "${BACKEND}" == "mysql" ]]; then echo Add SQL configuration to multiotp.ini file sed -i '/^sql_server/d' /etc/multiotp/config/multiotp.ini echo sql_server= >> /etc/multiotp/config/multiotp.ini sed -i '/^sql_username/d' /etc/multiotp/config/multiotp.ini echo sql_username=multiotp >> /etc/multiotp/config/multiotp.ini sed -i '/^sql_password/d' /etc/multiotp/config/multiotp.ini echo sql_password=dfh45AReTZTxsdR >> /etc/multiotp/config/multiotp.ini sed -i '/^sql_database/d' /etc/multiotp/config/multiotp.ini echo sql_database=multiotp >> /etc/multiotp/config/multiotp.ini sed -i '/^backend_type/d' /etc/multiotp/config/multiotp.ini echo backend_type=mysql >> /etc/multiotp/config/multiotp.ini echo backend_type_validated=1 >> /etc/multiotp/config/multiotp.ini fi fi # Cleaning space, than # VMware CLI: vmkfstools --punchzero multiOTP-xxx.vmdk # Hyper-V GUI: "Compact" option in the settings of the virtual machine # VirtualBox CLI: VBoxManage modifyhd ?compact /path/to/multiOTP-xxx.vdi? if [[ "${TYPE}" != "DOCKER" ]]; then if [[ ! "$1" == "nozero" ]]; then echo "Zeroing disk space..." dd if=/dev/zero of=/zeroes bs=4096 rm -f /zeroes fi fi if [ -e /dev/shm/vmrelease.ini ] ; then # Retrieve the version release cp -f /dev/shm/vmrelease.ini /etc/multiotp/config/vmrelease.ini fi if [ -e /dev/shm/hwrelease.ini ] ; then # Retrieve the version release cp -f /dev/shm/hwrelease.ini /etc/multiotp/config/hwrelease.ini fi if [[ "${TYPE}" != "DOCKER" ]]; then touch /etc/multiotp/certificates/multiotp.generic touch /etc/ssh/ssh.generic # Remove this file if [ -e ${BASH_SOURCE} ] ; then rm -f ${BASH_SOURCE} fi else if [ ! -e /var/multiotp-temp/log/freeradius ] ; then mkdir /var/multiotp-temp mkdir /var/multiotp-temp/etc mkdir /var/multiotp-temp/etc/multiotp mkdir /var/multiotp-temp/etc/freeradius mkdir /var/multiotp-temp/log mkdir /var/multiotp-temp/log/multiotp mkdir /var/multiotp-temp/log/freeradius fi cp -f -rp /etc/multiotp/* /var/multiotp-temp/etc/multiotp cp -f -rp /etc/freeradius/* /var/multiotp-temp/etc/freeradius cp -f -rp /var/log/multiotp/* /var/multiotp-temp/log/multiotp cp -f -rp /var/log/freeradius/* /var/multiotp-temp/log/freeradius fi echo The device is now halted. #Stop the VM shutdown now -h & exit 0 else if [ -e /etc/init.d/freeradius ] ; then /etc/init.d/freeradius start else service freeradius start fi if [ -e /etc/init.d/nginx ] ; then /etc/init.d/nginx start else service nginx start fi if [ -e /etc/init.d/ntp ] ; then /etc/init.d/ntp start else service ntp start fi if [ -e /etc/init.d/${PHPFPM} ] ; then if [ -e /run/php ] ; then /etc/init.d/${PHPFPM} restart else /etc/init.d/${PHPFPM} start fi else if [ -e /run/php ] ; then service ${PHPFPM} restart else service ${PHPFPM} start fi fi # Keep container running while true; do sleep 30; done; fi