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Authenticate and manage OTP strong user tokens
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multiOTP Licensing Policy

This licensing policy defines specific licensing rules and conditions for multiOTP products developed by Sysco systemes de communication sa ("SysCo"). The use of multiOTP Products is subject to the End User's compliance with the End User License Agreement (“EULA”). multiOTP Products may be referred to as “Software” within this licensing policy.

1. Definitions

1.1. Customer

A “Customer” is defined as the End User of the Software.

1.2. multiOTP License Key

“multiOTP Product License” or “multiOTP License Key” or “License Key” is a transaction document that defines the scope of the license, the number of active user accounts and options as well as license terms reference. multiOTP License Key is typically required to add more active user accounts and/or functionalities to the Software. Please refer to technical documentation for product license installation help.

Customers can use multiple License Keys, but they cannot mix multiOTP Pro and multiOTP Enterprise licenses.

1.3. Product Edition

If present, License Edition defines functionality available in the Product. Feature availability varies by Edition, for example multiOTP Enterprise edition is the best choice for access to all features.

1.4. Support and Maintenance

SysCo provides product updates, licensing and technical support to Customers according to multiOTP Customer Support Policy. Priority email support is provided to multiOTP Enterprise edition with active maintenance. Support for other editions (like multiOTP Pro and multiOTP open source) is provided on a best-effort basis.

1.5. License Type

License Type is a parameter of the License Key that defines the Software License Type: multiOTP Enterprise, multiOTP Pro.

1.6. multiOTP Enterprise Licenses

Customers who purchase multiOTP Enterprise Licenses get the right to use perpetually any version of the Software shipped prior to Support expiration date, which is one year after activation of the first multiOTP Enterprise License. One year of priority email support and maintenance is included with the purchase of the first multiOTP Enterprise License.

Licenses bought before the end of the maintenance will extend the expiration date, based on a pro-rata calculation based on the existing multiOTP Product Licenses. The new expiration date will be updated on the status page of the Software.

To stay eligible for product updates and support, Customers must renew their annual maintenance contract, which will costs 20% of the current price of the installed multiOTP Enterprise Licenses.

To renew your annual maintenance contract, please contact your reseller or use the multiOTP Renewal link available in your appliance.

1.7. multiOTP Pro Licenses

Customers who purchase a multiOTP Pro License get the right to use perpetually the major version of the Software available when activating the first multiOTP Pro License. Basic email support and minor version maintenance is included with any purchase of the multiOTP Pro Licenses.

To upgrade to a new major version, Customers must upgrade their licenses, which will costs 20% of the current price of the installed multiOTP Pro Licenses.

1.8. multiOTP open source edition and Free license

SysCo provides some products free of charge with full or limited functionality.

multiOTP open source edition provides limited functionalities, but is not limited to a specific number of active user accounts. Built-in free license for one user account is provided with every commercial appliance.

1.9. multiOTP appliance

multiOTP appliance means a virtual machine image made available by SysCo in which the Software is pre-installed.

2. multiOTP License Keys

SysCo issues License Key for each license purchased. The End User is authorized to use each License Key to activate and use the Software within the parameters of this Licensing Policy according to this License Policy terms.

multiOTP License Key contains specific licensing terms.

2.1. License Start Date

The License expiration date and License support expiration date are calculated from the License/Contract start date which is the date when the End User activates the first License in the Software. - When purchasing additional active user accounts, the updated number of active user accounts and expiration date are updated on the status page of the Software. - When purchasing a multiOTP Enterprise maintenance renewal, the expiration date is updated on the status page of the Software. - When purchasing a multiOTP Pro version upgrade, the updated version is updated on the status page of the Software.

2.2. License Key Merge

When several License Keys are installed on the same appliance, they are merged together and linked to the serial number of appliance running the Software.

2.3. Promotional License Key

When SysCo gives a free production license or adds licenses/features at no cost for a limited time, the duration of the offer is defined by the promotion’s specific terms and conditions or by the License Key parameters. Promotional licenses do not change any pre-existing licensing agreement for paid products.

3. Support and Maintenance

3.1. Support

SysCo has three support programs: Premier, Priority email, and Basic. Each program provides a guarantee for support via Web, E-mail and Phone, and the ability to open cases via Web or Phone. Support for Customers with the Open source edition/Free License products is provided on a best-effort basis.

New product releases and maintenance updates are also available only to Customers with current maintenance contract. Product update may be refused by the Software in case the License Key Support Expiration date is past due.

3.2. Maintenance and upgrade renewals

  • multiOTP Enterprise Licenses are provided with an included one year of priority email support and maintenance. License. Licenses bought before the end of the maintenance will extend the expiration date, based on a pro-rata calculation based on the existing multiOTP Product Licenses.
  • multiOTP Enterprise annual maintenance renewal cost is equal to 20% of the current price of the installed multiOTP Enterprise Licenses.
  • multiOTP Pro Licenses are provided with basic email support and minor version maintenance.
  • multiOTP Pro upgrade cost is equal to 20% of the current price of the installed multiOTP Pro Licenses.