* This file is part of Chevere.
* (c) Rodolfo Berrios <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Chevere\Xr\Tests;
use Chevere\Writer\Interfaces\WriterInterface;
use function Chevere\Writer\streamTemp;
use Chevere\Writer\StreamWriter;
use function Chevere\Xr\getWriter;
use Chevere\Xr\XrMessage;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Rfc4122\Validator;
final class XrMessageTest extends TestCase
private WriterInterface $writer;
private function filterArray(array $array, string ...$filterKey): array
return array_intersect_key($array, array_flip($filterKey));
protected function setUp(): void
$this->writer = new StreamWriter(streamTemp(''));
public function testEmptyBacktrace(): void
$message = new XrMessage();
$line = __LINE__ - 1;
$this->assertTrue((new Validator())->validate($message->id()));
$this->assertSame(__FILE__, $message->filePath());
$this->assertSame($line, $message->fileLine());
$this->assertInstanceOf(WriterInterface::class, $message->writer());
'body' => '',
'file_path' => __FILE__,
'file_line' => strval($line),
'emote' => '',
'topic' => '',
'id' => $message->id(),
public function testDeclaredBacktrace(): void
$testFile = 'test';
$testLine = 1234;
$trace = [
'file' => $testFile,
'line' => $testLine,
$message = new XrMessage($trace);
$this->assertSame($testFile, $message->filePath());
$this->assertSame($testLine, $message->fileLine());
'file_path' => $testFile,
'file_line' => strval($testLine),
$this->filterArray($message->toArray(), 'file_path', 'file_line')
public function testWithBody(): void
$message = new XrMessage();
$body = 'the body';
$withBody = $message->withBody($body);
$this->assertNotSame($message, $withBody);
$this->assertSame($body, $withBody->body());
$this->assertSame($body, $withBody->toArray()['body']);
public function testWithTopic(): void
$message = new XrMessage();
$topic = 'Topic';
$withTopic = $message->withTopic($topic);
$this->assertNotSame($message, $withTopic);
public function testWithEmote(): void
$message = new XrMessage();
$emote = '?';
$withEmote = $message->withEmote($emote);
$this->assertNotSame($message, $withEmote);
public function testWithWriter(): void
$message = new XrMessage();
$writer = new StreamWriter(streamTemp('test'));
$withWriter = $message->withWriter($writer);
$this->assertNotSame($message, $withWriter);
public function testWithVars(): void
$message = (new XrMessage())->withWriter(getWriter());
$var = 'Hola, mundo!';
$length = strlen($var);
$withVars = $message->withVars($var);
$this->assertNotSame($message, $withVars);
$this->assertSame('<div class="dump"><pre>
Arg:0 <span style="color:#ff8700">string</span> ' . $var . ' <em><span style="color:rgb(108 108 108 / 65%);">(length=' . $length . ')</span></em></pre></div>', $withVars->toArray()['body']);
public function testWithBacktraceFlag(): void
$message = new XrMessage();
$line = strval(__LINE__ - 1);
$withBacktraceFlag = $message->withFlags(XR_BACKTRACE);
$this->assertNotSame($message, $withBacktraceFlag);
'<div class="backtrace">',
__FILE__ . ':' . $line,