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File: Data_Registry.txt

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File: Data_Registry.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Manual
Class: Data Registry
Register and retrieve data easily anywhere in PHP
Author: By
Last change: Added important improvements
Date: 14 years ago
Size: 6,233 bytes



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============================================================= MANUAL ============================================================= Install: Copy Data_Registry.php to a plugin/library directory as you desire. Include file Data_Registry.php in your index.php or in your config file. Enable sessions in your php.ini file. If you use cookies or files, it will work as is. Optional: To see examples, copy dr_examples.php and dr_testclass.php in your web base directory Change default values (: Set Storage Method to Files (by default, Session): Data_Registry::init()->setStorageType('Files',"/tmp/DRFiles",3600); // /tmp/DRFiles is the directory to store namespaces, must to exists // 3600 is TTL (time to live) - expiration time Enable global persistence (by default is disabled): Data_Registry::setPersistence(TRUE,TRUE); Set SESSION varname (by default is 'Data_Registry'): Data_Registry::setSessionName('SESSIONNAMEVAR'); // SESSIONAMEVAR - Your desired session name var, as you have in your session handler Set a value: Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->set('VAR','VALUE'); // Namespace can be any string; // VAR is the varname to store // VALUE is the value to store, can be string/integer/array/object Get a value: Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->get('VAR'); // Namespace can be any string; // VAR is the varname to get from store // RETURNS value or FALSE Set a key to a value: Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->setKey('VAR','KEY','VALUE'); // Namespace can be any string; // VAR is the varname to store // KEY is the varname index to store // VALUE is the value to store, can be string/integer/array/object Get a key from a varname stored: Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->getKey('VAR','KEY'); // Namespace can be any string; // VAR is the varname to store // KEY is the varname index to store // RETURNS value or FALSE Add a key value: Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->add('VAR','VALUE'); // Namespace can be any string; // VAR is the varname to store // VALUE is the value to store, can be string/integer/array/object // VALUE is added in a array sequence to VAR Test a value: Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->test('VAR'); // Namespace can be any string; // VAR is the varname to test // RETURN boolean TRUE=exists, FALSE=not exists Test a key value: Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->testKey('VAR','KEY'); // Namespace can be any string; // VAR is the varname to test // KEY is the key to test // RETURN boolean TRUE=exists, FALSE=not exists Enable global persistence for all namespaces: Data_Registry::setPersistence(TRUE,TRUE); Disable global persistence for all namespaces: Data_Registry::setPersistence(FALSE,TRUE); Enable persistence for a namespace (when global persistence is disabled): Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->setPersistence(TRUE); Disable persistence for a namespace (when global persistence is disabled): Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->setPersistence(TRUE); Get all data from a namespace: Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->getNameSpace(); // RETURNS an array Get all data from all namespaces: Data_Registry::getAllNameSpaces(); // RETURNS an array Clear (unset) a var from namespace: Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->clear('VAR'); // VAR is the varname to clear (unset) // RETURNS TRUE (successfull) or FALSE (unsuccessfull) Clear (unset) a namespace: Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->clearNameSpace(); // VAR is the varname to clear (unset) // RETURNS TRUE (successfull) or FALSE (unsuccessfull) Get a value from var and remove it (similar to flash data): Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->getFlash('VAR'); // Namespace can be any string; // VAR is the varname to get from store // RETURNS value or FALSE Get a key from a varname stored and remove it: Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->getFlashKey('VAR','KEY'); // Namespace can be any string; // VAR is the varname to store // KEY is the varname index to store // RETURNS value or FALSE If global persistence is enabled, all namespaces are loaded automaticly, but you can get a namespace from SESSION manualy, or override it at any moment: Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->restoreNameSpace(); // Namespace can be any string; If global persistence is disabled, you can force to save a namespace: Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->backupNameSpace(); // Namespace can be any string; Delete a SESSION namespace: Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->backupNameSpace(FALSE); // Namespace can be any string; Concatenate commands: Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->set('VAR','VALUE')->backupNameSpace(); Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->set('VAR','VALUE')->setPersistence(TRUE)->backupNameSpace(); Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->set('VAR1','VALUE1')->set('VAR2','VALUE2'); // Namespace can be any string; Resusable classes: Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->getClass('Classname'); // Namespace can be any string; // Returns the class pointer Also, can use directlly objects inside a class: Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->getClass('Classname')->get('field'); // Namespace can be any string; // All classes must to be included before dataStorage call, and if you want persistence with this class, // class file must to be loaded before 'session_start()' command. List vars stored Data_Registry::init('NAMESPACE')->listVars(); // Namespace can be any string; // Returns an array with information about the vars stored on current specified namespace List all vars stored Data_Registry::init()->listAllVars(); // Returns an array with information about the vars stored on all namespaces Save a spacifc namespace for caching purpouses, all users can access it: Data_Registry::init('FILECACHING')->set(md5("Data_Registry.php"),file_get_contents('Data_Registry.php'))->saveNameSpaceFile("/tmp/DRFiles"); Retrive a spacific namespace for caching purpouses: Data_Registry::init('FILECACHING')->loadNameSpaceFile("/tmp/DRFiles")->get(md5("Data_Registry.php"));