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File: libs/NestedSetDbTable/Abstract.php

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File: libs/NestedSetDbTable/Abstract.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Abstract class that provides API for managing Nested set database table.
Class: Nested Set DB Table
Manage nested sets of data stored in a database
Author: By
Last change: Removing _reduceWidth() method.
Date: 12 years ago
Size: 19,639 bytes



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<?php /** * NestedSetDbTable * * Copyright (C) 2009 Nikola Posa ( * * This file is part of NestedSetDbTable. * * NestedSetDbTable is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * NestedSetDbTable is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with NestedSetDbTable. If not, see <>. */ /** * Abstract class that provides API for managing Nested set * database table. * * @author Nikola Posa <> * @license GNU General Public License */ abstract class NestedSetDbTable_Abstract { const FIRST_CHILD = 'firstChild'; const LAST_CHILD = 'lastChild'; const NEXT_SIBLING = 'nextSibling'; const PREV_SIBLING = 'prevSibling'; /** * Database adapter instance, that will be used for * communication with the database. * * @var PDO */ protected $_dbAdapter; /** * Default NestedSetDbTable_DbAdapter_Interface instance. * * @var PDO */ protected static $_defaultDbAdapter; /** * The table name. * * Must be overriden by the extending class. * * @var string */ protected $_name; /** * Name of the primary key column. * * Must be overriden by the extending class. * * @var string */ protected $_primary; /** * Left column name in nested table. * * Must be overriden by the extending class. * * @var string */ protected $_left; /** * Right column name in nested table. * * Must be overriden by the extending class. * * @var string */ protected $_right; /** * Constructor. * * @param PDO $dbAdapter * @return void */ public function __construct(PDO $dbAdapter = null) { if (!$this->_name) { require_once('NestedSetDbTable/Exception.php'); throw new NestedSetDbTable_Exception('You must supply name of your table in database.'); } elseif (!$this->_primary) { require_once('NestedSetDbTable/Exception.php'); throw new NestedSetDbTable_Exception('You must supply primary key column name.'); } elseif(!$this->_left || !$this->_right) { require_once('NestedSetDbTable/Exception.php'); throw new NestedSetDbTable_Exception('Both "left" and "right" column names must be supplied.'); } if ($dbAdapter) { $this->_setDbAdapter($dbAdapter); } $this->_setupDatabaseAdapter(); } /** * Initializing database adapter. * * @return void */ protected function _setupDatabaseAdapter() { if (!$this->_dbAdapter) { $this->_dbAdapter = self::getDefaultAdapter(); if (!$this->_dbAdapter instanceof PDO) { require_once('NestedSetDbTable/Exception.php'); throw new NestedSetDbTable_Exception('No adapter found for ' . get_class($this)); } } //always use exceptions $this->_dbAdapter->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); //Because we are using double qoutes for the identifiers switch ($this->_dbAdapter->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME)) { case 'mysql': $this->_dbAdapter->query("SET sql_mode='ANSI_QUOTES'"); break; case 'mssql': case 'sybase': case 'dblib': $this->_dbAdapter->query("SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON"); break; } } /** * Sets database adapter. * * @param PDO $dbAdapter * @return void */ protected function _setDbAdapter(PDO $dbAdapter) { $this->_dbAdapter = $dbAdapter; } /** * Gets database adapter. * * @return PDO */ public function getAdapter() { return $this->_dbAdapter; } /** * Sets the default database adapter. * * @param PDO|null $dbAdapter * @return void */ public static function setDefaultAdapter(PDO $dbAdapter = null) { self::$_defaultDbAdapter = $dbAdapter; } /** * Gets the default database adapter. * * @return PDO|null */ public static function getDefaultAdapter() { return self::$_defaultDbAdapter; } /** * Quotes identifier. * * @param string $identifier * @return string */ protected function _quoteIdentifier($identifier) { return '"' . $identifier . '"'; } /** * Gets whole tree, including depth information. * * @param string An SQL WHERE clause. * @return array */ public function getTree($where = null) { $where = (string)$where; if (strlen($where) > 0) { $where = ' AND ' . $where; } $name = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_name); $primary = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_primary); $left = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_left); $right = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_right); $sql = 'SELECT node.*, (COUNT(parent.' . $primary . ') - 1) AS "depth" FROM ' . $name . ' AS node , ' . $name . ' AS parent WHERE node.' . $left . ' BETWEEN parent.' . $left . ' AND parent.' . $right . $where . ' GROUP BY node.' . $primary . ' ORDER BY node.' . $left; $stmt = $this->_dbAdapter->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } /** * Method for adding new node. * * @param array $data * @param int|null $objectiveNodeId * @param string $position Position regarding on objective node. * @return int The number of affected rows. */ public function insert($data, $objectiveNodeId = null, $position = self::LAST_CHILD) { if (!$this->_checkNodePosition($position)) { require_once('NestedSetDbTable/Exception.php'); throw new NestedSetDbTable_Exception('Invalid node position is supplied.'); } $data = array_merge($data, $this->_getLftRgt($objectiveNodeId, $position)); $cols = array_keys($data); $vals = array(); foreach ($cols as $i=>$col) { $cols[$i] = $this->_quoteIdentifier($col); $vals[] = '?'; } $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_name) . ' (' . implode(', ', $cols) . ') VALUES (' . implode(', ', $vals) . ')'; $stmt = $this->_dbAdapter->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(array_values($data)); return $stmt->rowCount(); } /** * Updates info of some node. * * @param array $data * @param int $id Id of a node that is being updated. * @param int|null $objectiveNodeId * @param string $position Position regarding on objective node. * @return int The number of affected rows. */ public function updateNode($data, $id, $objectiveNodeId, $position = self::LAST_CHILD) { $id = (int)$id; $objectiveNodeId = (int)$objectiveNodeId; if (!$this->_checkNodePosition($position)) { require_once('NestedSetDbTable/Exception.php'); throw new NestedSetDbTable_Exception('Invalid node position is supplied.'); } //Only if the objective id differs. if ($objectiveNodeId != $this->_getCurrentObjectiveId($id, $position)) { $data = array_merge($data, $this->_getLftRgt($objectiveNodeId, $position, $id)); } $set = array(); foreach ($data as $col=>$val) { $set[] = $this->_quoteIdentifier($col) . ' = ?'; } $retval = 0; if (!empty($set)) { //Has some data to update? $name = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_name); $primary = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_primary); $where = $primary . ' = ' . $this->_dbAdapter->quote($id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt = $this->_dbAdapter->prepare( 'UPDATE ' . $name . 'SET ' . implode(', ', $set) . ' WHERE ' . $where); $stmt->execute(array_values($data)); $retval = $stmt->rowCount(); } return $retval; } /** * Checks whether valid node position is supplied. * * @param string $position Position regarding on objective node. * @return bool */ private function _checkNodePosition($position) { $r = new ReflectionClass($this); if (!in_array($position, $r->getConstants())) { return false; } return true; } /** * Deletes some node. * * @param mixed $id Id of a node. * @param bool $cascade Whether to delete all child nodes. * @return int The number of affected rows. */ public function deleteNode($id, $cascade = false) { $id = (int)$id; $name = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_name); $primary = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_primary); if ($cascade == false) { //Deleting node. $stmt = $this->_dbAdapter->prepare( 'DELETE FROM ' . $name . ' WHERE ' . $primary . ' = ?'); $stmt->bindParam(1, $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); return $stmt->rowCount(); } else { $retval = 0; $leftCol = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_left); $rightCol = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_right); $sql = 'SELECT ' . $leftCol . ',' . $rightCol . ',' . '(' . $rightCol . ' - ' . $leftCol . ' + 1) AS "width" FROM ' . $name . ' WHERE ' . $primary . ' = ?'; $stmt = $this->_dbAdapter->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(1, $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { $result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $lft = $result[$this->_left]; $rgt = $result[$this->_right]; $width = $result['width']; //Deleting items. $stmt = $this->_dbAdapter->prepare( 'DELETE FROM ' . $name . ' WHERE ' . $leftCol . 'BETWEEN ' . $lft . ' AND ' . $rgt); $stmt->execute(); $retval += $stmt->rowCount(); $stmt = $this->_dbAdapter->prepare( 'UPDATE ' . $name . 'SET ' . $leftCol . ' = ' . $leftCol . '-' . $width . ' WHERE ' . $leftCol . '>' . $lft); $stmt->execute(); $retval += $stmt->rowCount(); $stmt = $this->_dbAdapter->prepare( 'UPDATE ' . $name . 'SET ' . $rightCol . ' = ' . $rightCol . '-' . $width . ' WHERE ' . $rightCol . '>' . $rgt); $stmt->execute(); $retval += $stmt->rowCount(); } return $retval; } } /** * Generates left and right column value, based on id of a * objective node. * * @param mixed Id of a objective node. * @param string Position in tree. * @return array */ protected function _getLftRgt($objectiveNodeId, $position, $id = null) { $lftRgt = array(); $name = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_name); $primary = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_primary); $left = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_left); $right = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_right); $lft = null; $rgt = null; if ($objectiveNodeId) { $sql = "SELECT $left, $right FROM $name WHERE $primary = ?"; $stmt = $this->_dbAdapter->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(1, $objectiveNodeId, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { $result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $lft = (int)$result[$this->_left]; $rgt = (int)$result[$this->_right]; } } if ($lft !== null && $rgt !== null) { //Existing objective id? $sql1 = ''; $sql2 = ''; switch ($position) { case self::FIRST_CHILD : $sql1 = "UPDATE $name SET $right = $right + 2 WHERE $right > $lft"; $sql2 = "UPDATE $name SET $left = $left + 2 WHERE $left > $lft"; $lftRgt[$this->_left] = $lft + 1; $lftRgt[$this->_right] = $lft + 2; break; case self::LAST_CHILD : $sql1 = "UPDATE $name SET $right = $right + 2 WHERE $right >= $rgt"; $sql2 = "UPDATE $name SET $left = $left + 2 WHERE $left > $rgt"; $lftRgt[$this->_left] = $rgt; $lftRgt[$this->_right] = $rgt + 1; break; case self::NEXT_SIBLING : $sql1 = "UPDATE $name SET $right = $right + 2 WHERE $right > $rgt"; $sql2 = "UPDATE $name SET $left = $left + 2 WHERE $left > $rgt"; $lftRgt[$this->_left] = $rgt + 1; $lftRgt[$this->_right] = $rgt + 2; break; case self::PREV_SIBLING : $sql1 = "UPDATE $name SET $right = $right + 2 WHERE $right > $lft"; $sql2 = "UPDATE $name SET $left = $left + 2 WHERE $left >= $lft"; $lftRgt[$this->_left] = $lft; $lftRgt[$this->_right] = $lft + 1; break; } $this->_dbAdapter->query($sql1); $this->_dbAdapter->query($sql2); } else { $sql = "SELECT MAX($right) AS \"max_rgt\" FROM $name"; if ($id !== null) { $sql .= " WHERE $primary != ?"; } $stmt = $this->_dbAdapter->prepare($sql); if ($id !== null) { $id = (int)$id; $stmt->bindParam(1, $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); } $stmt->execute(); if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { $result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $lftRgt[$this->_left] = $result['max_rgt'] + 1; } else { //No data? First node... $lftRgt[$this->_left] = 1; } $lftRgt[$this->_right] = $lftRgt[$this->_left] + 1; } return $lftRgt; } /** * Reduces lft and rgt values of some nodes, on which some * node that is changing position in tree, or being deleted, * has effect. * * @param int $id Id of a node. * @return void */ /*protected function _reduceWidth($id) { $name = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_name); $primary = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_primary); $leftCol = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_left); $rightCol = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_right); $sql = "SELECT $leftCol, $rightCol, ($rightCol - $leftCol + 1) AS \"width\" FROM $name WHERE $primary = ?"; $stmt = $this->_dbAdapter->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(1, $id, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { //Only if supplied node exists. $result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $left = $result[$this->_left]; $right = $result[$this->_right]; $width = $result['width']; if ((int)$width > 2) { //Some node that has childs. //Updating children. $sql = "UPDATE $name SET $rightCol = $rightCol - 1, $leftCol = $leftCol - 1 WHERE $leftCol BETWEEN $left AND $right"; $this->_dbAdapter->query($sql); } //Updating parent nodes and nodes on next levels. $sql = "UPDATE $name SET $leftCol = $leftCol - 2 WHERE $leftCol > $left AND $rightCol > $right"; $this->_dbAdapter->query($sql); $sql = "UPDATE $name SET $rightCol = $rightCol - 2 WHERE $rightCol > $right"; $this->_dbAdapter->query($sql); } }*/ /** * Gets id of some node's current objective node. * * @param mixed Node id. * @param string Position in tree. * @return int|null */ protected function _getCurrentObjectiveId($nodeId, $position) { $sql = ''; $nodeId = $this->_dbAdapter->quote($nodeId, PDO::PARAM_INT); $name = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_name); $primary = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_primary); $leftCol = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_left); $rightCol = $this->_quoteIdentifier($this->_right); switch ($position) { case self::FIRST_CHILD : $sql = "SELECT node.$primary FROM $name node, (SELECT $leftCol, $rightCol FROM $name WHERE $primary = $nodeId) AS current WHERE current.$leftCol BETWEEN node.$leftCol+1 AND node.$rightCol AND current.$leftCol - node.$leftCol = 1 ORDER BY node.$leftCol DESC"; break; case self::LAST_CHILD : $sql = "SELECT node.$primary FROM $name node, (SELECT $leftCol, $rightCol FROM $name WHERE $primary = $nodeId) AS current WHERE current.$leftCol BETWEEN node.$leftCol+1 AND node.$rightCol AND node.$rightCol - current.$rightCol = 1 ORDER BY node.$leftCol DESC"; break; case self::NEXT_SIBLING : $sql = "SELECT node.$primary FROM $name node, (SELECT $leftCol FROM $name WHERE $primary = $nodeId) AS current WHERE current.$leftCol - node.$rightCol = 1"; break; case self::PREV_SIBLING : $sql = "SELECT node.$primary FROM $name node, (SELECT $rightCol FROM $name WHERE $primary = $nodeId) AS current WHERE node.$leftCol - current.$rightCol = 1"; break; } $stmt = $this->_dbAdapter->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); if ($stmt->rowCount() > 0) { $result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); return (int)$result[$this->_primary]; } else { return null; } } }