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File: read_me.txt

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File: read_me.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: read me file
Class: Anope_php
Display statistics from anope IRC services
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 3,195 bytes



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Thank you for downloading anope_php version 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Package Name: class.anope_php.php Author: lee johnstone Site: Contact: Release Date:11-04-09 Description: class to grab and display all usable details from anope irc services ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YOU MAY NOT 1. Use this for commercial usage 2. Claim the code as your own 3. Remove any copyrights from its original authors YOU MAY 1. Upgrade, Update, Adjust, Modify this script, providing you keep all original comments. 2. Redistribute this code under the same license and none other. 3. Modify and use this script on your own site as you wish, providing you keep the copyright markings from original authors. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For further information please visit our license page If u like this script please consider buying me a beer For more of our projects please visit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What your need! --------------- php5+ IRCD that supports anope anope 1.8+ apache 2.2 mysql 5 --------------- What to do! -------------- if u havent already install anope with mysql support and start anope up. Download and unzip Anope_php move files to your server and open class.anope_php.php in your favourite php editor. Edit the mysql database connection details $db_host = 'yourhost' // default localhost $db_user = 'username' // your mysql account username $db_password = 'password' // your mysql account password $db_name = 'database' // your selected database name $irc_serv = 'name of your irc server' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARRANTY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We can not be held responsible for any wrong doings with this package. We can not promise this file is virus or Trojan free unless downloaded from our servers. We will not hold responsibility for any harm done to hardware or software by this package.