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File: tokengrid.pdf.class.php

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  Classes of André Liechti   Secure Token Grid Authentication   tokengrid.pdf.class.php   Download  
File: tokengrid.pdf.class.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: OPTIONAL - PDF token creation extended class demo (needs
Class: Secure Token Grid Authentication
Generate grid of tokens, authenticate user with it
Author: By
Last change: Precision and typo in description
Date: 16 years ago
Size: 26,930 bytes



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<?php /********************************************************************* * * tokengrid PDF class :: Extend the tokengrid class with PDF output * * Creation of PDF token grids using TCPDF. * * Any feedback is welcome ! * * * LICENCE * * Copyright (c) 2008, SysCo systemes de communication sa * SysCo (tm) is a trademark of SysCo systemes de communication sa * ( * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the tokengrid class * * The tokengrid class is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * The tokengrid class is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with the tokengrid class * If not, see <>. * * * @author: SysCo/al * @since CreationDate: 2008-04-22 * @copyright (c) 2008 by SysCo systemes de communication sa * @version $LastChangedRevision: 1.1 $ * @version $LastChangedDate: 2008-04-23s $ * @version $LastChangedBy: SysCo/yj $ * @link $HeadURL: tokengrid.pdf.class.php $ * @link * @link * Language: PHP 4.x or higher * * * Usage * * require_once('tokengrid.pdf.class.php'); * $token_grid_pdf = new TokenGridPdf([$x_grid_size = 10[, $y_grid_size = 10[, $token_length = 4[, $grid_salt = 'T@kenGr!D']]]]) * * * Examples (see the tokengrid.pdf.demo.php file for a working example) * * Example 1 (create a grid) * <?php * require_once('tokengrid.pdf.class.php'); * $token_grid_pdf = new TokenGrid(10, 10, 4, "MySalt"); * header("Content-type: application/pdf"); * echo $token_grid_pdf->GetPdfGrid("SpecificUserId"); * ?> * * * External file needed * * TCPDF LGPL library ( * * * Special issues * * This class extension needs at least PHP5 * * * Change Log * * 2008-04-23 1.2 SysCo/al code cleaning, layout changes * 2008-04-22 1.1 SysCo/yj PDF layout * 2008-04-21 1.0 SysCo/al Initial release * *********************************************************************/ define ("K_TCPDF_EXTERNAL_CONFIG", TRUE); require_once('../tokengrid/tokengrid.class.php'); require_once('../tcpdf/tcpdf.php'); /********************************************************************* * * TokenGridPdf * Strong Authentication Token Grid, PDF extension * * Creation 2008-04-22 * @package tokengrid * @version v.1.0 * @author SysCo/al * *********************************************************************/ class TokenGridPdf extends TokenGrid { private $_utf8_encoding_required = false; private $_display_token_grid_id = true; private $_display_token_grid_height = 2; private $_display_token_grid_font_size = 5; private $_grid_footer_txt = ''; private $_frame_around_grid = false; /** * Informations concerning the pdf document */ // Card width in mm private $_cardWidth = 86.0; // Card height in mm private $_cardHeight = 54.0; private $_xCardPosition = 0; private $_yCardPosition = 0; /** * Informations concerning the pdf document */ private $creator = "TokenGridPdf"; private $author = "TokenGridPdf"; private $title = "TokenGrid"; private $subject = "TokenGrid"; /** * Information concerning the header * * @param unknown_type $grid_id * @return unknown */ private $headerLogo = ""; private $headerTitle = ""; private $headerString = ""; private $headerLogoWidth = 0; /* * Informations concerning card's header */ private $cardHeaderBackColorH = array(255,255,255); private $cardHeaderFontColorH = array(0,0,0); private $cardHeaderFontSizeH = 10; private $cardHeaderFontH = "vera"; private $cardHeaderLineWidthH = 0.3; private $cardHeaderFontPropertyH = ''; private $cardHeaderLineColorH = array(0,0,0); private $cardHeaderBackColorV = array(255,255,255); private $cardHeaderFontColorV = array(0,0,0); private $cardHeaderFontSizeV = 10; private $cardHeaderFontV = "vera"; private $cardHeaderLineWidthV = 0.3; private $cardHeaderFontPropertyV = ''; private $cardHeaderLineColorV = array(0,0,0); private $cardCellsBackColor = array(255,255,255); private $cardCellsFontColor = array(0,0,0); private $cardCellsFontSize = 10; private $cardCellsFont = "vera"; private $cardCellsLineWidth = 0.3; private $cardCellsFontProperty = ''; private $cardCellsLineColor = array(0,0,0); /* * Informations about the front image of the card */ private $cardFrontImageName=""; private $cardFrontImageType=""; private $imagePosition = "r"; //r,l,t,b private $tabTextBox = array(); public function TokenGridPdf($x_grid_size = 10, $y_grid_size = 10, $token_length = 4, $grid_salt = 'T@kenGr!D', $tcpdf_path_main = '', $tcpdf_path_images = '', $tcpdf_path_cache = '') { $this->TokenGrid($x_grid_size,$y_grid_size,$token_length,$grid_salt); define ("K_PATH_MAIN", ((''==trim($tcpdf_path_main))?str_replace("//","/",dirname(__FILE__)."/../tcpdf/"):$tcpdf_path_main)); define ("K_PATH_IMAGES", ((''==trim($tcpdf_path_images))?K_PATH_MAIN."images/":$tcpdf_path_images)); define ("K_PATH_CACHE", ((''==trim($tcpdf_path_cache))?K_PATH_MAIN."cache/":$tcpdf_path_cache)); define ("K_BLANK_IMAGE", K_PATH_IMAGES."_blank.png"); define ("K_PATH_FONTS", K_PATH_MAIN."fonts/"); define ("PDF_HEADER_LOGO", "tcpdf_logo.jpg"); define ("K_PATH_URL", ""); define ("K_PATH_URL_CACHE", K_PATH_URL."cache/"); define ("PDF_PAGE_FORMAT", "A4"); define ("PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION", "P"); define ("PDF_CREATOR", "TCPDF"); define ("PDF_AUTHOR", "TCPDF"); define ("PDF_HEADER_TITLE", "tokengrid PDF class"); define ("PDF_HEADER_STRING", "tokengrid PDF class"); define ("PDF_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH", 30); define ("PDF_UNIT", "mm"); define ("PDF_MARGIN_HEADER", 5); define ("PDF_MARGIN_FOOTER", 10); define ("PDF_MARGIN_TOP", 27); define ("PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM", 25); define ("PDF_MARGIN_LEFT", 15); define ("PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT", 15); define ("PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN", "vera"); //vera define ("PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN", 10); define ("PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA", "vera"); //vera define ("PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA", 8); define ("PDF_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO", 4); define("HEAD_MAGNIFICATION", 1.1); define("K_CELL_HEIGHT_RATIO", 1.25); define("K_TITLE_MAGNIFICATION", 1.3); define("K_SMALL_RATIO", 2/3); } public function GetPdfGrid($grid_id, $grid_footer_txt = "") { $this->_grid_footer_txt = ('' != $grid_footer_txt)?$grid_footer_txt:$grid_id; // create new PDF document $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, 'mm', PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true); // set document information $pdf->SetCreator($this->creator); $pdf->SetAuthor($this->author); $pdf->SetTitle($this->title); $pdf->SetSubject($this->subject); // Enable/disable default header and footer $pdf->setPrintHeader(true); $pdf->setPrintFooter(false); // set default header data $pdf->SetHeaderData($this->headerLogo, $this->headerLogoWidth, $this->headerTitle, $this->headerString); $pdf->setFooterFont(Array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA)); // set header and footer fonts $pdf->setHeaderFont(Array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN)); $pdf->setFooterFont(Array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA)); //set margins $pdf->SetMargins(PDF_MARGIN_LEFT, PDF_MARGIN_TOP, PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT); $pdf->SetHeaderMargin(PDF_MARGIN_HEADER); $pdf->SetFooterMargin(PDF_MARGIN_FOOTER); //set auto page breaks $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM); //set image scale factor $pdf->setImageScale(PDF_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO); //set some language-dependent strings $pdf->setLanguageArray('en'); //initialize document $pdf->AliasNbPages(); // add a page $pdf->AddPage(); $grid_array = $this->GetGridArray($grid_id); $tokenGridIdLineHeight = ($this->_display_token_grid_id)?$this->_display_token_grid_height:0; $gridHeight = $this->_cardHeight-$tokenGridIdLineHeight-$this->cardHeaderLineWidthH; // Calculcate the cell height and width $cellHeight = round(($gridHeight-$this->cardHeaderLineWidthH*($this->_y_grid_size))/($this->_y_grid_size+1),1); $cellWidth = round(($this->_cardWidth-$this->cardHeaderLineWidthH*($this->_x_grid_size))/($this->_x_grid_size+1),1); // Goto the right position $top_align_offset = round(($this->_cardHeight-$tokenGridIdLineHeight-(($this->_y_grid_size+1)*$cellHeight)) / 2, 1); $left_align_offset = round(($this->_cardWidth-(($this->_x_grid_size+1)*$cellWidth)) / 2, 1); $pdf->SetXY($this->_xCardPosition+$left_align_offset,$this->_yCardPosition+$top_align_offset); $pdf->SetFillColor(0,0,0); $pdf->SetDrawColor($this->cardHeaderLineColorV[0],$this->cardHeaderLineColorV[1],$this->cardHeaderLineColorV[2]); $pdf->SetLineWidth(0.1); $pdf->SetFont("vera","",1); // Calcul la hauteur d'une cellule for ($line = 0; $line <= $this->_y_grid_size; $line++) { for ($col = 0; $col <= $this->_x_grid_size; $col++) { if (0 == $col) { if (0 == $line) { $pdf->SetFillColor($this->cardHeaderBackColorV[0],$this->cardHeaderBackColorV[1],$this->cardHeaderBackColorV[2]); $pdf->SetTextColor($this->cardHeaderFontColorV[0],$this->cardHeaderFontColorV[1],$this->cardHeaderFontColorV[2]); $pdf->SetDrawColor($this->cardHeaderLineColorV[0],$this->cardHeaderLineColorV[1],$this->cardHeaderLineColorV[2]); $pdf->SetLineWidth($this->cardHeaderLineWidthV); $pdf->SetFont($this->cardHeaderFontV,$this->cardHeaderFontPropertyV, $this->cardHeaderFontSizeV); $pdf->Cell($cellWidth,$cellHeight,'',1,0,'C',1); } else { $pdf->SetFillColor($this->cardHeaderBackColorV[0],$this->cardHeaderBackColorV[1],$this->cardHeaderBackColorV[2]); $pdf->SetTextColor($this->cardHeaderFontColorV[0],$this->cardHeaderFontColorV[1],$this->cardHeaderFontColorV[2]); $pdf->SetDrawColor($this->cardHeaderLineColorV[0],$this->cardHeaderLineColorV[1],$this->cardHeaderLineColorV[2]); $pdf->SetLineWidth($this->cardHeaderLineWidthV); $pdf->SetFont($this->cardHeaderFontV,$this->cardHeaderFontPropertyV, $this->cardHeaderFontSizeV); $pdf->Cell($cellWidth,$cellHeight,$line,1,0,'C',1); } } else // (0 != $col) { if (0 == $line) { $pdf->SetFillColor($this->cardHeaderBackColorH[0],$this->cardHeaderBackColorH[1],$this->cardHeaderBackColorH[2]); $pdf->SetTextColor($this->cardHeaderFontColorH[0],$this->cardHeaderFontColorH[1],$this->cardHeaderFontColorH[2]); $pdf->SetDrawColor($this->cardHeaderLineColorH[0],$this->cardHeaderLineColorH[1],$this->cardHeaderLineColorH[2]); $pdf->SetLineWidth($this->cardHeaderLineWidthH); $pdf->SetFont($this->cardHeaderFontH,$this->cardHeaderFontPropertyH, $this->cardHeaderFontSizeH); $pdf->Cell($cellWidth,$cellHeight,substr($this->_horizontal_grid_labels, $col - 1, 1),1,0,'C',1); } else { $pdf->SetFillColor($this->cardCellsBackColor[0],$this->cardCellsBackColor[1],$this->cardCellsBackColor[2]); $pdf->SetTextColor($this->cardCellsFontColor[0],$this->cardCellsFontColor[1],$this->cardCellsFontColor[2]); $pdf->SetDrawColor($this->cardCellsLineColor[0],$this->cardCellsLineColor[1],$this->cardCellsLineColor[2]); $pdf->SetLineWidth($this->cardCellsLineWidth); $pdf->SetFont($this->cardCellsFont,$this->cardCellsFont, $this->cardCellsFontSize); $pdf->Cell($cellWidth,$cellHeight,$grid_array[$line][$col],1,0,'C',1); } } } $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->SetX($this->_xCardPosition+$left_align_offset); } if ($this->_display_token_grid_id) { $pdf->SetFillColor(255,255,255); $pdf->SetTextColor($this->cardCellsFontColor[0],$this->cardCellsFontColor[1],$this->cardCellsFontColor[2]); $pdf->SetDrawColor($this->cardCellsLineColor[0],$this->cardCellsLineColor[1],$this->cardCellsLineColor[2]); $pdf->SetLineWidth($this->cardCellsLineWidth); $pdf->SetFont($this->cardHeaderFontV,$this->cardHeaderFontPropertyV, $this->_display_token_grid_font_size); $pdf->Cell($cellWidth*($this->_x_grid_size+1),$this->_display_token_grid_height,$this->_grid_footer_txt,1,0,'R',1); } /** * Show the card image */ if(file_exists($this->cardFrontImageName)) { $posXImage; $posYImage; switch($this->imagePosition) { case 'l' : $posXImage = $this->_xCardPosition-$this->_cardWidth; $posYImage = $this->_yCardPosition; break; case 't' : $posXImage = $this->_xCardPosition; $posYImage = $this->_yCardPosition-$this->_cardHeight; break; case 'b' : $posXImage = $this->_xCardPosition; $posYImage = $this->_yCardPosition+$this->_cardHeight; break; case 'r' : default : $posXImage = $this->_xCardPosition+$this->_cardWidth; $posYImage = $this->_yCardPosition; break; } $pdf->Image($this->cardFrontImageName,$posXImage,$posYImage,$this->_cardWidth, $this->_cardHeight, $this->cardFrontImageType); } // Show textBoxs for($i=0; $i< count($this->tabTextBox); $i++) { $this->tabTextBox[$i]->printTextZone($pdf); } if ($this->_frame_around_grid) { $pdf->Rect($this->_xCardPosition,$this->_yCardPosition, $this->_cardWidth, $this->_cardHeight, 'D'); } if ($this->_frame_around_grid) { $pdf->Rect($posXImage,$posYImage, $this->_cardWidth, $this->_cardHeight, 'D'); } //Close and output PDF document return $pdf->Output("","S"); } /** * Require UTF8 encoding for the different string passe in parameters * * @param boolean $utf8_encoding_required */ public function SetUtf8EncodingRequired($utf8_encoding_required = false) { $this->_utf8_encoding_required = $utf8_encoding_required; } /** * Set if the token grid id is displayed on the credit card sized paper or not * * @param boolean */ public function SetDisplayTokenGridId($display_token_grid_id = true) { $this->_display_token_grid_id = $display_token_grid_id; } /** * Set if we need to display a frame around the grid * * @param boolean */ public function SetFrameAroundGrid($frame_around_grid = true) { $this->_frame_around_grid = $frame_around_grid; } /** * Encode a string if the user ask for * * @param string $string * @return string */ private function Utf8EncodeIfNeeded($string = "") { return (($this->_utf8_encoding_required)?utf8_encode($string):$string); } /** * Set the card top-left position * * @param int $x X position in mm * @param int $y Y position in mm */ function setCardPosition($x=0,$y=0) { $this->_xCardPosition = $x; $this->_yCardPosition = $y; } /** * Set the pdf document properties * * @param string $creator Document's creator * @param string $author Document's author * @param string $title Document's title * @param string $subject Document's subject */ function setDocumentProperties($creator="", $author="", $title="", $subject="") { $this->creator = $this->Utf8EncodeIfNeeded($creator); $this->author = $this->Utf8EncodeIfNeeded($author); $this->title = $this->Utf8EncodeIfNeeded($title); $this->subject = $this->Utf8EncodeIfNeeded($subject); } /** * Allow the user to setup the header * * @param string $logo * @param int $logowidth * @param string $headerString * @param string $headerTitle */ function setHeader($logo="", $logowidth=0, $headerString="", $headerTitle="") { $this->headerLogo = $this->Utf8EncodeIfNeeded($logo); $this->headerTitle = $this->Utf8EncodeIfNeeded($headerTitle); $this->headerString = $this->Utf8EncodeIfNeeded($headerString); $this->headerLogoWidth = $logowidth; } /** * Setup the size of the card * * @param int $width Card width in userUnit * @param int $height Card height in userUnit */ function setCardSize ($width=86, $height=54) { $this->_cardWidth = $width; $this->_cardHeight = $height; } /** * Setup the style of the horizontal header * * @param int array[3] $backColor Background colour (#rgb) * @param int array[3] $fontColor Font colour (#rgb) * @param int $fontSize Font's size * @param string $font Font's name * @param string $fontProperty Font style (empty string: regular, B: bold, I: italic, U: underline, D: line trough) * @param float $lineWidth Line Width * @param int array[3] $lineColor Line's colour */ function setStyleHeaderHonrizontal($backColor=array(255,255,255), $fontColor=array(0,0,0), $fontSize=10, $font="vera", $fontProperty="", $lineWidth=0.3, $lineColor=array(0,0,0)) { $this->cardHeaderBackColorH = $backColor; $this->cardHeaderFontColorH = $fontColor; $this->cardHeaderFontSizeH = $fontSize; $this->cardHeaderFontH = $font; $this->cardHeaderFontPropertyH = $fontProperty; $this->cardHeaderLineWidthH = $lineWidth; $this->cardHeaderLineColorH = $lineColor; } /** * Setup the style of the vetical header * * @param int array[3] $backColor Background colour (#rgb) * @param int array[3] $fontColor Font colour (#rgb) * @param int $fontSize Font's size * @param string $font Font's name * @param string $fontProperty Font style (empty string: regular, B: bold, I: italic, U: underline, D: line trough) * @param float $lineWidth Line Width * @param int array[3] $lineColor Line's colour */ function setStyleHeaderVertical($backColor=array(255,255,255), $fontColor=array(0,0,0), $fontSize=10, $font="vera", $fontProperty="", $lineWidth=0.3, $lineColor=array(0,0,0)) { $this->cardHeaderBackColorV = $backColor; $this->cardHeaderFontColorV = $fontColor; $this->cardHeaderFontSizeV = $fontSize; $this->cardHeaderFontV = $font; $this->cardHeaderFontPropertyV = $fontProperty; $this->cardHeaderLineWidthV = $lineWidth; $this->cardHeaderLineColorV = $lineColor; } /** * Setup the style of the cells * * @param int array[3] $backColor Background colour (#rgb) * @param int array[3] $fontColor Font colour (#rgb) * @param int $fontSize Font's size * @param string $font Font's name * @param string $fontProperty Font style (empty string: regular, B: bold, I: italic, U: underline, D: line trough) * @param float $lineWidth Line Width * @param int array[3] $lineColor Line's colour */ function setStyleCells($backColor=array(255,255,255), $fontColor=array(0,0,0), $fontSize=10, $font="vera", $fontProperty="", $lineWidth=0.3, $lineColor=array(0,0,0)) { $this->cardCellsBackColor = $backColor; $this->cardCellsFontColor = $fontColor; $this->cardCellsFontSize = $fontSize; $this->cardCellsFont = $font; $this->cardCellsFontProperty = $fontProperty; $this->cardCellsLineWidth = $lineWidth; $this->cardCellsLineColor = $lineColor; } /** * Set the image next to the card * * @param string $fileName Image's name * @param string $type Image's type (jpg, png) */ function setImageFrontCard($fileName="", $type="") { $this->cardFrontImageName = $fileName; $this->cardFrontImageType = $type; } /** * Setup the side where to put the image * * @param char $side r: right, l:left, t:top, b:bottom */ function setImageFrontPosition($side='r') { switch($side) { case 'r': case 'l': case 'b': case 't': $this->imagePosition = $side; break; default : $this->imagePosition = 'r'; } } /** * Allow the user to add a textBox * * @param int $width * @param int $height * @param string $text * @param string $border * @param int $ln * @param char $align * @param int $fill * @param int array[3] $backgourndColor * @param mixed $link * @param int $stretch * @param int $PosX * @param int $PosY * @return unknown */ function addTextZone($width=0, $height=0, $text="", $border=0, $align="L", $fill=0, $ln=1, $PosX=0, $PosY=0, $resetH=false, $stretch = 0, $isHtml = false, $backGroundColor= array(255,255,255)) { $this->tabTextBox[]= new zoneText($width, $height, $this->Utf8EncodeIfNeeded($text), $border, $align, $fill, $ln, $PosX, $PosY, $resetH, $stretch, $isHtml, $backGroundColor); return count($this->tabTextBox)-1; } /** * Permet de récupérer une zone de texte afin de lui modifier les attributs * * @param unknown_type $indice * @return unknown */ function getTextZone($indice) { return $this->tabTextBox[$indice]; } } class zoneText { private $width=0; private $height=0; private $text = ""; private $border = ""; private $borderWidth = 0.3; private $borderColor = array(0,0,0); private $ln=0; private $align="L"; private $fill=0; private $link=""; private $stretch =0; private $PosX=0; private $PosY=0; private $backGroundColor= array(255,255,255); private $font= "vera"; private $fontColor = array(0,0,0); private $fontSize = 15; private $fontProperties = ""; private $resetH = false; private $isHtml = false; /** * Create a new textBox * * @param int $width * @param int $height * @param string $text * @param string $border * @param int $ln * @param char $align * @param int $fill * @param int array[3] $backgourndColor * @param mixed $link * @param int $stretch * @param int $PosX * @param int $PosY * @return zoneText */ public function zoneText($width=0, $height=0, $text="", $border="", $align="L", $fill=0, $ln=1, $PosX=0, $PosY=0, $resetH=false, $stretch = 0, $isHtml = false, $backGroundColor= array(255,255,255)) { $this->width=$width; $this->height=$height; $this->text = $text; $this->border = $border; $this->ln=$ln; $this->align=$align; $this->fill=$fill; $this->stretch =$stretch; $this->PosX=$PosX; $this->PosY=$PosY; $this->backGroundColor= $backGroundColor; $this->resetH = $resetH; $this->isHtml = $isHtml; } /** * Setup the font style * * @param srting $name Font name * @param int $size Font size * @param int array[3] $color Font color * @param string $properties Font style */ public function setFont($name="vera", $size=15, $color=array(0,0,0), $properties="") { $this->font = $name; $this->fontSize = $size; $this->fontColor = $color; $this->fontProperties = $properties; } /** * Allow the user to setup the border of one textBox * * @param int array[3] $color Line color * @param int $width Width of the line */ public function setBorder($color=array(0,0,0), $width=0.3) { $this->borderColor = $color; $this->borderWidth = $width; } /** * Print the box on the pdf document * * @param TCPDF $pdf PDF document */ public function printTextZone($pdf) { $pdf->SetFillColor($this->backGroundColor[0],$this->backGroundColor[1],$this->backGroundColor[2]); $pdf->SetTextColor($this->fontColor[0],$this->fontColor[1],$this->fontColor[2]); $pdf->SetDrawColor($this->borderColor[0],$this->borderColor[1],$this->borderColor[2]); $pdf->SetLineWidth($this->borderWidth); $pdf->SetFont($this->font,$this->fontProperties, $this->fontSize); $pdf->MultiCell ($this->width, $this->height, $this->text, $this->border, $this->align, $this->fill, $this->ln, $this->PosX, $this->PosY, $this->resetH, $this->stretch, $this->isHtml); } } ?>