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File: classes/MyDirectory.class.php

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  Classes of Marius Zadara   ExifSort   classes/MyDirectory.class.php   Download  
File: classes/MyDirectory.class.php
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Description: directory utilities
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 * Class used to simulate basic directory operations.
 * @author Marius Zadara <>
 * @copyright (C) Marius Zadara <>
 * @final
final class MyDirectory
     * Absolute path to directory
     * @var string
private $path;
     * Constructor of the class - used to set the path of the directory
     * If the path (absolute) is not specified, then the default path (current) is used
     * @param string $path The absolute path of the directory
     * @return Directory
public function MyDirectory($path = ".")
// set the class member
$this->path = $path;

     * This function is used to validate the current directory
     * @throws DirectoryException
     * @return TRUE In case the path is valid
     * @return FALSE in case the path is not valid
public function validate($validEmpty = false)
// the resource must exists
if (!file_exists($this->path))
            throw new
DirectoryException(sprintf("The resource '%s' does not exists.", $this->path));
// the resource must be a directory
if (!is_dir($this->path))
            throw new
DirectoryException(sprintf("The resource '%s' is not a directory.", $this->path));
// the resource must be readable
if (!is_readable($this->path))
            throw new
DirectoryException(sprintf("The directory '%s' is not readable.", $this->path));
// try to access the directory
$dirHandle = @opendir($this->path);

        if (!
            throw new
DirectoryException(sprintf("The directory '%s' could not be accessed", $this->path));
// at this point, the directory is valid
        // according to the parameter, check the content
        // files count
$filesCount = 0;
// read each record from the directory
while (($file = readdir($dirHandle)) !== false)
// skip the current directory and parent directory
if (($file == ".") || ($file == ".."))
// make the file full path
$fileFullPath = $this->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
// skip all the non-files
if (filetype($fileFullPath) != "file")
// skip all the empty files
if (filesize($fileFullPath) == 0)
// if reached this point, a file has been found
            // continue the loop until we have at least 2 files for comparison
$filesCount ++;
// break the loop when more than 2 files
if ($filesCount >= 2)
// check the files count
if ($filesCount == 0)
            throw new
DirectoryException(sprintf("The directory '%s' does not contain any valid files.", $this->path));
// need at least 2 files for comparison
if ($filesCount < 2)
            throw new
DirectoryException(sprintf("The directory '%s' must have at least 2 files for comparison.", $this->path));
// at this point, everything seems ok
        // close the directory handle and return true

     * Function used to create a directory using the given path
     * @return boolean TRUE if the directory has been created
     * @throws DirectoryException If error occured during creation
public function create()
// try to create the destination directory
        // if not already exists
if (!file_exists($this->path))
            if (!
                throw new
DirectoryException(sprintf("The path '%s' could not be created", $this->path));
// make sure that the directory has the persmissions
        // to write and execute data (everything for the owner, read and execute for the others)
if (!@chmod($this->path, 0777))
            throw new
DirectoryException(sprintf("Could not set the attributes on the path '%s'.", $this->path));
// everything is ok at this point
return true;

     * This function is used in order to read the content of the directory
     * @throws DirectoryException If the directory could not be opened to read the content
public function getContent()
// try to access the directory
$dirHandle = @opendir($this->path);

        if (!
            throw new
DirectoryException(sprintf("The directory '%s' could not be accessed", $this->path));
// init the files list
$dirFiles = array();
// read each record from the directory
while (($file = readdir($dirHandle)) !== false)
// skip the current directory and parent directory
if (($file == ".") || ($file == ".."))

// make the file fullpath
$fileFullPath = $this->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
// skip all the non-files
if (filetype($fileFullPath) != "file")
// skip all the empty files
if (filesize($fileFullPath) == 0)
// add the curent file to the list as the full path using the directory path
$dirFiles[] = $this->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
// check the files list
if (sizeof($dirFiles) == 0)
            throw new
DirectoryException(sprintf("Could not find any files to add from the directory '%s'.", $this->path));
// return the built list
return $dirFiles;
