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Role: Class source
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Description: POP3 Class PHP5 Version
Communicating with a POP3 mail server
Author: By
Last change: Bugfix: This release fixed a bug in the php5 version of this class.
Date: 15 years ago
Size: 25,922 bytes



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<?php /** * POP3 Class * * This class provide access to a pop3 server through the pop3 protocol * * @need: >=php-5.2.x * @author: j0inty.sL * @email: * @version: 0.7.2-beta * * NOTES: * - IPv6 support NEVER tested at time */ final class POP3_Exception extends Exception { /** * @param string $strErrMessage * @param integer $intErrCode * * @return POP3_Exception */ function __construct( $strErrMessage, $intErrCode ) { switch( $intErrCode ) { case POP3::ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTS: if( empty($strErrMessage) ) $strErrMessage = "This function isn't implements at time."; break; case POP3::ERR_SOCKETS: $strErrMessage = "Sockets Error: (". socket_last_error() .") -- ". socket_strerror(socket_last_error()); break; case POP3::ERR_STREAM: case POP3::ERR_LOG: $aError = error_get_last(); $strErrMessage = "Stream Error: (". $aError["type"] .") -- ". $aError["message"]; break; } parent::__construct($strErrMessage, $intErrCode); } /** * Store the Exception string to a given file * * @param string $strLogFile logfile name with path */ public function saveToFile($strLogFile) { if( !$resFp = @fopen($strLogFile,"a+") ) { return false; } $strMsg = date("Y-m-d H:i:s -- ") . $this; if( !@fputs($resFp, $strMsg, strlen($strMsg)) ) { return false; } @fclose($resFp); } /** * @return string Exception with StackTrace as String */ public function __toString() { return __CLASS__ ." [". $this->getCode() ."] -- ". $this->getMessage() ." in file ". $this->getFile() ." at line ". $this->getLine(). PHP_EOL ."Trace: ". $this->getTraceAsString() .PHP_EOL; } } class POP3 { //const ERR_NONE = 0; const ERR_LOG = 1; const ERR_SOCKETS = 2; const ERR_PARAMETER = 3; const ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTS = 4; const ERR_INVALID_STATE = 5; const ERR_STREAM = 6; const ERR_SEND_CMD = 7; const STATE_DISCONNECT = 100; const STATE_AUTHORIZATION = 101; const STATE_TRANSACTION = 102; /* const PROTOCOL_TCP = 1; const PROTOCOL_TLS = 2; const PROTOCOL_SSL = 3; const PROTOCOL_SSLV2 = 4; const PROTOCOL_SSLV3 = 5; */ const DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; private $bLogOpened = FALSE; private $resLogFp = FALSE; private $strLogFile = NULL; private $bHideUsernameAtLog = TRUE; private $bUseSockets; private $strProtocol = NULL; private $bSocketConnected = FALSE; private $strHostname = NULL; private $strIPAdress = NULL; private $intPort = NULL; private $intCurState = self::STATE_DISCONNECT; private $strAPOPBanner = NULL; private $bAPOPAutoDetect; private $strVersion = "0.7.2-beta"; /* * Constructor * * @param NULL|string $strLogFile Path to a log file or NULL for no log * @param bool $bAPOPAutoDetect APOP Auto Dection on|off * @param bool $bHideUsernameAtLog Does the Username should hide at the log file * @param $strEncryption (tcp|ssl|sslv2|sslv3|tls) [depend on your PHP configuration] * @param bool $bUseSockets Use the socket extension (default = TRUE) But it check is the extension_loaded, too * !!! Only needed by them, who have the sockets extension loaded, but want use the stream functions !!! * * @throw POP3_Exception */ public function __construct( $strLogFile = NULL, $bAPOPAutoDetect = TRUE, $bHideUsernameAtLog = TRUE, $strEncryption = TRUE, $bUseSockets = TRUE ) { if( !is_bool($bAPOPAutoDetect) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("Invalid APOP auto detect parameter given.", self::ERR_PARAMETER); } if( !is_bool($bHideUsernameAtLog) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("Invalid Hide Username at log file parameter given.", self::ERR_PARAMETER); } if( !preg_match("/^(tcp|ssl|sslv2|sslv3|tls)+$/", $strEncryption) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("Invalid encryption parameter given. (tcp|ssl|sslv2|sslv3|tls) [depend on your PHP configuration]", self::ERR_PARAMETER); } else if( $bUseSockets && preg_match("/^(ssl|sslv2|sslv3|tls)+$/", $strEncryption)) { throw new POP3_Exception("Encryption with Sockets Extension is not implemented now. Use \$UseSocket=false for that.",self::ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTS ); } // Activate logging if needed if( !is_null($strLogFile) ) { $this->strLogFile = $strLogFile; $this->openlog(); } // Check for sockets extension if needed if( $bUseSockets && extension_loaded("sockets") ) { $this->bUseSockets = TRUE; } else { if( $bUseSockets ) { $this->log("You choose to use the socket extensions support but this isn't available."); } $this->bUseSockets = FALSE; } // Activate or Deactivate APOP Auto Detect mechanism $this->bAPOPAutoDetect = $bAPOPAutoDetect; $this->bHideUsernameAtLog = $bHideUsernameAtLog; $this->strProtocol = $strEncryption; } /* * Destructor * * @throw POP3_Exception */ public function __destruct() { $this->disconnect(); $this->closelog(); } /* * Connect to the pop3 server * * @param NULL|string $strHostname Hostname or ip adress of a pop3 server * @param integer $intPort The port for the pop3 service (default is 110) * @param array $arrConnectionTimeout array("sec" => "", "usec" => "") * @param bool $bIPv6 IP Version 6 Protocol * * @throw POP3_Exception */ public function connect( &$strHostname , $intPort = 110, $arrConnectionTimeout = array("sec" => 10, "usec" => 0) ,$bIPv6 = FALSE ) { $this->checkState(POP3::STATE_DISCONNECT); /// Parameter checks /// if( !is_string($strHostname) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("Invalid host parameter given", self::ERR_PARAMETER); } if( !is_int($intPort) || $intPort < 1 || $intPort > 65535 ) { throw new POP3_Exception("Invalid port parameter given", self::ERR_PARAMETER); } /* Deprecated: will do by the setSocketTimeout function if( !is_array($arrConnectionTimeout) || !is_int($arrConnectionTimeout["sec"]) || !is_int($arrConnectionTimeout["usec"]) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("Invalid connection timeout parameter given", self::ERR_PARAMETER); } */ if( !is_bool($bIPv6) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("Invalid IPv6 parameter given", self::ERR_PARAMETER); } $this->strHostname = $strHostname; $this->intPort = $intPort; /// Connecting /// if( $this->bUseSockets ) { if( !$this->resSocket = @socket_create( (($bIPv6) ? AF_INET6 : AF_INET), SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP ) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("", self::ERR_SOCKETS); } $this->log( ($bIPv6) ? "AF_INET6" : "AF_INET" ."-TCP Socket created (using sockets extension)"); $this->setSockTimeout($arrConnectionTimeout); if( !@socket_connect($this->resSocket, $this->strHostname, $this->intPort) || !@socket_getpeername($this->resSocket,$this->strIPAdress) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("", self::ERR_SOCKETS); } } else { $dTimeout = (double) implode(".",$arrConnectionTimeout); if( !$this->resSocket = @fsockopen($this->strProtocol. "://" . $this->strHostname .":". $this->intPort, &$intErrno, &$strError, $dTimeout) ) { throw new POP3_Exception( "[". $intErrno."] -- ". $strError, self::ERR_STREAM ); } $this->setSockTimeout($arrConnectionTimeout); $this->strIPAdress = @gethostbyname($this->strHostname); } $this->bSocketConnected = TRUE; $this->log("Connected to ". $this->strProtocol . "://". $this->strIPAdress .":". $this->intPort ." [". $this->strHostname ."]"); // Get the first response with, if APOP support avalible, the apop banner. $strBuffer = $this->recvString(); $this->log($strBuffer); $this->parseBanner($strBuffer); $this->intCurState = self::STATE_AUTHORIZATION; } /* * Disconnect from the server. * CAUTION: * This function doesn't send the QUIT command to the server so all as delete marked emails won't delete. * * @return void * @throw POP3_Exception */ public function disconnect() { if( $this->bSocketConnected ) { if( $this->bUseSockets ) { if( @socket_close($this->resSocket) === FALSE ) { throw new POP3_Exception("", self::ERR_SOCKETS); } } else { if( !@fclose($this->resSocket) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("fclose(): Failed to close socket", self::ERR_STREAM); } } $this->bSocketConnected = FALSE; $this->log("Disconneted from ". $this->strIPAdress .":". $this->intPort ." [". $this->strHostname ."]" ); } } /** * Authorize to the pop3 server with your login datas. * * @param string $strUser Username * @param string $strPass Password * @param boolean $bApop APOP Authorization Mechanism * * @return void * @throw POP3_Exception */ public function login( $strUser, $strPass, $bAPOP = FALSE) { $this->checkState(self::STATE_AUTHORIZATION); if( !is_string($strUser) || strlen($strUser) == 0 ) { throw new POP3_Exception("Invalid username string given", self::ERR_PARAMETER); } if( !is_string($strPass) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("Invalid password string given", self::ERR_PARAMETER); } if( !is_bool($bAPOP) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("Invalid APOP variable given", self::ERR_PARAMETER); } if( $this->bAPOPAutoDetect && !is_null($this->strAPOPBanner) && !$bAPOP) { $bAPOP = TRUE; } if( $bAPOP ) { // APOP Auth $this->sendCmd("APOP ". $strUser ." ". hash("md5",$this->strAPOPBanner . $strPass, false), "APOP ". (($this->bHideUsernameAtLog) ? hash("sha256",$strUser . microtime(true),false) : $strUser) ." ". hash("md5",$this->strAPOPBanner . $strPass, false)); } else { // POP3 Auth $this->sendCmd( "USER ". $strUser, "USER ". (($this->bHideUsernameAtLog) ? hash("sha256",$strUser . microtime(true),false) : $strUser) ); $this->sendCmd( "PASS ". $strPass, "PASS ". hash("sha256",$strPass . microtime(true),false) ); } $this->intCurState = self::STATE_TRANSACTION; } /** * Send the quit command to the server. * All as delete marked messages will remove from the mail drop. * * @return void * @throw POP3_Exception */ public function quit() { try { $this->checkState(self::STATE_TRANSACTION); } catch( POP3_Exception $e ) { $this->checkState(self::STATE_AUTHORIZATION); } $this->sendCmd("QUIT"); } /** * Get the stats from the pop3 server * This is only a string with the count of mails and their size in your mail drop. * * @return string example: "+OK 2 3467" * @throw POP3_Exception */ public function getStat() { $this->checkState(self::STATE_TRANSACTION); return $this->sendCmd("STAT"); } /** * Recieve a raw message. * * @param int intMsgNum The message number on the pop3 server. * * @return string Complete message * @throw POP3_Exception */ public function getMsg( $intMsgNum ) { $this->checkState(self::STATE_TRANSACTION); $this->checkMsgNum($intMsgNum); $this->sendCmd("RETR ". $intMsgNum ); return $this->recvToPoint(); } /** * Get a list with message number and the size in bytes of a message. * * @return string A String with a list of all message number and size in your mail drop seperated by "\r\n" * @throw POP3_Exception */ public function getList() { $this->checkState(self::STATE_TRANSACTION); $this->sendCmd("LIST"); return $this->recvToPoint(); } /** * Get a list with message number and the unique id on the pop3 server. * * @return string Unique ID List * @throw POP3_Exception */ public function getUidl() { $this->checkState(self::STATE_TRANSACTION); $this->sendCmd("UIDL"); return $this->recvToPoint(); } /** * Get the message header and if you want x lines of the message body. * * @param int intMsgNum The message number on the pop3 server. * @param int intLines The count of lines of the message body. (default is 0) * * @return string Message header * @throw POP3_Exception */ public function getTop( $intMsgNum , $intLines = 0 ) { $this->checkState(self::STATE_TRANSACTION); $this->checkMsgNum($intMsgNum); if( !is_int($intLines) ) throw new POP3_Exception("Invalid line number given", self::ERR_PARAMETER); $this->sendCmd("TOP ". $intMsgNum ." ". $intLines); return $this->recvToPoint(); } /** * Mark a message as delete * * @param int $intMsgNum Message Number on the pop3 server * * @throw POP3_Exception */ public function deleteMsg( $intMsgNum ) { $this->checkState(self::STATE_TRANSACTION); $this->checkMsgNum($intMsgNum); $this->sendCmd("DELE ". $intMsgNum); } /** * * @param array $arrMsgNums Numeric array with the message numbers on the pop3 server * * @return array An array of messages stored under the message number * @throw POP3_Exception */ public function getMails( $arrMsgNums ) { $arrMsgs = array(); foreach( $arrMsgNums as $intMsgNum ) { $arrMsgs[$intMsgNum] = $this->getMsg($intMsgNum); } return $arrMsgs; } /** * Get the office status. That means that you will get an array * with all needed informations about your mail drop. * The array is build up like discribed here. * * $result = array( "count" => "Count of messages in your mail drop", * "octets" => "Size of your mail drop in bytes", * * "msg_number" => array("uid" => "The unique id string of the message on the pop3 server", * "octets" => "The size of the message in bytes" * ), * "and soon" * ); * * @return array * @throw POP3_Exception */ public function getOfficeStatus() { $this->checkState(self::STATE_TRANSACTION); $arrRes = array(); $strSTATs = $this->getStat(); $arrSTATs = explode(" ",trim($strSTATs)); $arrRes["count"] = (int) $arrSTATs[1]; $arrRes["octets"] = (int) $arrSTATs[2]; if( $arrRes["count"] > 0 ) { $strUIDLs = $this->getUidl(); $strLISTs = $this->getList(); $arrUIDLs = explode("\r\n",trim($strUIDLs)); $arrLISTs = explode("\r\n",trim($strLISTs)); for($i=1; $i<=$arrRes["count"]; $i++) { list(,$intUIDL) = explode(" ", trim($arrUIDLs[$i-1])); list(,$intLIST) = explode(" ", trim($arrLISTs[$i-1])); $arrRes[$i]["uid"] = $intUIDL; $arrRes[$i]["octets"] = (int) $intLIST; } } return $arrRes; } public function saveToFile( $strPathToFile, &$strMail ) { if( @is_file($strPathToFile) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("File \"". $strPathToFile ."\" already exists", self::ERR_PARAMETER); } if( !$resFile = @fopen($strPathToFile,"w") ) { throw new POP3_Exception("", self::ERR_STREAM); } if( !@fwrite($resFile,$strMail,strlen($strMail)) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("", self::ERR_STREAM); } @fclose($resFile); } /* * This function store a message under their message number. * And that in the folder that was given by the path parameter. * * @param int $intMsgNum Message Number on the server @see getOfficeStatus(), list() * @param string $strPathToDir Path to the directory where the mail should be store. * @param string $strFileEnding The file ending for a email (default ".eml") * * @return void * @throw POP3_Exception */ public function saveToFileFromServer( $intMsgNum, $strPathToDir = "./", $strFileEnding = ".eml" ) { if( !@is_dir($strPathToDir) || !@is_writeable($strPathToDir) ) { throw new POP3_Exception( $strPathToDir ." is not a directory or the directory is not writeable", self::ERR_PARAMETER); } $strPathToFile = $strPathToDir . $intMsgNum . $strFileEnding; $this->saveToFile($strPathToFile, $this->getMsg($intMsgNum)); } /** * * */ public function saveToSQL( &$strMail, &$resDBHandler, $strTable = "inbox" ) { throw new POP3_Exception("",self::ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTS); } public function saveToSQLFromServer( $intMsgNum, &$resDBHandler, $strTable = "inbox" ) { throw new POP3_Exception("",self::ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTS); } /** * Return the version of the * * @return string $strVersion version string for this class */ public function getVersion() { return $this->strVersion; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// Private functions /////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Compare the current state with the needed state. * * @param integer $intNeededState * * @throw POP3_Exception */ private function checkState( $intNeededState ) { if ( $this->intCurState != $intNeededState) throw new POP3_Exception("Invalid State !!! Please check your Code !!!", self::ERR_INVALID_STATE); } /** * @param &integer $intMsgNum * * @throws POP3_Exception */ private function checkMsgNum( &$intMsgNum ) { if( !is_int($intMsgNum) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("Invalid message number given", self::ERR_PARAMETER); } } /** * Send a string to the server. * Will append the network lineend "\r\n". * * @param string strCmd The string that should send to the pop3 server * * @return void * @throws POP3_Exception */ private function send( $strCmd ) { $strCmd .= "\r\n"; if( $this->bUseSockets ) { if( @socket_send($this->resSocket, $strCmd, strlen($strCmd), 0) === FALSE ) { throw new POP3_Exception("", self::ERR_SOCKETS); } } else { if( !@fwrite($this->resSocket, $strCmd, strlen($strCmd)) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("fwrite(): Failed to write string to socket",self::ERR_STREAM); } } } /** * This function send the command to the server and will get the response * If the command goes failed, the function will throw the POP3_Exception with the * ERR_SEND_CMD error code and the response as error message. * * @param string $strCmd The string with the command for the pop3 server * @param string $strLog Workaround for non clear passwords and usernames in log file * * @return string Server response if it was successfull * @throws POP3_Exception */ private function sendCmd( $strCmd , $strLog = NULL ) { ( !is_null($strLog) ) ? $this->log($strLog) : $this->log($strCmd); $this->send($strCmd); $strRes = $this->recvString(); $this->log($strRes); // 1. the check for the strlen of the result is a workaround for some server who don't send something after the quit command // 2. should run with qmailer too...qmailer bug ( "." instead of "+OK" after RETR command if( strlen($strRes) > 0 && $strRes{0} == '-' ) { throw new POP3_Exception(trim($strRes), self::ERR_SEND_CMD); } return $strRes; } /** * Return value: * ----------------------------- a) on success returns number of bytes read b) in case of no data on line, returns zero and $buf will be set to NULL. c) on failure returns false, and $buf will be set to NULL. To get the error code/message, call the appropriate socket functions. d) in case of disconnect, the function returns either b) or c) which depends on how connection was closed from the other end. It returns 0 if the connection was closed gracefully with FIN squence and false if it was reset. * * @param &string $strBuffer * @param ineger $intBufferSize * * @return int number of recieved bytes * @throws POP3_Exception */ private function recv( &$strBuffer, $intBufferSize = self::DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE ) { $strBuffer = ""; if( $this->bUseSockets ) { $intReadBytes = @socket_recv($this->resSocket, $strBuffer, $intBufferSize, 0); if( $intReadBytes === FALSE ) { throw new POP3_Exception("", POP3::ERR_SOCKETS); } } else { if( !$strBuffer = @fread($this->resSocket, $intBufferSize) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("fread(): Couldn't recieve from socket", self::ERR_STREAM); } } return $intReadBytes; } /** * * @param integer $intBufferSize * * @return string $strBuffer Return the recieved String ended by "\r\n" * @throw POP3_Exception */ private function recvString( $intBufferSize = self::DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE ) { $strBuffer = ""; if( $this->bUseSockets ) { if( ($strBuffer = @socket_read($this->resSocket, $intBufferSize , PHP_NORMAL_READ)) === FALSE ) { throw new POP3_Exception("", self::ERR_SOCKETS); } // Workaround: The socket_read function with PHP_NORMAL_READ stops at "\r" but the network string ends with "\r\n" // so we need to call the socket_read function again to get the "\n" if( ($strBuffer2 = @socket_read($this->resSocket, 1 , PHP_NORMAL_READ)) === FALSE ) { throw new POP3_Exception("", self::ERR_SOCKETS); } $strBuffer .= $strBuffer2; } else { if( !$strBuffer = @fgets($this->resSocket, $intBufferSize) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("fgets(): Couldn't recieve the string from socket", self::ERR_STREAM); } } return $strBuffer; } /** * This function will get a complete list/message until the finally point was sended. * * @return string list/message * @throw POP3_Exception */ private function recvToPoint() { $strRes = ""; while(true) { $strBuffer = $this->recvString(); $strRes .= $strBuffer; if( strlen($strBuffer) == 3 && $strBuffer{0} == '.' ) { break; } } return $strRes; } /** * Set the connection timeouts for a socket * * @param array $arrTimeout "sec" => seconds, "usec" => microseconds * * @return void * @throw POP3_Exception */ private function setSockTimeout( $arrTimeout ) { if( !is_array($arrTimeout) || !is_int($arrTimeout["sec"]) || !is_int($arrTimeout["usec"]) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("Invalid Connection Timeout given", self::ERR_PARAMETER); } if( $this->bUseSockets ) { if( !@socket_set_option($this->resSocket,SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, $arrTimeout) || !@socket_set_option($this->resSocket,SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, $arrTimeout) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("", self::ERR_SOCKETS); } } else { if( !@stream_set_timeout($this->resSocket, $arrTimeout["sec"], $arrTimeout["usec"]) ) { throw new POP3_Exception("", self::ERR_STREAM); } } $this->log("Set socket timeout to ". implode(".",$arrTimeout) ." secondes."); } /** * Parse the needed apop banner if given * * @return void */ private function parseBanner( $strBuffer ) { $intBufferLength = strlen($strBuffer); $bOpenTag = FALSE; for( $i=0; $i < $intBufferLength; $i++ ) { if( $strBuffer{$i} == '>' ) { break; } if( $bOpenTag ) { $this->strAPOPBanner .= $strBuffer{$i}; continue; } if( $strBuffer{$i} == '<' ) { $bOpenTag = TRUE; } } } /** * // LOGGING FUNCTIONS */ private function openlog() { if( !$this->bLogOpened && is_writeable($this->strLogFile) ) { echo $this->strLogFile; if( !$this->resLogFp = fopen($this->strLogFile,"a+") ) { throw new POP3_Exception("", self::ERR_LOG); } $this->bLogOpened = TRUE; } } private function closelog() { if( $this->bLogOpened ) { fclose($this->resLogFp); $this->bLogOpened = FALSE; } } private function log( $str ) { if( $this->bLogOpened ) { $str = date("Y-m-d H:i:s") .": ". trim($str) . PHP_EOL; if( !fwrite( $this->resLogFp, $str, strlen($str) ) ) { return new POP3_Exception("", self::ERR_LOG); } } } // }}} } // }}} ?>