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File: docs/files/feed-finder.php.txt

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File: docs/files/feed-finder.php.txt
Role: Documentation
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Description: Documentation
Class: PHP Find RSS Feed URL
Retrieve RSS feed and extract URLs they contain
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<?php if (!class_exists('FeedFinder')) { /** * FeedFinder * This class can be used to extract the URLs of RSS (1.0 and 2.0) and ATOM feeds associated to a page, as well as OPML outline documents. * * The class retrieves a given page (using cURL) and parses its head section to obtain the list of associated RSS, ATOM and OPML links. * The URLs of the available links are returned in an array, if any. * Before attempting to retrieve the specified page, the class can check the site's robots.txt file first to see if it is allowed to crawl the site pages. * * @package FeedFinder * @copyright 2018 * @author Ivan Melgrati * @link * @version v2.0 */ class FeedFinder { /** * @var string $url * URL to fetch feeds from */ protected $url; /** * @var string $useragent * User Agent to use during robots.txt and feed fetching operations */ protected $useragent = 'Googlebot'; /** * @var boolean $obey_robots * Defines whether to obey robots.txt directives during discovery operations. * If false, and if crawling is disallowed, no feeds will be returned. */ protected $obey_robots; /** * Constructor * * @param string $url URL to fetch feeds from * @param string $useragent User Agent to use during robots.txt and feed fetching operations * @param boolean $obey_robots Defines whether to obey robots.txt directives during discovery operations. * @return FeedFinder */ function __construct($url = '', $useragent = 'Googlebot', $obey_robots = true) { if ($url != '') { $this->setURL($url); } if ($useragent != '') { $this->setUserAgent($useragent); } $this->setObeyRobots($obey_robots); } /** * Get the URL to fetch feeds from. * * @return string The URL to fetch feeds from */ public function getURL() { return $this->url; } /** * Get the User Agent to use during robots.txt and feed fetching operations * * @return string The User Agent to use during robots.txt and feed fetching operations */ public function getUserAgent() { return $this->useragent; } /** * Get whether to obey robots.txt directives during discovery operations. * * @return string Whether to obey robots.txt directives during discovery operations. */ public function getObeyRobots() { return $this->obey_robots; } /** * Set the URL to fetch feeds from. * * @param string $url The URL to fetch feeds from * @return FeedFinder */ public function setURL($url) { if ($url != '') { $this->url = trim($url); } return $this; } /** * Set the User Agent to use during robots.txt and feed fetching operations * * @param string $useragent The User Agent to use during robots.txt and feed fetching operations * @return FeedFinder */ public function setUserAgent($useragent) { if ($useragent != '') { $this->useragent = trim($useragent); } return $this; } /** * Set whether to obey robots.txt directives during discovery operations. * * @param string $obey_robots Whether to obey robots.txt directives during discovery operations. * @return FeedFinder */ public function setObeyRobots($obey_robots = true) { $this->obey_robots = $obey_robots ? true : false; return $this; } /** * Fetch Contents from URL. Uses cURL, with file_get_contents() fallback * * @return string */ protected function fetchURL() { if (in_array('curl', get_loaded_extensions())) { $options = array( CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, // return web page CURLOPT_HEADER => false, // don't return headers CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, // follow redirects CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, // stop after 10 redirects CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", // handle compressed CURLOPT_USERAGENT => $this->useragent, // name of client CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER => true, // set referrer on redirect CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 120, // time-out on connect CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 120, // time-out on response ); $ch = curl_init($this->getURL()); curl_setopt_array($ch, $options); $html = @curl_exec($ch); } else { $html = @file_get_contents($this->getURL(), false, $context); } return $html; } /** * Find whether robots are allowed to fetch content from the site by testing the robots.txt file * * @return boolean */ public function robotsAllowed() { $url = $this->getURL(); $useragent = $this->getUserAgent(); if ($url == '') { $url = $this->url; } else { $this->url = $url; } if ($useragent == '') { $useragent = $this->useragent; } else { $this->useragent = $useragent; } if ($url == '' || !filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { return false; } // Parse url to retrieve host and path $parsed = parse_url($url); $agents = array(preg_quote('*')); if ($useragent) { $agents[] = preg_quote($useragent); } $agents = implode('|', $agents); // location of robots.txt file $robotstxt = trim($this->fetchURL("http://{$parsed['host']}/robots.txt")); // If there's no robots.txt file, we're allowed if ($robotstxt == '') { return true; } $robotstxt = explode("\n", $robotstxt); $rules = array(); $ruleapplies = false; foreach ($robotstxt as $line) { // Skip blank lines if (!$line = trim($line)) { continue; } // Following rules only apply if User-agent matches $useragent || '*' if (preg_match('/User-agent: (.*)/i', $line, $match)) { $ruleapplies = preg_match("/($agents)/i", $match[1]); } // Walk through all robots.txt rules if ($ruleapplies && preg_match('/Disallow:(.*)/i', $line, $regs)) { // An empty rule implies full access - no further tests required if (!$regs[1]) { return true; } // Add rules that apply to array for testing $rules[] = preg_quote(trim($regs[1]), '/'); } } foreach ($rules as $rule) { // If robots.txt disallows User Agent, no further testing required if (preg_match("/^$rule/", $parsed['path'])) { return false; } } // Page is not disallowed return true; } /** * Get an array of RSS, ATOM and OPML links by parsing HTML * * @return string Array */ function getFeeds() { $url_list = array(); $url = $this->getURL(); // Check whether an URL was provided and URL is valid. If not, return an empty list. if (trim($url) == '' || !filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) { return $url_list; } // If we're not allowed to fetch content and want to obey robots.txt directives, return empty array if (($this->getObeyRobots() == true) && !$this->robotsAllowed()) { return $url_list; } else { // Get HTML page content $html = trim($this->fetchURL($url)); if ($html != '') { // Search through the HTML, save all <link> tags preg_match_all('/<link\s+(.*?)\s*\/?>/si', $html, $matches); $links = $matches[0]; $final_links = array(); // Parse all <link> tags and extract attributes using a regular expression. foreach ($links as $row) { preg_match_all('/([a-z0-9_\:\-]*)\s*?=\s*?([`\'"]?)(.*?)\2\s+/mi', $row, $attributes, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0); $final_link = array(); foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { if (isset($attribute[1])) { $final_link[$attribute[1]] = $attribute[3]; } } $final_links[] = $final_link; } // Now figure out which ones point to the RSS+ATOM feeds and OPML outline files foreach ($final_links as $test_link) { $href = ''; if (strtolower($test_link['rel']) == 'alternate' || strtolower($test_link['rel']) == 'outline') { if (strtolower($test_link['type']) == 'application/rss+xml') { $href = $test_link['href']; } if (!$href and strtolower($test_link['type']) == 'text/xml') { // kludge to make the first version of this still work $href = $test_link['href']; } if (!$href and strtolower($test_link['type']) == 'application/atom+xml') { // Find ATOM feeds $href = $test_link['href']; } if (!$href and in_array(strtolower($test_link['type']), array( 'text/x-opml', 'application/xml', 'text/xml')) and preg_match("/\.opml$/", $test_link['href'])) { // Find OPML outlines $href = $test_link['href']; } if ($href) { if (strstr($href, "http://") !== false || strstr($href, "https://") !== false) { // If it's an absolute URL $full_url = $href; } else { // Otherwise, make it an absolute one by adding URL scheme and host $url_parts = parse_url($url); $full_url = "$url_parts[scheme]://$url_parts[host]"; if (isset($url_parts['port'])) { $full_url .= ":$url_parts[port]"; } if ($href{0} != '/') { // It's a relative link on the domain $full_url .= dirname($url_parts['path']); if (substr($full_url, -1) != '/') { // If the last character isn't a '/', add it $full_url .= '/'; } } $full_url .= $href; } // Only add the feed URL if not already on the list if (!in_array($full_url, $url_list)) { $url_list[] = $full_url; } } } } } } return $url_list; } } } ?>