* ------- ezMySQL.cls.lib.php --------
* Author : S. M. ARIFUL ISLAM
* Email : [email protected]
* Contact : +88-0152344105
* Country : Bangladesh
* Begin : Thursday, Feb 15, 2007
* Website : www.bsourcing.com
* Check updates at : www.bsourcing.com/developers/classes/
class ezMySQL //Easy MySQL Administration Class Library.
var $apache; //Store apache server information
var $php; //Store php inforation
var $mysql_v_full; //MySQL version information(full)
var $mysql_v; //MySQL version information without floating point
var $strLink; //Database connection string
var $dbname; //Store current database name
function ezMySQL($dummyuser="", $dummypass="")
$dummyuser = (!$dummyuser) ? "root" : $dummyuser;
$dummypass = (!$dummypass) ? "" : $dummypass;
$link=mysql_connect("localhost", $dummyuser, $dummypass); //Dummy connection to MySQL.
$this->mysql_v_full=mysql_get_server_info();//Get MySQL Version Information(full).
$this->mysql_v=(int)mysql_get_server_info();//Get MySQL Version without floating point.
$this->strLink = $link;
}//End method.
//Establish a connection with MySQL database.
function dbConnect($user="", $pass="", $dbname="", $host="")
//Prepare connection requirements.
$UserName = (!$user) ? "root" : $user;
$Password = (!$pass) ? "" : $pass;
$DbName = (!$dbname) ? die("You should specify a database name.") : $dbname;
$HostName = (!$host) ? "localhost" : $host;
//Connect to the MySQL Server.
$this->strLink = @mysql_pconnect($HostName, $UserName, $Password) or die("Could Not Connect Database.");
//Selection of given database.
@mysql_select_db($DbName, $this->strLink) or die(mysql_error());
$this->dbname = $dbname;
}//End method.
//Get table structures of a database.
function dbStructure()
$tables = mysql_list_tables($this->dbname);
$num_tables = mysql_num_rows($tables);
//Select the current Database and Print.
$row=mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query("SELECT DATABASE()"));
echo "<br />";
echo "<span class='HeadText18'><b>Database Name:</b></span><span class='ContText14'> [ ".$row[0]." ]</span>";
echo "<br /><br />";
$i = 0;
while($num_tables > $i)
//Get Table name from array;
$TableName = mysql_tablename($tables, $i);
$fields = mysql_db_query($this->dbname, "SHOW FIELDS FROM ".$TableName) or die(mysql_error());
$output .= "<table class='ContText14' border=1 width=650 bordercolor='#C5E2C5'>";
$output .= "<tr bgcolor='#C5E2C5'><td colspan=6> <b>Table Name:</b> ".$TableName."</td></tr>";
$output .= "<tr><td height=5 colspan=6></td></tr>";
$output .= "<tr bgcolor='#EEEEDD'>"
."<td> <b>Field Name</b></td>"
."<td> <b>Type</b></td>"
."<td> <b>Null</b></td>"
."<td> <b>Key</b></td>"
."<td> <b>Default</b></td>"
."<td> <b>Extra</b></td>"
//Get column content.
$output .="<tr bgcolor='#EEEEDD'>"
."<td> ".$row["Field"]."</td>"
."<td> ".$row["Type"]."</td>"
."<td> ".$row["Null"]."</td>"
."<td> ".$row["Key"]."</td>"
."<td> ".$row["Default"]."</td>"
."<td> ".$row["Extra"]."</td>"
$output .="</table><br /><br />";
echo $output;
}//End method.
//Get Stored Procedure list.
// $UpdateFile = File name with extension (i.e, page.php) from which page you will call the method - UpdateSP().
// $ThisPage = File name with extension (i.e, page.php) from which page you called this method.
function ProcedureList($UpdateFile="", $ThisPage="")
$result=mysql_query($sql, $this->strLink);
$html_out= "<table width=90% border=1 bordercolor=#FFFFFF style='border-collapse:collapse'><tr>"
."<td width=10% class='TitleText12' align='center'>SL.</td>"
."<td width=30% class='TitleText12' align='left'> Database</td>"
."<td width=40% class='TitleText12' align='left'> Procedure (Update)</td>";
$html_out .="<td width=20% class='TitleText12' align='center'>Delete</td>";
$html_out .="</tr>";
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result))
$html_out .="<tr>";
$html_out .="<td height=20 class='TitleText12' align='center'>".$sl.".</td>";
$html_out .="<td align='left'> ".$row[0]."</td>";
$html_out .="<td align='left'> <a class=\"SPLink\" href=\"$UpdateFile?dbName=".$row[0]."&&SPName=".$row[1]."\" target=\"_blank\">".$row[1]."</a></td>";
$html_out .="<td align='center'><a href='$ThisPage?del=1&&dbName=".$row[0]."&&SPName=".$row[1]."' class='SPLink'><b>Delete</b></a></td>";
$html_out .="</tr>";
$html_out .="<tr><td class='TitleText12'>Procedure list is empty.</td></tr>";
$html_out .= "</table>";
return $html_out;
}//End method.
//Here, first drop the existing procedure. Then Create a new procedure.
// $SPName = Stored Procedure Name
// $SPBody = Full stored procedure code.
function UpdateSP($SPName, $SPBody)
mysql_query("DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS ".$SPName);
return "Stored procedure updated successfully.";
return mysql_error();
}//End method.
//Create a new stored procedure.
//Here, $SPBody = Full stored procedure code.
function CreateSP($SPBody="")
if($this->mysql_v>=5) //Check mysql version
$SPBody = $this->FormatText($SPBody);
$result = mysql_query($SPBody);
$strmsg = "Procedure created successfully.";
return $strmsg;
return mysql_error();
$strmsg = "Your procedure code is empty.";
return $strmsg;
$strmsg = "Could not create PROCEDURE. Please check your MySQL version and other features.";
return $strmsg;
}//End method.
//Drop stored procedure
//Here, $SPName = Stored Procedure Name
function DropProcedure($SPName)
$result = mysql_query("DROP PROCEDURE ".$SPName);
return "The procedure [ ".$SPName." ] droped successfully";
return mysql_error();
}//End method.
//Show the code of a Stored Procedure
//Here, $SPName = Stored Procedure Name
function ShowCreateSP($SPName)
$result=mysql_query("SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE ".$SPName);
$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
return $this->FormatText($row[2]);
return mysql_error();
}//End method.
//Eliminate single coat('), dubble coat(") and back-slash(\) from String.
function FormatText($txt)
$formated = str_replace("\\", "", $txt); //Exclude (\)
return $formated;