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File: class.CSVfile.php3

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File: class.CSVfile.php3
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Class: class.CSVfile.php3
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<? /* class.CSVfile 1.0 2000/04/22 A class for maintaining CSV files. Author: Lars Holm Nielsen <> Licence: OpenSource TODO: Errorchecking, further advancements (e.g. sort functions etc.) */ class CSVfile { var $filename = ""; // Filename var $fp = false; // Filepointer - false if no file open var $mode = "r"; // Open mode - default is read only var $length = 65536; // Default length of line (must be greater than the longest line) var $delimiter = "|"; // Default delimiter //####################################### //# # //# Public methods # //# # //####################################### /* * void CSVfile( [string], [int] ); * Description: Constructor */ function CSVfile($filename = "", $length = ""){ if( $filename != "" ) // If filename is include in creation of a class $this->setFilename($filename); // Then set it. if( ( $length != "" ) ) // If length is include in creation of a class $this->setLength($length); // Then set it. } /* * boolean open(string); * Description: Opens $filename with $mode. Returns true on success, false otherwise. */ function open($mode){ if( ( $this->filename != "" ) && $this->is_mode($mode) ) { // Do we have a filename and a valid mode? if($this->fp) { $this->close(); } // YES - But if other file is open, then close it. $fp = fopen($this->filename,$mode); // Open the file. if( $fp ){ // If success, then set mode and filepointer $this->mode = $mode; $this->fp = $fp; return true; } else{ $this->fp = false; $this->mode = false; return false; } } else { // NO - Return false. return false; } } /* * boolean close(); * Description: Close an open file. Returns true on success, false otherwise. */ function close(){ if($this->fp){ // If filepointer exists then fclose($this->fp); // close file. $this->fp = false; // Reset class variable $this->mode = false; return true; // and return true } else { // else return false (no file open). return false; } } /* * boolean addRow(array,[string]); * Description: Add array to CSV file delimited by delimiter. Returns true if succeeded, false otherwise. * [string] is used by $this->removeRow(), and should not be used out side the class. */ function addRow($data,$type = "add"){ // If file is open in the right mode and we have some data then if( $this->fp && (is_array($data)) && ( (($this->mode == "a") && ($type == "add")) || (($this->mode == "w") && ($type == "delete")) ) ){ // Count how many fields we need (field1|field2|...|fieldn). $elements = count($data); for( $i = 0; $i < $elements; $i++ ){ // Create the entry to add to CSV file. $CSVentry = ( $i == 0 ) ? $data[$i] : $CSVentry.$this->delimiter.$data[$i] ; } // If succesfully written to file then if( (fputs($this->fp,$CSVentry."\n")) ) return true; else return false; } else{ // If no file is open, or we have a wrong mode/datatype/no data then print error msg $this->halt("No file open or wrong mode/data"); return false; } } /* * array readRow(); * Description: Read a line in CSV file, except the last those with 1 element which is like "". * Returns an array with the read data if succeeded, false otherwise. */ function readRow(){ // If we have an open file in the right mode then... if($this->fp && (( $this->mode == "r" ) || ( $this->mode == "r+" )) ){ // If read row from CSV file if( $row = fgetcsv( $this->fp, $this->length, $this->delimiter) ){ // Don't return a blank line (for instance the last) if( (count($row) != 1) && ($row[0] != "")) // Return CSV line in an array return $row; else return false; } else { return false; } } else { // If no file is open, or we have a wrong mode then print error msg $this->halt("No file open or wrong mode"); return false; } } /* * boolean removeRow(string, [int]); * Description: Read entire CSV file except the row "WHERE element[$field] like $test", * and writes all read data. Returns true on succeess, false otherwise. */ function removeRow($test,$field = 1){ // Store mode so we can open the file in the same state as it was before. if( $this->mode ){ $tmp_mode = $this->mode; $tmp = true; } else { $tmp = false; } // Open file for reading, if field is of type int and test isn't empty if( $this->open("r") && (gettype($field) == "integer") && ($test != "") ){ // Set some test variables $i = 0; $succes = false; while( $row = $this->readRow() ){ // While we have some data the read it $elements = count($row); // Count no. of fields for later usage. if( $row[$field-1] != $test ){ // If field no. <field> in read row doesn't contain <test> $listRows[$i] = $row; // Then add it to list $i++; } else { $success = true; // Else we have found the row to remove. } } $this->close(); // Close file, while we need to truncate the file to // zero length, and write all data again except the // row we wanted to remove (i.e $success = true). if( $success ){ // We have found the row we want to remove, and we // can therefore write data again (this will remove the wanted row) if(is_array($listRows)){ // If we only had one line in CSV, which we have to remove, then // we don't have any other data to write. reset($listRows); // Make sure the internal pointer in the array is points to the first // element. $this->open("w"); // Open the file for writing and truncate it to zero length. for( $i = 0; $i < count( $listRows ); $i++ ) { $this->addRow( $listRows[$i],"delete"); // Add all rows to file (while the row we wanted to // remove isn't save in the var, then it will be removed. } $this->close(); // Close the file } else { $this->open("w"); // We hadn't any data to save, but we need to remove the row // This is done be opening the file in mode "w" and close it again. $this->close(); } if($tmp) { $this->open($tmp_mode); } // If the user had a fileopen we it invoked the function, // Then open it again. return true; } else { if($tmp) { $this->open($tmp_mode); } // Same as the above. return false; } } else{ $this->halt("Couldn't open file, or error in parameters parsed to function!"); return false; } } /* * boolean setFilename(string); * Description: Sets filename to open. Returns true on succeess, false otherwise. */ function setFilename($filename){ if( $this->file_check($filename) ){ // Check if the file exists. if( $this->fp ) { $this->close(); } // If file open, then close it. $this->filename = $filename; // Set filename return true; } else { // Filename does not exists. $this->halt("File does not exists");// Print error message to screen, return false; // and return false. } } /* * boolean setDelimiter([string]); * Description: Sets delimiter. If not argument are provided, default value is used. Returns true. */ function setDelimiter($delimiter = ""){ if( $delimiter != "" ) // Has the user provided an delimiter? $this->delimiter = $delimiter; // YES - Set delimiter. else $this->delimiter = "|"; // NO - Set default delimiter. return true; // Returns true. } /* * boolean setLength([int]); * Description: Sets length of longest line. If not argument are provided, default value is used. * Returns true on positives integers, false otherwise. */ function setLength($length = 65536){ if( (gettype($length) == "integer") && ( $length > 0 ) ){ // Argument must be of type int, and greater than zero $this->length = $length; // Set length. return true; } else { $this->halt("Couldn't set line length"); // Print error message. return false; } } //####################################### //# # //# Private methods # //# # //####################################### /* * boolean is_mode(string); * Description: Checks string to see if it is a valid mode. Returns true on succeess, false otherwise. */ function is_mode($mode){ if( ( $mode == "r" ) || ( $mode == "r+" ) || ( $mode == "w" ) || ( $mode == "w+" ) || ( $mode == "a" ) || ( $mode == "a+" ) ) return true; // Referer to for valid modes and there meanings. else return false; } /* * boolean file_check(string); * Description: Checks string to see if $filename exists. Returns true on succeess, false otherwise. */ function file_check($filename){ if( file_exists($filename) ) // Does the file exists? return true; // YES else return false; // NO } /* * void halt(string); * Description: Prints an error message. */ function halt($msg){ echo "<b>CSV File Error:</b> $msg<br>"; return; } } ?>