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  Classes of Bogdan Zarchievici   Battlefield 2 Server Query   readme.txt   Download  
File: readme.txt
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Description: Readme
Class: Battlefield 2 Server Query
Query information from a Battlefield 2 game server
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BATTLEFIELD 2 - GAME SERVER QUERY CLASS Written by: Bogdan Zarchievici <> Version: 5.0.1.a Revision: Monday, February 06, 2006 at 5:10:15 PM Comments: works with any PHP version greater than 4.1.0. Special thanks to: Michael Damato, Brian Manning and all of you who have been actively interested in the development of this class. For more details on the Gamespy Query Format please visit: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ FEATURES: * Parses all data provided by the Battlefield 2 servers into one array. It's easy to use in any other PHP project. * Supports 1-128 players servers. * Shows the number of players that are currently connecting to the Battlefield 2 server. * Shows the number of players that will be disconnected from the server due to timeout. * Has three different templates that show you some advanced features of this class. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ USAGE: Call the PHP class: $battlefield_2=&new battlefield_2(IP,PORT); Getting the status of the Battlefield 2 server: $status=get_object_vars($battlefield_2); print_r($status['results']); You must complete the 1st and 2nd parameter of the status function with the IP and PORT of the Battlefield 2 server you want to query. There is currently only 1 variable that you can easily change: TIMEOUT = I recommend leaving it to 10 (ten) seconds. However you can increase or decrease it as you like. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTACT: Please use the following e-mail address in case you find any bugs. Also, feel free to contact me if you need any help setting up this class. If you use this class in your PHP project or on your website, please drop me a message and tell me the link to your website so I can put it on my website. opensource [at]