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File: example.php

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  Classes of Richard Heyes   SMTP Class   example.php   Download  
File: example.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: An example script
Class: SMTP Class
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 23 years ago
Size: 2,312 bytes



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** Filename.......: test.php
** Project........: SMTP Class
** Last Modified..: 30 September 2001

    ** Include the class. The header() makes
    ** the output look lovely.
header('Content-Type: text/plain');

    ** Setup some parameters which will be
    ** passed to the smtp::connect() call.
$params['host'] = ''; // The smtp server host/ip
$params['port'] = 25; // The smtp server port
$params['helo'] = exec('hostname'); // What to use when sending the helo command. Typically, your domain/hostname
$params['auth'] = TRUE; // Whether to use basic authentication or not
$params['user'] = 'testuser'; // Username for authentication
$params['pass'] = 'testuser'; // Password for authentication

    ** These parameters get passed to the
    ** smtp->send() call.

$send_params['recipients'] = array('richard@[]'); // The recipients (can be multiple)
$send_params['headers'] = array(
'From: "Richard Heyes" <richard@[]>', // Headers
'To: richard@[]',
'Subject: Test email'
$send_params['from'] = 'richard@[]'; // This is used as in the MAIL FROM: cmd
                                                                                        // It should end up as the Return-Path: header
$send_params['body'] = '.Test email.'; // The body of the email

    ** The code that creates the object and
    ** sends the email.

if(is_object($smtp = smtp::connect($params)) AND $smtp->send($send_params)){
'Email sent successfully!'."\r\n\r\n";

// Any recipients that failed (relaying denied for example) will be logged in the errors variable.

'Error sending mail'."\r\n\r\n";
// The reason for failure should be in the errors variable
