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File: pajax-parser.js

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  Classes of Guilherme Blanco   pAjax   pajax-parser.js   Download  
File: pajax-parser.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: pAjax JS Parser
Class: pAjax
Do RPC calls from the browser without page reloads
Author: By
Last change: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
| Version 1.5.10 - Date: 2007-01-23 14:15 |
- Corrected setFormParam function in pajax-core.js
- Corrected class.pAjax.php method excCall to deal correctly with arrays and
non-array arguments
- Fixed bug in class.pAjaxParser.php, method getPhpType. It was throwing an
error of unsigned offset 0 in $matches variable
- Updated examples (used php short open tags) and now they use the right one
Date: 17 years ago
Size: 8,268 bytes



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pAjaxParser.getJsType = function (v) { switch (typeof v) { case "object": if (v == null || v == undefined) throw new Error("Could not set null value as RPC param"); else if (v.constructor == Date) return "dateTime"; else if (v.constructor == Array) return "array"; else return "struct"; case "string": if (v.substr(0, 1) != "0" && parseFloat(v) == v) return "number"; else if (v.length > 100 || (v.indexOf("<") >= 0 || v.indexOf(">") >= 0)) return "text"; return "string"; default: return typeof v; } } pAjaxParser.jsDateToIso8601 = function (d) { function preZero(n) { return (n > 9) ? String(n) : "0" + n; }; return d.getFullYear() + preZero(d.getMonth() + 1) + preZero(d.getDate()) + "T" + preZero(d.getHours()) + ":" + preZero(d.getMinutes()) + ":" + preZero(d.getSeconds()); } pAjaxParser.iso8601ToJsDate = function (s) { var d = new Date; d.setFullYear(s.substring(0, 4), s.substring(4, 6) - 1, s.substring(6, 8)); d.setHours(s.substring(9, 11), s.substring(12, 14), s.substring(15, 17), 0); return d; } pAjaxParser.jsToXmlNode = function (v, xmlDoc) { switch (pAjaxParser.getJsType(v)) { case "number": case "string": return xmlDoc.createTextNode(v); case "text": return xmlDoc.createCDATASection(v); case "boolean": return xmlDoc.createTextNode(v ? "true" : "false"); case "dateTime": return xmlDoc.createTextNode(pAjaxParser.jsDateToIso8601(v)); case "array": var el = xmlDoc.createElement("data"); for (var i = 0; i < v.length; i++) el.appendChild(pAjaxParser.jsToXmlValueNode("pAjaxItem-" + i, v[i], xmlDoc)); return el; case "struct": var el = xmlDoc.createElement("data"); for (var p in v) { if (typeof v[p] != "function") el.appendChild(pAjaxParser.jsToXmlValueNode(p, v[p], xmlDoc)); } return el; } throw new Error("Unknown JavaScript Type"); } pAjaxParser.jsToXmlValueNode = function (n, v, xmlDoc) { n = n.replace("[", "__91__"); n = n.replace("]", "__93__"); var el = xmlDoc.createElement(n); var o = pAjaxParser.jsToXmlNode(v, xmlDoc); el.setAttribute("type", pAjaxParser.getJsType(v)); if (o.nodeName == "data" && !o.getAttribute("type")) { while (o.hasChildNodes()) el.appendChild(o.firstChild); } else el.appendChild(o); return el; } pAjaxParser.jsToUrlString = function (n, v) { var str = ""; switch (pAjaxParser.getJsType(v)) { case "string": case "text": str += "&" + n + "=" + pAjaxParser.encodeURI(v); break; case "number": str += "&" + n + "=" + v; break; case "boolean": str += "&" + n + "=" + (v ? "true" : "false"); break; case "dateTime": str += "&" + n + "=" + pAjaxParser.encodeURI(pAjaxParser.jsDateToIso8601(v)); break; case "array": for (var i = 0; i < v.length; i++) str += pAjaxParser.jsToUrlString(n + "[" + i + "]", v[i]); break; case "struct": for (var p in v) str += pAjaxParser.jsToUrlString(n + "[" + p + "]", v[p]); break; } return str; } // Correctly handle URI encoding, preventing bug of browsers to convert special chars (ie: ü as ü) pAjaxParser.encodeURI = function (str) { var newStr = ""; var dec; var itens = "0123456789ABCDEF"; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { dec = (str.charAt(i)).charCodeAt(0); // 0-9 (48-57), A-Z (65-90), a-z (97-122) if (!(dec >= 48 && dec <= 57) && !(dec >= 65 && dec <= 90) && !(dec >= 97 && dec <= 122)) newStr += "%" + String(itens.charAt((dec - (dec % 16)) / 16) + itens.charAt(dec % 16)); else newStr += str.charAt(i); } return newStr; } // Handle URI decoding pAjaxParser.decodeURI = function (str) { var newStr = ""; var hex; var itens = "0123456789ABCDEF"; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (str.charAt(i) == "%") { hex = String(str.charAt(i + 1) + str.charAt(i + 2)); newStr += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex, 16)); i = i + 2; } else { newStr += str.charAt(i); if (str.charAt(i) == "%" && str.charAt(i + 1) == "%") i++; } } return newStr; } pAjaxParser.parseXmlResponse = function (xml) { if (xml.parseError && xml.parseError.reason != "") { var error = xml.parseError; alert("Detailed Description of XML Parse Error:\n\nError Code: " + error.errorCode + "\nFile Pos: " + error.filePos + "\nLine: " + error.line + "\nLine Pos: " + error.linePos + "\nURL: " + error.url + "\nSRC Text: " + error.srcText + "\nReason: " + error.reason); throw new Error("XML Parse Error\n\nReason: " + xml.parseError.reason); } else if (xml && xml.documentElement != null) { var root = xml.documentElement; if (root.tagName == "pAjaxError") { var e = new Error(pAjaxParser.__getFirstChildElement__(root).text); pAjaxParser.__setError__(e); } return pAjaxParser.xmlRootNodeToJs(root); } throw new Error("Invalid XML document returned from RPC server"); } pAjaxParser.xmlNodeToJs = function (oNode) { if (oNode.nodeType == 3) return; switch (oNode.getAttribute("type")) { case "string": return oNode.text; case "text": return oNode.firstChild.text; case "dateTime": return pAjaxParser.iso8601ToJsDate(oNode.text); case "boolean": return (oNode.text == "true") ? 1 : 0; case "number": return Number(oNode.text); case "array": var nodeList = oNode.childNodes; var res = []; for (var i = 0; i < nodeList.length; i++) { if (nodeList[i].nodeType == 1) res.push(pAjaxParser.xmlNodeToJs(nodeList[i])); } return res; case "struct": var members = oNode.childNodes; var o = {}; var name, value; var re = /pAjaxItem-([0-9]*)/i; for (var i = 0; i < members.length; i++) { if (members[i].nodeType == 1) { name = (!(re.test(members[i].tagName))) ? members[i].tagName : (String(members[i].tagName)).replace(re, "$1"); value = pAjaxParser.xmlNodeToJs(members[i]); o[name] = value; } } return o; default: return undefined; } } pAjaxParser.xmlValueNodeToJs = function (n) { var c = pAjaxParser.__getFirstChildElement__(n) || n.firstChild; if (c) return pAjaxParser.xmlNodeToJs(c); return ""; } pAjaxParser.xmlRootNodeToJs = function (oNode) { var o = {}; var name, value; for (var i = 0; i < oNode.childNodes.length; i++) { name = oNode.childNodes[i].tagName; value = pAjaxParser.xmlNodeToJs(oNode.childNodes[i]); o[name] = value; } return o.result; } pAjaxParser.__getFirstChildElement__ = function (p) { var c = p.firstChild; while (c) { if (c.nodeType == 1) return c; c = c.nextSibling; } return null; } pAjaxParser.__getLastChildElement__ = function (p) { var c = p.lastChild; while (c) { if (c.nodeType == 1) return c; c = c.previousSibling; } return null; } function pAjaxParser() {}